
The lion on the golden path

Late night on his way back from the convenience store, Mineta spots his classmate Mina on his way home. A sinister prank on his mind and a will to match it he follows her down an alleyway. His night takes a dark turn as he stumbles upon a murder in progress, a hellish reality awaiting. And so, a battle of fear and death commences

DegenerateCentral · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 5: A bewitching smile

Waking from a seamless sleep. He yawned, a few stretches knocking of the remnants of exhaustion away as he sat up, his temple slowly being lit by the rising sun.

Sluggish, Minoru takes in the surroundings, a place he would unashamedly say was the peak of efficiency. His computer stand slash figurine rack the first example, a sanctuary for studies and much-needed motivation, his custom made mahogany cupboard in the corner and a custom made full length mirror against the wall in front of it, thick lime Lennon curtains blocking the unrelenting sun adjacent to his bed, the precious guardian of his beauty slumber. He was grateful, many minutes of extra sleep were saved due to it but today felt different. Vigorous, he got off the alter of Hypnos, his duvet slid to the ground as he made his way towards the curtains. Slowly, he drew close to the source of the dampened light, a sliver of orange slipping through the creak between the blockades.

For a moment he stopped and stared at the sliver of white. The blockade not once failing yet today miraculously it failed, maybe his own fault the perpetrator or maybe a stray gust of wind. However, to him, it showed the will of light. That light will shine through despite all attempts to stop it. He sighed, a tiny smile gracing his face, yes today had felt different, he thought as he broke the blockade wide open and on the other side, a sunrise.

The sun's figure meekly peaking over the horizon slowly banishing the oppressive darkness of the night. The dawn had arrived and with it a horizon of opportunity. For today was-

"Oi, ya brat get yer ass outta bed, breakfast is-Eh? Up already, huh? Color me shocked" she began as the door flew open. His tiny figure jumped slightly at the sudden intrusion. A relieved sigh left him as a familiar frank voice spoke, a relaxed smile was what he returned.

"Morning to you too, Rin-chan. Guess you could chalk it up to a call to greatness" he said. His head turned towards the intruder briefly before returning towards the sunrise, his hands resting on the windowpane. An arched brow the response.

"Eh~ That so? Well, a little advice before you're on yer way" she said. Her arms crossed under her bosom as he sounded "hmmm?" Indifferent.

"First drop the chan, it's dono to you and second," she paused, her pale-yellow scanning him scathingly "Put yer Goddamned pants on!" she said. Curiously, he stared down, finding himself only clad in his purple boxers. As realization hit, a moment of silence pervaded.

"Like what you see?" he said. A smug smile on his face, the silent vibration from his phone ignored.

Zipping shut his suitcase as he finished his packing, he barely restrained himself from jumping from the juicy, thick, t-tender pu-possibilities! Right, possibilities that laid in front of him, he thought carefully not to get his hopes too high. After all with him being under the guidance of one of the hottest and yes, he meant hottest, new heroines, Mountain Lady. He was sure that he wouldn't be even close to being the only one there, devious pubescent boys sure to be a dime a dozen, that was not where his worries lay, no, his worries and his chances worsen if some scummy perverted smooth-talking pretty playboy was amongst his rivals.

"Damn pretty boys, always hogging all the babes" he muttered. Bitterness emanating throughout each word before he took a deep breath, his smile returned, his black drifting towards his figure in the mirror. Fixing the last blemishes in his appearance, he grinned satisfied. His inner charm on display, sure to win him favour with the buxom heroine. 'Surely' he thought, his nails in-between his teeth in his trance, taking a few deep breaths he smiled as assured as he could, removing his right hand from his mouth, everything would be okay. What's a hot babe when you faced death?

Shaking the thought off, he moved to grab his suitcase and headed towards the door with a spring in his step before he turned around, taking in his temple once more as he wouldn't be in for a full week, that might be the longest his been away. Taking in the four light green holy walls for the last time, he spots his phone atop his nightstand. His black widened for a second before he strutted towards it, a sigh leaving him.

"Almost forgot you, my dear. The trip there would've been mind numbing without you by my-hmmm?" he began. A notification, or to be precise a few messages, he stared confused as he unlocked his phone, the date of Midnight's debut. Scrolling towards line, he opened the app and there at the top was a message from his mom, Denki and a couple of group chats but…but at the very bottom was...an unknown chat.

