
The lion on the golden path

Late night on his way back from the convenience store, Mineta spots his classmate Mina on his way home. A sinister prank on his mind and a will to match it he follows her down an alleyway. His night takes a dark turn as he stumbles upon a murder in progress, a hellish reality awaiting. And so, a battle of fear and death commences

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9 Chs

Chapter 3: Fragile peace

He was walking, a peaceful strut. The world a wonderful place with buxom women everywhere, cloth leaving little to the imagine nation, sultry gazes falling onto his body. Sultry whispers of his name resounded everywhere; the world's greatest hero only deserved such. Skimpy nurse, nun, police and hero costumes as far as the eyes could see, the fabric struggling to contain the delicious flesh hiding under, his head on the heavenly soft thighs of midnight, naturally she was his number one.

Swiftly, the scantily clad women began to caress his body, eager to touch, an obvious response. He grunted, his pants becoming uncomfortably tight, a hand softly caressing the tent the pitched up, Momo, his second favourite. He smiled as she geared up to service him, her blowjobs some of the best, he would be sure to return the favour as she always liked, her warm breath tickling his little him.

"DiSguStiNg" a mutter from above him, the tone wraths incarnate. He blinked as he looked up, a shadow covering her gorgeous face. Unease filled him.

"It WaS yOu" it muttered; warmth robbed with those words.

"N-nemuri?" he asked. The many girls backs turned towards him, the light atmosphere gone, darkness leaking in. The shadow on her face gone.

"Reh koOt UoY" it muttered. Her wonderful sky blues grew redder and redder, and with it her face cracking, a nasty gash carved into the right side of her face. His skin was itchy.

He jumped as he saw the crimson, gagging as a pungent smell hit his nose. The pathway narrowed, two concrete walls blocked his escape the only way out up ahead. He ran and ran and ran,

"Reh KoOT UOy" the mutter growing louder. The alleyway grew narrower.

"REh KOOt UOy" it said louder almost shouting. The alleyway narrower with each saying of that gibberish. His breathes heavy, his skin itchy, he wanted out.

"REH KOOT UOY!" it shouted. His body flew and flew and flew. Up and down became indistinguishable, left and right swapped, vertigo hit, his stomach lurching.

He flew and flew and before he knew it, the sky was at his fingertips, gravity took hold after. He fell and fell and fell, the air cornering him, his limbs unable to move, he felt crammed, he felt sick, he wanted to scream. Yet, he fell and fell and fell, the odd crammed air tighter than even the ground closer than ever, he tried to scream yet nothing came out, the world would not hear his scream, no one would hear his scream, no one. He fell and fell and fell the ground inches away, a body a little away from him smiled, the torn cranium doing nothing to the vicious smile on it's face.

It laughed as it sensed him before it sang "Serves you right~" and he fell, the ground met his face warmly.

He awoke with a start, his throat pushed to it's limits as he screamed, he touched his body all over, terror quaking his heart.

"Oi, oi, oi! don't scream into a person's face first thin' in the mornin', talk about rude" she said. A mighty glare fell upon him.

He stared blank at her before he sighed in relief, the terror was just a dream. A dream, yes, a dream but… what was it about?

"Now ain't the time to be thinkin', get up, gotta clean this mess up. Thought you's was growin' up but I guess I was wrong" she grumbled. Beckoning him to get up. He stared in wonder before he shivered, a coldness enveloping his bottom half. Slowly, he lowered his eyes to his duvet, a giant wet spot laid plain. He flushed embarrassed. The shard of glass on the floor ignored.

Four buildings stand strong in close proximity to the other. The buildings dozens of reflective blues faced the cardinal signs each, seemingly unable to connect. However, a small bridge of reflective blue connected, holding them together, the four buildings in unity, in peace together. The sea of lush green adding to the strong beautiful harmony, the sight one to inspire peace. The disorganized cogs sure to move orderly once again, they were sure to…they were sure to…

"Hey, you're gonna burn a hole in the building if you stare too long, dude" Denki said. His trance broken by the touch of a firm hand, a look of worry met him as he looks up, he was that out of it, huh?

"Fortunately, or unfortunately, I don't have laser vision, skirts would reveal their secrets if I had that kind of precision" he joked. A weak smile on his face.

