
The little sister's system

As a system was granted to Deva she soon embarked on her own adventure; from exploring different worlds; from exploiting both the weak and strong to quell her lust and create any kind of scenario to entertain herself.

Delirish · Fantasy
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240 Chs

Chapter 10 We are not going in the wrong direction,right?

That mechanical voice,the song it sung... that song it feels familiar...no,rather than singing a song,it's more like a telling a story, a common and tragic story.

Despite artificial,you can hear in its voice grief and mournfulness.

From the first floor to here,I was able to hear it,each time by going up,I could hear it clearer and clearer and it seems that the only one in my group who can hear it is me.

-Oh, lost children,

-wandering aimlessly,

-in a land of despair,

"Deva?Hey?Where are you going?"

Ignoring their calls,step by step I get closer and closer to its location.

-a warm haven,

-is all they desired,

-oh,how they wished for that,

As if hypnotized,I dazedly walk toward its direction.

-oh,lost children, drift in that dream,

-as winter collects your bodies,


There is it, in front of me,a door made entirely of glass,from it...I could see...something vague.

"Deva?" Feeling a hand in my shoulder made me wake up from my state.

"Oh...sorry" What was that?Why it affected only me,mmh...as a precaution let's try those seeds.

"Deva,thank goodness there's no monster here otherwise they-hey this is?"Pulling out the seeds from the sack, I give one each for them.Mmh...there are now nine remaining.

Should I use them for negotiation or for the future?...

"Eat it.In the future it will boost our survivability.*munch**munch**gulp*It taste like an apple."

Without even hesitating they shove the seed inside their mouth.

"*gulp*Talking of food I'm hungry..."

"How hopeless,we ate few hours before we entered in the dungeon,besides there are the rations."

"But they are tasteless!I want something made from Deva!"

[You've eaten a seed of a World seed.You absorbed its essence and now it will grow within your soul.The process of its growth will depend on the user.As it grows over time it will grant several beneficial effects.Here the list and explanations of the effects from its sprout to its full maturity:

Cleanse:In order to grow it needs a clean enviroment therefore it will thoroughly clean the body and soul from all its impurities the moment the user is in a comfortable and safe place,the process might be painful but the results are incredible.Recovery speed will be tripled.The body will be lighter,tougher and stronger.Giving every level up two points of strenght,defense and dexterity.

Blessing of life:The tree will not only grant protection for its user but also wishes to see the user give life and grow that lifeform like what the user did with the tree.Negative ailments will be ineffective.Female or male,the user will be able to give birth to strong and healthy children no matter its own preference as only their mutual consent and the exchange of the 'juices' of life are the only requirements to make it happen.

Eternity:Forever together.As you and tree spent time together, it wants to be with you and your family.The tree will then lastly grant eternity,unable to die from time and age.]

After eating the seed,this is what system showed me and to the other two as well.

These seeds are wonderful! Ignoring the last part of Blessing of life...These seed are wonderful!

"Oh with this...maybe in the future..."

"Ehehe, so many...yes I want many as possible..."

"Hey,what are you girls thinking about?" Because they were whispering so softly I wasn't able to hear them.


"Okay..."So suspicious,you know you two are suspicious?You are making the same face of my teacher...


Suddenly the two of them moved their hands to their weapons,glaring in the direction we came from...


Finally.They are here.

"We are surrounded..."


"Calm down,they won't attack before without even attempting to talk with us"

"Princess!They are here!"


Elves wearing from head to toe heavy armours and armed with enchanted weapons surrounded us while glaring at us,within them you can feel resentment and anger.

"Oho,you are the rats causing trouble to us,hmm?Throwing all the monters to us while stealing all the treasures of the dungeon, don't you feel shame or despicable?Hmm?"

The one leading them the princess stands in front of them.

Blonde and pointy ears are the characteristics of elves while this particular speciment has silver hair and her ears are longer and thinner of a common elf.On her slim and long legs there are boots reaching her thighs,on her hourglass waist the scabbard of her rapier which is now being hold in her hand,her gaze stern and unfriendly.

"Despicaple?Shame?Oh,my,my!I wonder who's are the ones keeping the information of this place while killing all the ones getting near.Hmm?I,in fact,did a great thing you know?I gave you the chance to level up a bit and here you are stronger.Oh?Yet why so few and so worn out?Are the gifts your daddy gave you so little of value and garbage?Heheh!"

A cheerful expression etching on my face while my left hand holding the seeds in my back.

"You dare...!""Princess,this human dared to...!"

While the soldiers were clamoring.

We quietly gazed at each other's eyes.



"...For such a bunch of 5 levels trash who's going to die,you talk to much."

Oh?She seems to also have [Appraising].

"Oh,my,my!Aren't these very 5 levels who made you like this?Then aren't you all below than trash?"

Her face darkened,her body holding the urge to directly charge.

Unfortunately,one of her men couldn't do the same as he charged towards my position.

"Go get that brat!""Hahaha,learn your place"...The soldiers cheered while princess remained motionless.

"Velena,cut off its limbs." I motioned to Velena.

Unknowingly to Deva,the two that were a few steps back from her, were gripping their weapons and gritting their teeth.

Without giving a response Velena went to confront the soldier.

She sprinted towards him and arriving in front of him,she vanished for a moment and then reappeared to his left,without giving him time she slashed his legs,cleanly cutting them off, the slash was so fast that the blood gushed only after the soldier landed on the ground.He screamed as finally his brain transmitted the pain.

"So loud."Velena's voice was cold and indifferent.


Without even listening to the princess,Velena slashed two more times,cutting his arms.The soldier unable to bear to much pain,fainted while he still gushes blood.

"Here.Give him this potion so he will not die."I throw a bottle of a health potion to Velena.

Well, now it's useful only for closing wounds though.

"Yes!" Her voice and expression casually switched to the normal one.

"Now,now.It is not the time to be surprised,is it not?Aren't you searching for something?"

"They...dared to Gillian!""If we-"

"Silence!Don't act without further orders!"

"Yes,yes that's right!But, will you still be like that if..."

"That's!" Her eyes widened at the seed in my hands.

"I show you these precious things?"

I grin as Velena returned after 'healing' that soldier.