'Spam?' he thought as stared curious, the nature the cause. What could it be, an old friend, wrong number, prank, doxxing? His mind raced through all possible answers all plausible as the text waited to be open and only it held the answers. So… slowly, slowly, slowly, he scrolled towards the chat, his body hesitant as the chat centred his gaze, he gulped before o-

"Oi, brat! Ya coming or not?! I ain't got all day, y'know?!" she shouted. Causing the boy to slightly jump before reluctantly locking his screen, the phone vanishing into his pocket as he raced out the door. After a few seconds he reached the front door, Rin leaning against the wall adjacent to the door shoved herself off it, annoyance plain before an arched brow.

"…Finally finished with yer little modelin session, huh? C'mon, the cab is just around the corner" she said. Her gaze heavy with wonder before disinterest, the elevator her target.

"E-eager to get rid of me for the week, aren't you? I'm hurt" he said. Disregarding the matter, he joked light, his unease poorly hidden as he followed.

"Less work, more free time, who wouldn't want that?" she said plainly. Whether she had notice or not, she made no sign of it.

"Touché, still hurts my achy breaky heart, but I'm in a good mood so I'll let it slide" he said. Shaking his head before puffing his chest with faux self-importance, everything would be fine, he knew it. He knew it.

"Oh? That the reason ya got up so early today?" she asked. Her brow arched again in question at him. His own to arching as well, when has she ever been interested in his life?

"Eh~ Is that interest I sense? The great Rin-san interested in lil old me?" he said. A smug grin spreading wide across his face, the chance one he could not pass up.

"The great still have some interest in them peasants at times, don't they? Call it simple curiosity" she said. The elevator doors opening an invitation, the two obliged, the ground floor calling them.

"Right, interest meaning how best to manipulate those peasants, right? Should I be worried?" he said jokingly.

"Ain't that a little too cyne, sinii, cyna…that word? Ya think after seeing this face for years, ya'd have a little more trust" she said. Her tone sardonic.

"Cynical? And no that's just a fact, everyone's a little self-motivated, trust just comes when your goals are aligned" he said.

"Aren't ya tryin ta justify yer own action with that little gem, that kinda thinkin makes a lotta enemies, y'know?" She warned before her yellow became unreadable, his rebuttal lost as his black gazed deep into her stare vacant "Though, it ain't a lie either." she muttered. Barely audible.

And just like that the rest of the ride was made in heavy silence, both lost in the sea of contemplation. In truth, he took a little offence to her statement, that his only "…tryin ta justify yer own actions" sure, his actions also fell into what he said but that also applied to everyone. Everyone had that one goal they'd selfishly chased after, yearned after, sought after, everyone had that one want.

Justification only came as a product of up bringing, a child shunned and hated by the world would likely develop a want to burn it to the ground, a child from poverty and hunger would likely develop a want to be rich, to grasp all the luxuries in the world, a child forgotten by all, treated as an afterthought would likely do all…do all they could to be remembered, to etched themselves into the minds of many. Perspective is what justifies and as humans, we are only limited to our own point of view. So, such things as selfishness are want at its strongest, that's what he was taught, such things as trust can only be born when their goals are similar, that's what he saw, such things as friendships are only possible with like-minded people, that's what he knew. Connection was born of like mindedness and mutual goals, that was fact. That was an undeniable fact, he knew it as such. He knew it…

Announcing their arrival on the ground floor with a bing, the trance was broken. The presumed cab right in front of the building. Heading for it swiftly, his companion followed, his luggage firm in her hand. Her face still set in an unreadable expression as always… as always? he wondered before it dawned on him, had he ever seen her smile?

A smile, a simple thing meant to express happiness, to express the joy one felt for something, some event or someone, a truly stunning smile only shown to those who held a specific connection, a bond that could be called magical in its strength, yet he had not her smile. Thinking back, he couldn't think of a single instance, a simple smile, a bright grin, a mocking smirk, a teasing leer, or anything remotely similar, nothing came to mind. He knew despite the fact that they were in the loosest definition of the terms boss and employee due to his mother hiring her as his caretaker along with managing the house, that their relationship was far more casual.

