
The Little Mermaid: What if Ursula had Won?

What if Ursula had won, and if Ariel had lost? This story introduces readers on a twisted version of the tale we all know as the little mermaid. Ariel searches for revenge against Ursula, and meets a pirate named Captain Hook in the process. Together, the two form an entire pirate army and prepare for a battle against the sea witch Ursula and her sister, Morgana.

inactiveuser2021 · Fantasy
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16 Chs


"She's waking up, love," Hook said to Ariel in a low voice. Ariel stared at Attina, who was chained up to the wall in Hook's bedroom. They had decided to keep her here, so that there wouldn't be any eavesdroppers.

Ariel walked over to the door, and pulled on her hat, making sure her face was shielded.

The mermaid queen groaned, and spat out a blueish greenish liquid- blood. Hook had seen the color of mermaid bloody several times before, when fighting with Pan back in Neverland. Neverland, which, according to Ariel, was soon going to be destroyed.

The mermaid- Attina- woke up, and looked around with wild eyes. Ariel was still standing near the doorway in the shadows. Hook, on the other hand, got up, and walked over towards the mermaid.

"So I finally get to meet the infamous Captain Hook," Attina said, glaring up at him. "The man who has the power to travel throughout the realms. Tell me- in which realm did you brutally murder my mother?" she said in a strong voice. So she knew. The eldest daughter of Triton knew about the story of how Hook had allegedly murdered Athena.

Hook was a person who hated taking blame for others, especially when the other person was the one who had done the deed himself, but he decided not to correct Attina. Playing this angle might actually be more useful.

"Where's the crown, mermaid?" Hook said to her. The mermaid sneered. "And what would you want with such a powerful artifact of light magic, pirate?" she said, saying the last word with all the hate she could muster. It was obvious Triton had spared no morality issues during his conversations with his daughter. Hook looked into the mermaid's eyes for the slightest bit of fear- but unlike when Hook had first met Ariel, there was nothing.

Hook glanced at Ariel, who was still hidden in the shadows, and raised his eyebrow, asking if she really wanted him to do this. Ariel nodded.

Hook unsheathed his sword, and slowly began drawing a thin line across the mermaid's arm. Her arm trembled in pain, but her face showed no signs of hurting. Hook frowned, but not because of Attina's weirdly strong behavior. He frowned because of his own. He had thought that torturing one of his closest comrade's sister would have been- well, harder to do, morally speaking. But Hook felt absolutely no remorse. He was convinced the reason for that was because Attina was a spitting image of her father- the man who had killed the one person Hook had ever loved-

Attina groaned, and steadied her breath. Without realizing it, Hook had digged the sword much deeper into Attina's shoulder than he had intended to. "She won't talk," Ariel said in a low voice. Hook looked over his shoulder and stared at her.

"Go. I want to try something," Ariel said, walking towards Hook and Attina. Wondering what the red haired pirate was up to now, Hook got up. "You should know- dark magic won't make me talk," Attina said defiantly. "I know," Ariel whispered.

Hook walked out of the room, and shut the door. The pirate captains were all planning for the attack against prince Charles's kingdom- but judging from how much magic Ariel had harnessed today, Hook was pretty much convinced they wouldn't need one.

Hook stood at the edge of the ship, watching the ship rock slowly beneath the waves.

"What is this place, James?" she asked, laughing. "A magical place, filled with wondrous enchantments of all kind," I replied. "Why did you bring me here?" she asked, smiling. "So that we can spend the rest of our lives here without worry. It is an island full of light magic, Athena- it has magic so powerful that you can come onto land, and go back into the ocean waters you wish." "I can come onto land?" Athena asked. "Yes," I replied. "Come, let me show you." "James!" Athena laughed as I lifted her up from the water and set her down in the sand. Less than a minute had passed, when suddenly, a flurry of golden dust traveled across Athena's tails. "Legs!" Athena said in surprise. "How did you come across such a place?" she asked. "My sister," I replied. "Elena really has a knack for finding these places, doesn't she?"