"Hello police, like to report a little gremlin, his crime, tempting thoughts" he said. "But anyway, you good? It's just been a day since you're run in happen, perfect excuse to skip" he said. The light-hearted joke betrayed by the concern on his face, it's at times like this he knew he had his back, anxiety be damned.

"I'm a diligent student unlike you and thanks for asking but…I'm a hero or hero in training aren't I. My harem of babes will be lost if I can't bounce back from a simple mugging" he said. His tired black gaze in stanch opposition to his statement, disbelief colouring the blondes face.

"…I'll believe that when you stop looking like a zombie. But never mind that we'll see Mina today, gonna check in on her?" he asked.

"And say what "glad you're not dead; thought I saw you before I got jumped"? Besides, the girls will most likely try to keep her away from me, thinking it's some new scheme of mine" he argued.

"Sounds simple enough to me minus the girl wall standing in your way. Can't be helped, you're like their natural enemy…dude?" he asked. His yellow stared in wonder before he deadpanned, his partner in crime lost in some perverse fantasy.

"And here I was worried about you. You never change, do you?" he muttered.

"Can you blame me, a wall of busty babes, perfect excuse to get so much hand fulls. Momo's full cups, Ochako's medium premium melons, Tsuyu's surprisingly big mommy milkers! All of Mina's super athletic body! Kyouka's…Kyouka's uh" he began. Before trailing off, a look of intense focus on his face.

"Cute face" Denki said. An instant reply. Almost hurriedly.

"Yeah, she is pretty cute, but other that than she's just a wal-OW OW OW" he screeched. Something piercing his back. He jumped, his black widening in terror, weightlessness an unfortunate familiar feeling.

He snapped his head back quick, his black pleading silently, tears threatening to spill as he stared back, he didn't want to be sent flying again.

"A what? Sorry, could you finish that, ya perv? Also, who gave you the permission to say my first name, huh?" she asked. A dark shadow covering her face. The hands of fury sure to descend on the boy.

"Cute, adorable, loveable face. That's what he said, so please have mercy, Kyouka-chan" he said. His eyes shut, as he bowed low, the furious trance doused swiftly.

"C-c…I-I'. I'll let it slide this time, but it's Jirou-san to you. Not Kyo…what's up with him?" she asked. Coughing awkwardly before her question, his fearful black blank in a dazed state.

For a few seconds he breathed heavy, his heart beating away at his tiny rib cage. He feared it would break. For a few seconds, he sat still on the ground, his mind wondering back to that day. It might have been his mind filled with so much, it might have been the constant state of paranoia he had been in or maybe he had been trying to supress it for whatever reason but now he knew. He was pushed. Someone snuck up on him and sent him to the mur…to the spot with the thugs, meaning he was probably targeted…but, but if that had been the case, there seemed to be one thing out of place.

"-ude? Yo, dude? You good? You look like you've seen a ghost" he said. The slender figure of Kyou… Jirou behind, faint trances of guilt on her face.

"Huh? O-oh, uh, I-I just remembered something important, never mind me" he said. A weak smile graced his face. Conflict displayed heavy in her onyx before a sigh escaped her, her message soon to be relayed.

"Oh~ Mr and Mrs Kaminari cozying up close this early in the morning. All that's missing is some cherry blosso- Oh hey, Mineta didn't see ya sitting there, the concrete must be comfortable right~" she sang. Her mischievous grin replaced by a smile that put the sun to shame on her face. He squinted unsure.

"Mina, too early to break out the…wait" she began. Regret now plain.

"Wedding bells? I was kidding but seems like wedding bells are in your future, my, my, my, I see that these two days have been fruitful, huh~" she said. the mischievous glint filled her eyes as red coloured the cheeks of her intended targets. Forgetting the boy as they bantered.

He stared, still dazed. Her smile bright and natural as always, her skin smooth and unbruised as always, her exotic black and gold eyes filled with glee as always. The question he wished to ask now filled with uncertainty, if she saw it, if she saw what he saw how could she smile so brightly? His mind unwilling to recognize his own oddity. Hypocrisy at it's finest.