The constant bickering, the teasing and insults were part of their daily interaction, well the insults were more her thing but that summed up their relationship perfectly. And for the first time in a long time he would be away from her, away from arguably the person he was closest to and yet he never saw her smile. His stomach sunk at the thought, had she simply found him unworthy, had she found him disgusting…that's already been answered… then did she find him to be an ungrateful nuisance, one who was conceited and spoiled, he thought. An insidious brat who only brought nothing but bad fortune in his wake? The nature of her perspective of him his focus as she loaded his luggage, double checking if he had everything as a mother would.

It didn't help that he never knew what she was thinking, it didn't help that her poker face was nigh unreadable, it didn't help that this was her job. He sighed, the nature of her perception of him would forever remain unknown to him, the full view locked in the confines of her mind. He grumbled, his stomach churning with anxious acid, the thought that she hated him the pernicious perpetrator. The thought truly disheartening.

Honestly, he was grateful, had she not been around he'd have likely been far worse for wear. The house might've been a constant mess, proper meals would've been an afterthought and so much more would've been a reck, the amount of thanks he could say would not be enough. She had brought a semblance of peace to his once chaotic life and not once had she smiled…not once so he wanted to express his gratitude, to say thanks for all she's done for him but he knew those words wouldn't be enough, they would never be but… at least she'd know a bit of it right?

Finished with her run through, she nodded satisfied before shutting the trunk. He stood unsure of what exactly to say, what to say… "I appreciate all you have done for me" too stiff, "I humbly express my gratitude for all the deeds you've done for me" 'What am I, a knight' he thought, trashing the option. "Hey, Rin…Thanks for everything" 'I'm not Todoroki!' he thought, quickly growing frustrated with the lack of options. A honk from the cab not helping matters as he thought, the perfect words not yet found.

"OI! Ya getting on or not?! We ain't got all day!" She shouted pointedly. Causing him to jump, his plan unravelled completely.

"Th-tank you f-for everyting, Rin" he said. Before paling, he goddamned messed it up. Why, WHy, WHY?! He cursed in his mind, the villainous stutter returning at a crucial moment, he damned himself to hell for such an affront, why?! Just why! He thought as he was wallowing in self-pity. A confused stare the response.

"O-oi, what's up with the sentimental crap, huh? Got a fever or something?" she asked. An intense look of focus was plain on her face before she knelt to his level, bringing her hand to his forehead intent on checking for a fever, was he really that bad at saying thank you?!

"O-oi, stop making it seem like it's that rare, I just wanted to say thank you, okay?!" he said. As he weakly slapped her hand from his forehead. Just bury him now please.

"…Why?" she asked. Cutting off his wallowing, a look of confusion on his face.

"Hu-?" he began before a honk interrupted him.

"Hol' up a sec, would ya?! I'm paying ya, aren't I?!" she shouted. The honking instantly stopping, why was she so intent?

"Why are ya thankin me?" she asked. The intense shout ignored as if it never happened.

"H-huh?" he muttered. Dumbfounded from the whiplash, the abrupt change too much.

"Everyone's a lil self-motivated, right? So, tell me why?" she said. His words weaponized against him, he hated when she did that.

"B-because…" he paused. A little mortified that his reason would be exposed, he tried to make some kind of excuse. However, she glared intent, the meaning all too plain yet disheartening to him. It was Rinterrogation time, so no excuses would fly.

"Because" she parroted. His already weak will buckling under her intense gaze. His black preferring the concrete.

"Y-you've done s-so much for me" he said. His stomach dreadfully churning more vigorous as he did, the feeling akin to replying "you too" to a waiter after they wished for you to enjoy your meal. The unbearable embarrassment, illogical and annoying. However, that was truly what he felt, that was his own reason. So, he continued.

"Y-you've done so much, so so much and, a-and-" he began. The words failing to leave his throat, refusing to come together coherently. 'Speak damn it!' he thought, cursing himself silently. Speak or they won't understand, speak or they will lose interest, speak or they…the-

"I know" she cut off. His descent stopped by two simple words. An expression of understanding.

"H-huh?" he sounded unintelligible. His black meeting her yellow, the intense blaze gone, a sombre? glow within its place.

"I know what ya meant, ya brat no need ta say more" she said as she grasped his shoulder reassuringly. His black catching a ghost of a smile for a second, so brief that he questioned his black once again.

"B-but-" he tried once more.

"Ya said it once, right? That's more than enough fer me, got it? 'Sides there's a call waitin for ya, ain't there? Bout time ya answer it" she said. Giving a reassuring pat on his shoulder, not help by her still expressionless face.

Stumped, he stood silent the nature of her thought process throwing him for a loop. Despite pushing for an answer, despite pressing as hard as she did, his words of gratitude were shot down. The reason nigh impossible to decipher, however to him, an undercurrent of melancholy flowed in her last statement. The undercurrent made him wonder… what was it she was looking for?

Spun towards the direction of the cab, she began ushering him towards it. The conversation dead as she complained like she always did, helpless to oppose he entered, checking with him once again.

Despite his confusion, despite her utter disregard for his thanks, the feeling returned. She had always been diligent in her care, subtract her demeanour, hell add it in and you would get a caring tsundere. Through the dere was still left to be seen, though it still didn't matter if he didn't see it, even if there was nothing but disgust that she felt for him, even if she only ever considered this a job she needed to do, even if she had a selfish reason for doing it, it didn't matter. Right, it didn't matter and why was that?

"Alright, alright, ya got all ya need and cabby here. Extra for the trouble got a little heated there, my bad" she said. Handing a few extra notes before she turned her attention to him.

"Ya know what I'm gonna say right?"

"Yeah, yeah keep safe, don't trust anyone, keep an eye out always, burned into my brain thank you very much"

"Who got robbed just the other day?"

"…My humble apologies"

"Ugh…Look, ya ain't no helpless kid no more, I ain't tryna treat ya like one neither but-"

"The world's a scary place, right? I haven't forgotten, I haven't but it's a hero's job, isn't it? To make the world less scary, right? So, I'll have to face it, to face the monsters of society and… fight"

"…Ya ready fer that?"

"Hell no! I'd be turned to mince meat if I tried now but…nobody likes a weakling with a cowardly streak, even less so if he's a hero…"

"That so? Well then all I got to say is, good luck brat, knock em dead and stay safe"

"Hai, hai! Rin-chan, will do"

"That's Rin-dono, What I say?"

"My humble apologies, Rin-chan"

"Ya…Ya know what, not even gonna acknowledge that"

"Pretty big word you said there, I'm impressed"

"Whatever, bye bye not gonna miss ya"

"Goodbye to you too. Oh and Rin?" he called. The retreating figure pale yellow on him. And with that a took a deep breathe, the car slowly being to pull away. He didn't have much time but he needed to do it, for his selfish, selfish lion heart. He began.

"THANK YOU" he shouted. Defying her wish loudly, he spoke, the two words of gratitude expressed clearly. It doesn't matter if she hated him, it doesn't matter if it was just her job, it doesn't matter if he was nothing more than a devil to him. And why? Why was that? Well, that's cause his heart told him to say it. Regardless of what came or what stood in the way, he would always speak his heart, just as Jiji taught him, just as he was taught.

"Ya…YA?!" she shouted back. Her face sure to be twisted in anything but indifference. He wonder was it embarrassment, was it rage or was it a sense of indignation, he couldn't tell but that was for him to deal with when he came back.

"Ya…" she muttered. The car far out of her view, the only witness to her words the wind. She grasped her hand tight as if clawing at the skin on her palm, her grip only tightening as she thought on his words. Thank you…Thank you, those two words why…why…just why? Why did he mean then…why?

"Ya can't thank me, there's nothing to be thankful fer" she said. Her words whispered in the wind hollow. The sight of the rising sun stomach churning.

"How awful…it's almost time" she muttered. Checking the time on her phone.

"How awful indeed" she said. Before walking back towards the apartment, phone in hand.

"Right, Darling?" she muttered last. The churn of her stomach forgotten.

He swung his legs excited, the day off to a good start. Free from the burdens of the past and the future's light never shining brighter, his grin remained. He smiled as he stared back, her silhouette slowly disappearing.