Slowly, he began to move to talk, the words trapped before the call of school interrupted, his question left in the air. He blinked shaking his head as he followed after his classmates, their rush left him unfazed. His eyes landed on the retreating back of the ever-energetic pink, the vision reminiscent. He shook his head yet again, a degree of firmness within. He was beneath one of the many pillars of the hero education system; he was safe here. Yes, his mind would finally be at peace…However, true peace would only be reached once he had his answers.

Time passed and so he began to plan, a chance sure to show if he kept an eye out. Watching, he saw the excitement on her face at the mention of the internships, he was too far away. Watching, he saw her frustration in picking another name, Alien queen had been a cool name, his chance lost as she began to talk to everyone else, his antics the same as ever. Watching, he saw her walk down the hallway, her firm legs carried her away swiftly, his chance lost. Watching, she laughed with her friends, surrounded, happy, he couldn't intrude, his chance lost. Denki's 'quick' conversation with his other classmates left him alone. Alone again.

All alone again, he thought as he tumbled towards the bathroom, his mind in disarray. He couldn't think, it happened again, why was it, why did it happen again. They didn't see him, they wouldn't see him, forever unseen akin to air. He walked faster and faster, the four walls and cold marble his two companions as he finally came to.

"Damn it, it's simple ain't it, Minoru? Get yourself together, it's not the same, they can see me" he cursed. His heart ached as unwelcomed memories filled his mind, the stall not helping matters. Swift, he moved to the exit, the door unresponsive.

"N-not funny" he muttered. Trying the door again…Nothing

"O-oi, this isn't fucking funny, okay? The door was fine when I came in what sick joke is this" he said. Unease filled him. He shook the doorhandle forcefully.

"P-please not again, don't. I don't wanna be here anymore" he said. Breaths uneven.

"Please let me out, I'm sorry. I won't do it again" he said louder. The walls closing in.

"Please! let me out! Don't ignore me! Don't ignore me!" he shouted. The stall much smaller.

"Please! Let me out! Help! Help, me! PLEASE! JIJI!" he shouted at the top of his lungs. The door shook in response.

He breathed faster and faster, bright white peeking through as the door slowly opened, his legs moved before even he realized. He jumped onto his Jiji, the man always kept his promises. He gripped tight, refusing to let go as he shook, not ever again.

"Um, Glad to see me, aren't cha? Y-you're okay, now, dude so could you let go" Denki said awkward. His hand scratching the side of his head.

"We shall not speak of this again, ever" he said. His head slumped in defeat. The grace of the setting sun upon them.

"Ditto, though can't believe you're claustrophobic" he said. The gate their target.

"We shall not speak of this again, ever" he said.

"No need to repeat, okay, I get it. Having a pretty rough week aren't cha?" he asked.

"Gaah! You have no idea, first I get mugged, then this morning's two incidents, then I get stuck in the toilet, and finally, I didn't get a chance to speak to Mina at all! A little luck would help, you sadistic writer!" he shouted to the sky.

"Feeble attempt at a fourth wall break aside, you had plenty of chances to talk to Mina. That's on you" he said.

"Give me a break, even the most charming have their off days. Besides how would I even start talking to her" he said.

"I forgot how much you suck at talking to girls without throwing out any innuendos."

"The culture is a way of life, Denki. Hence, it has embedded itself in my speech, it can't be helped."

"The way of loneliness, you mean. Besides, it ain't that hard to have a normal conversation with girls, but of course, since it's me saying it, I guess that it's not really comforting"

"Yeah, when last has Mr smooth talker got some digits, huh? also you dare insult the culture. No more sauce for you."

"Shut up! It's about you, not me Mr porn addict. Just go talk to her and before you say she's gone she's up ahead." he said. Pushing him towards the ever-energetic pink girl.

He watched as she bounced on the soles of her feet as she hummed. Her short, fluffy, hair gently swaying with the wind, the sunset only heightening the sense of ethereal beauty he saw at that moment. He stared blankly for a few more seconds before he shook his head. The beauty of the soul was non-existent, ugliness always existed somewhere within, so eroticism of the body was the only thing that was purely beautiful regardless of how it would fade over time. However, as he stared, his heart was touched not by the familiar longing of lust but…his cheeks flushed red before he shook the thought away. Turning to rebuff his blonde partner in crime, the surrounding area empty as he turned.