"Caring little miss, ain't she?" the man said. His eyes scanning the boy from his rear-view mirror, the suddenly question unexpected, he must be one of chatty ones.

"I guess, kinda hard to tell" he said. His answer honest, a somewhat anxious smile on his face as he did, his uncertainty far too telegraphed.

"I wouldn't worry all too much" he said. Giving him a kind smile.

"Hmm? Why?" he asked. His attention fixed on the man.

"I might not know much about you or the little miss but I'm sure your onee-chan cares about you, her actions says as much" he said. An amused look on his face as he stared at the mirror, Mineta was sure it had to do with his face.

"Onee-chan?" he asked. Confused by what the man assumed. What in any of their interaction screamed that they were siblings, weren't siblings supposed to be loving and opening with each other?

"She isn't? My bad with how you two act, I assumed, you can ignore this old man" he said. A sheepish smile on his face as he did. However, Mineta still wished to know.

"Is that how it looked?"


"Is that how it looked, the two of us"

"Wouldn't have assume if I didn't have anything to go by. It reminded me of me and my onee-chan, despite being kind of dictator, despite pretty much always complaining about taking care of me, she cared. I guess, I saw a little of us in you two. Guess it's just an old soul yearning for old days" he said. A look of nostalgia plain on his face along with an undercurrent of emotion.

"That so?" he said. Leaning back into his seat, despite it being just a single point of view the idea was planted firm in his mind. Through all the bickering, insults and weekends of unending true crime documentaries could he consider her his onee-chan?

"Son, could I give a bit of advice?" the man asked. His dark brown catching the black Mineta as called out, a simple nod was all he returned as he listened, unsure of what else to say.

"If you care and you want to know, to understand. Don't…don't be afraid to reach out" he said. The aura of kindness of the old man vanished, his eyes narrowed with intensity and… a deep sorrow.

Finding his words to fail him. He nodded, the weigh of those enough to make him sink to the bottom of the ocean. The old man clearly harbouring a painful regret. A regret which haunted him. So, he heeded those words attentive before he realized. He never asked the old man what his name was.

"Sorry sir seems like I forgot to introduce myself. The names Mineta Minoru, nice to meet you. I'd like to remember who gave me that advice" he said. Bowing slightly with respect.

"My, my never expected my words to have that kind of impact. Nice to meet you Mineta-san. I'm Hinode Tomura, I'm very glad we met" he said. A kind grin plain on his face.

Train station, how he hated them. Firstly, with trains being the primary transport a majority of the country took there had always been a ridiculous amount number of people migrating, so imagine how easy it would be for him to get lost in the smothering heat of those mass of bodies especially when you into account the goddamned morning rush! Secondly, let's say you manage to escape the orderly mass of people. Well, lucky you, lucky you, you get one of the most convoluted, indecipherable piece of shit maps you could ever get, where was he supposed to get on and off where?! Thirdly, imagine being stuck with a comically oversized bag while trying to find your way, not very pleasant now is it?!...What was that, the last one having nothing to do with train stations, whatever, it was still a pain he had to deal with here.

Glaring at the map as if to set it on flame. He grumbled, unsure of where to go

"I'm sure Aisawa-sensei said platform 13 but where the FUCK is platform 13" he said. A frustrated huff leaving him. He turned, leaning on the display case before he slumped towards the ground, defeat plain as if he were waving a white flag. He had been at this for what felt like an eternity, all the help he had enlisted only serving to get him more loss and confused. At this point, he might have long since become late, the internship missed and Aisaw-sensei's…punishments sure to follow. A shiver travelled up his spine at the thought but another lose caused him more grief and that was those boobs, those huge h-honkers, that magnanimous ass, those plump…s-succulent…l-li-lip-

With a jolt, he got up, a wave of determination filling him. How could he give up on something this trivial, on something so insignificant, wasn't he a hero?! Didn't he survive USJ?! Didn't he get the girls in his class in those cheerleader outfits?! Didn't he survive that robbery, he survived all of that so what was this! So what if he couldn't understand that shitty map, so what if he was more lost then a kid without their mother, so what if his one hundred percent didn't help at all then he just have to go beyond. Yes to go even further than BEYOND.

"PLUS, ULTRA, THOSE BOOBS ARE FOR THESE EYES ONLY!" he shouted. Turning towards the accursed board with vigour. However…

"UGH! Where is platform 13?!" he shouted. Progress zero.

Seething silently to himself, he sunk once again. His defeated figure sure to gain some stares yet despite his stomach sinking a bit at the thought, he wallowed finally caving and bring out his phone, his last available option was, dial a friend.

"Umm, M-mineta-san?" A hushed voice called. The sudden call causing to jump slight before he sighed, this happened way too much today.

"Huh? Yeah, the one and onl-wow~" he began. As he stood, he began puffing his chest with pridefully as he was approached by the fan, his boast stopped shout by awe. His heart beating furiously.

Standing firm in front of him was a caramel skinned slender girl clad in a sun dress, her short curly dark mane fluttering gently in the wind brush her lean shoulders only slightly, the top of her head crown of dark red roses, her sharp crimson eyes gave way to a gaze so soft and demure, her call delightful. Her moist pink plump lips stretched into a gentle and somewhat awkward smile, sincere and welcoming the glow albeit a little too bright, he could see him staring endlessly at it.

Her white dress displayed a good amount of all of women's greatest weapons, first were her mommy milkers, B-cup, no C-cup perfect for motor-boning, his face buried deep in such a heavenly valley, an absolute blessing. And her developing hips adding to her overall figure, a slender hourglass, temptation at it's finest add the cherry on top with those long, long legs, tender yet firm, slim with just the right amount of fat, slowly walking towards him.

The clack of her heels slowly, almost hypnotic as her hips sway seductive, his attention fix before she draws his gaze upwards the allure of her teal, his gaze completely fixed her heavy-lidded eyes, her bedroom eyes. Slowly drawing closer and closer until their breaths are entwined, the warmth of her lips an inch away, her tender hands slowly touching, trailing down his..h-his-

"E-earth to Mineta-san, didn't sh-shock you to bad, did I?" she said. Stammering over her words slightly as she scratched her flushed cheeks sheepish. C-cute!

"Ah, no, no just not used to having a smoking hot babe approach me. I'm not dreaming, right?" he said. As he lost himself in her crimson as they begin to shine more…wait, did he just say that?!

"Eh, me s-sm-smoking, uh did not, uhm s-sorry" stuttering wildly, she was unable finish her statement. Her gaze to the ground as she began to toy with some strands of her hair, a shy smile on her face. He…he wasn't dreaming right? This wasn't a dream, right? He wasn't still laying in that alleyway dreaming of impossibilities coming true, right? He did just affect an absolute jaw dropper of a women like a Todoroki type would, right?!…So, this was the power of being a hero. Truly a freighting and awe-inspiring power.

"Ah, s-s-sorry, here I-I am stuttering after you gave su-such an am-amazing compliment, I didn't ev-even introduce myself, I-I'm sorry, I'm truly s-sorry for this pathetic self" she said. Responding to the silence with heartfelt apology she bowed, her husky voice cracked as if she was genuinely close to tears. Bewildered by the sudden shift, he looked around for help, a few looks of scorn and indifference were all that met him. It wasn't his fault, he defended against the scorn, she had made herself cry!

The defence useless, he sighed turning back towards the still bowed girl, a faint whimper all he could hear. He sighed yet again, 'give me a break' he thought. Barely, a short while after they met a girl began crying, despite the fact that she had started crying all on her on he couldn't leave he like this. Yes, for nobody deserved to be left alone when they're hurting, nobody.

"Oi, s-sweet cheeks no need to cry. Just got lost in those boobies of yours, so how about we start from the top, huh?" he said. Giving what he hoped to a reassuring smile, somewhat undone by the awkward scratch of his neck.

"E-eh? Start from t-the top, s-sorry, I'm uh-um Aktsu Aiko, N-nice to meet!- OW!" she began. Her head moving swift unexpectedly, attention to distance an afterthought until their heads collided, a dizzying pounding ring filled his head.

Slowly, his blurred vision adapted. The frantic clumsy girl exasperatedly moved her arms in panic as she examined her work, she muttered self-depreciating curses before attended to the bump. The babeafied murphy's law threw out rapid apologizes, her alluring yet adorable face unaffected by her furious scowl, patching up the growing bump with practiced ease. Once again apologizing, she finally reluctantly left, his stomach dropping as her figure retreated. His mouth unintentionally calling for her.

"A-Aik- Akatsu-san, wanna leave without at least a number, isn't a little to c-cruel?" He said. Standing up, a part of him died as the confident façade broke yet again at the end before sighing another arrow of shame pierced him, the line a little too similar a certain type of playboy's lines, the practise moot, it only sounded like a half-baked excuse, he thought before being hit with the aftershock. Great, now he sounded desperate.

"E-eh?" she sounded unintelligible. Flinching at the unexpected call, her head swivelled towards him in confusion and forlorn hope, unsure of the very words she was hearing.

"Y-y-you're… you're talking to me, right?" she said meekly. As she pointed at herself, her crimson glassy as if tears had been held back in a dare to hope, the response shocking, she was quiet a dramatic girl, yet the sight of dampened crimson and quivering lips held his heart hostage. His very soul raging against such a fragile expression, demanding he change it, the bashful smile a much more pleasant sight, his smile sure to follow soon if he played his cards right.

With a grin he puffed out his chest, his veneer of faux confidence on full display, at the very least he could try to get her line, two howls of absolute bliss maybe soon in his future, the possibility all hinged on this moment. He gulped, a wave of anxiety followed, his grin wavering a bit but taking a deep breathe he was this far, time to go to the beyond, Plus Ultra!

"N-nah, I was talking to umber umber hot Akatsu-san next you. She's got a pretty great rack" he said. The reply meant to show his playful side, a chuckle a sure thing, he thought.

"Oh…" She muttered. Her crestfallen face telling otherwise, her crimson dispiritedly stared at her chest in angst causing him to panic. Oh come on?!

"How dense are you?! I'm talking about you!" shouting frustrated. He glared, her face beginning to take on the colour of her crimson before covering her chest shyly. The compliment finally getting through.

"Mo~ I-uh hey, y-you…Meanie" she began. Before ending in a pout staring at him, his gaze reciprocated for a long while before.

"-Pfft" a strained laugh began to escape him. The clumsy girl dropping her guards as well, a hearty giggle escaping at the mess of awkwardness that was this interaction. The failure of a conversation was nothing but laughable now as they finally came to understand. The other was nothing more than an awkward bumbling teen, the previous nervousness melting away.

With a wheeze, the two ended the laughing fit. A sort of bond born from a similar struggle was made. His legs slowly, carrying him towards her his hand raised in a wait for a proper greeting, the girl stared for a bit reluctant before smiling, her hand meeting his.

"Forgetting that disaster of a first meeting, I'll be in your care from now on, I hope. And, you still didn't get your autograph, right?" he said. The statement filled with shameless arrogance or so it seemed. His ironic smile giving the game away.

"Y-you're r-r-right, I didn't, d-d-did I? Wo-would you be so k-kind" she said. In turn, her phone displayed in earnest, slowly his eyes were filled with joy, the urge to jump and shout great yet he fought valiantly, taking out his phone. With a touch, the exchanged contact information, a self-conscious grin graced both their faces before his black glanced at the time 9:24. A pit formed his stomach.

"SHIT! I'm gonna be late" he said. Rushing towards his suitcase before the situation he had been dealing with hit like a freight train, a dispirited mutter was all that left him as he slumped against the display case.

"S-s-something w-wrong?" The characteristic stutter of his companion entered his ear as sulked, his head heavy with depressed clouds.

"I was on my way to platform 13 for the internship but this god forsaken map makes no sense, so I've been kinda lost for an hour" he said. Admitting his weakness readily, the need to vent overwhelming. Time running out.

"Platform 13?" she said. The first clear sentence she said as she adjacent to him, a sweat drop appearing on her face.

"C-could it be t-t-that you came with a cl-class 1 a" she said. His body folding in on himself, he was so in for the Aisawa treatment when he was to come late, a shiver travelling down his spine.

"Could i-it be that they are a-all d-d-dressed in th-the same uniform?" she said. The pleasant drone of her voice drowned out in his imagination; a simple muttered affirmation was all she got.

"Could i-it be t-t-that you te-teacher would be the e-e-e-easer hero, easerhead?" she asked finally. Only greet a lifeless, listless yes before the words had been proceeded. Aizawa-sensei?

"Wait, what did you say?" he said. Staring at her before slowly following her gaze sluggish, his eyes slowly filling his eyes, that couldn't be, that couldn't fucking be.

"Could th-th-that be the p-pl-platform 13, you were l-lo-looking for?" she said. Point in the direction where they were standing, the world had truth blessed him today.

"You…you…you!" he began. Speechless, he could be nothing but speechless, how could he express what he was filling, this intense, unbearable emotion. How could he even begin to express it?

"You're a goddess! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you~!" loudly expressing his gratitude, he bolted towards his suitcase, securing it both in his hands. The puzzle solved by a sheer luck it, thanks to the benevolent actions of the highest being. Bowing indebted towards her, he began to move towards. The internship now in place.

However, his black began to wonder back. Maybe it had been her absolute banging body, maybe it was her slightly annoying yet adorable stutter, maybe it was just her being the Athena to his Heracles, but he could not at least look back and bid her a proper goodbye. Turning back, to the dumbfound girl standing stagnant in the perpetually moving crowd, she stood out effortless. Maybe goddess wasn't an exaggeration.

"Akatsu-chan!" he shouted. Despite the disapproving stares and scornful looks, he didn't care. He needed to say this.

"M-m-mineta-san" she called. Looking cluelessly in the crowd, another arrow stabbing at his heart. His goddamned shitty character design.

"You probably can't see me right now so I'll say this once!" he said. His heart beating all the more furious. It was a few simple words, just a few simple words could change the iffy base that was already established. Just those words could cause her to be weirded out. Just those words could cause her to laugh. Just those few words could make her hate him. It was just a few words yet he couldn't find the words to speak. His words once again stuck in his throat, useless.

Regardless of how much he repeated that last lesson, regardless of how much he tried to follow it, he would always relapse, just how unashamedly was this pathetic self.

"M-mineta-san, still t-t-there?!" she said. The prolonged silence causing her unease, he cursed, useless. How useless.

"Y-Yeah!" he muttered back. Staying silent a bit too cruel.

"O-okay, you h-h-had s-something to s-say, right?!" she asked.

"Y-yeah!" he said

"T-then can I a-a-ask so-something b-b-before you?!" she asked.


"C-can…C-c-ca…CAN I SEE YOU AGAIN?!" she shouted. Her words, the clearest they've every been.

"I-i-it doesn't ha-have to b-b-be now, i-it doesn't ha-ha-have to be anytime s-s-doon but…u-um I-!" she said. Her voice getting harder and harder to hear before it was drowned out in the hustle and bustle. Her despairing figure slowly being swallowed by the crowd. Being swept up by the crowd too his answers was lost in the sea of voices. Cursing, he quickly brought out his phone, his answer crystal clear, finally reaching her.

Slowly as the crowd separated the two, he stared wishing to see. Was he being played, was she put off by his eagerness, did she not received it. However, all he is worries, all his angst was moment he saw her check her phone. A smile, a grin that could melt the heart of the coldest monster, a beam that the sun couldn't even compare to, a smile that could only be called bewitching.

As she disappeared from view, the only thing that was left was the phone in his hand. A bing signifying that he had received a message. Unlocking his phone once more, he saw it was from her and it read

( 9: 27) Red r0ses: Can't wait 😉

"…This girl is dangerous" he muttered dumbfound. His cheeks awfully hot.

"Cutting it close, aren't you. Found something really saucey online or…What's up with you, dude?" Denki said. As he wondered to platform 13.

"What's up?" he asked rhetorically. As if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"What's up?" he said louder. His face down cast, covered by shadow.

"This grape is on TOP OF THE FUCKING WOR-HMM!" he began. Before a binding shut his mouth. A vicious glare emanating from none other than Aizawa-sensei.

"First you're late and then you got shouting at the top of your lungs. You're in class 1 A, right? So, behave yourself" he said. Scolding the boy. However, he cared little as today had him on the top of the world, absolutely nothing could stop him.

"Guess you're alright, huh~ Mineta? I'm glad" Mina said smiling. His black drawn naturally to it.

He was truly blessed.