"Guess an idiot has his days. Damn it" he cursed. Before making his way over. His steps unsure and uneven, his heart beating at his chest. He was sure it was the anxiety of the unknown. Not the simple peaceful smile on her face.

Step by step the distance closed between them, the breeze gentle and the rustle of the trees soothing. The world seemed to be made of just the two of them, his worries faded away a little. His body less tense almost at peace. True peace refusing to leave his mind, however.

"M-mi…Ashido, nice weather, we're having, huh?" he said. Before cringing, so lame.

"Wah! Oh, Mineta. You aren't gonna try anything weird, are you. Cause I can mess yo-" she began.

"What?! No! I just wanted to ask something, what kind of pervert do you take me for! I've got standards" he said. Indignant.

"Relax~, I was kidding…mostly, partially? A little?" she trailed off.

"I inspire that little faith, my feelings are hurt" he said. Faux sadness on his face.

"Well, you were screaming for Tokoyami to beat the clothes off me, so can you blame me?" she asked.

"How the hell did you know that?!" he asked.

"You know, it would be smarter to deny it. But you're a proud perv, got my confirmation cause of it. So, what did you want to ask, huh~? Better not be anything perverted" she said. Smiling peacefully.

"Damn it…It's not, uhm…" he began. The question on the tip of his tongue before he was taken by her smile. Words could not describe the warmth that smile brought him, different from the smiles he usually saw from her. His face heating up more each second he stared, his black lingering on with her small button nose and large black and gold eyes a bit too long. He dropped his gaze conflict brewing, the flush gone swift as memory played. Did he wish to destroy that peaceful smile, to push that gaze away from him, horror sure to fill those gold and black. But, if he hadn't imagined it, if she really was there then, maybe she saw something more useful than he had. He…he was a hero in training, the least he could do was try, if he didn't then he would never be cool, no one would look at him, that hero would never be-

"Sorry, I'm late Mi-chan, got caught with…you" A voice said. Disrupting his train of thought.

Quickly, he stared at the perpetrator, his black inquisitive. Long white bangs somewhat covered his eyes, however as he stared more intent, blue glared coldly back. A shiver travelled up his spine. Unease pervaded.

"You know Mineta, Yuki? How'd you two meet?" she said. Curiosity plain in her eyes. Curiosity stirred in himself too.

"That's his name? We kinda had a run in, he bumped into me a few days ago, he wasn't all there, dazed and bruised all over, barely able to speak. He was really beaten up" he explained. The flow of the events somewhat logical but…the sense of wrongness pervaded; this boy's existence was off, very off.

"Heeeh?! Really?! Mineta, what happened?! You okay?!" she asked. His breaths shorter. His vision blurred.

"Mineta?" she asked. Unnerved by the silence.

"Huh, y-yeah, got beaten half to death. Can't describe the amount of relief I felt when I woke up the next day. But never mind that you…you saw me?" he asked. Unsure.

"I tried helping but you flipped out, saying you'd don't wanna die. Honestly, I was at a loss" he said. A guilty expression on his face.

"I-it's fin-" he began.

"No, it isn't I let you wonder off on your own when you were hurt badly. Sorry can't even begin to describe the amount of regret I feel. But it's the first step, I'm so sorry" he said. His bow low.

"It's okay, I…I'm alive and well so you can raise your head" he said. The sense of awry only building. He wished only to get out of here.

"That only makes me feel worse…Mina, you think he can join us? I really want to make it up to him. Please!" he said. Bowing lower.

"No Mi-chan. You're really~ serious, aren't you? I'd look like the bad guy if I shot this down. Plus, you had something to ask me, right? Mineta?" she asked. A bright smile on her face. The glow sinister in his eyes.

Slowly, the cogs turned, the exits to this situation closing off. He had to know what they knew, he had to make sense of the nonsense that befell him. But, those blue…it unnerved him. Go or don't go, the answer simple, the decision heavy. Go or don't, the offer seemingly innocuous, however…those blue, that smile, he couldn't trust it. Go or don't. Go or don't. Go or don't. His mind's cogs spun in circles, the answer nowhere close. Go or don't. Go or don't. Go or don't. he-

"Mineta" she called out. The trance broken swiftly.

"You don't have to come, y'know? We sprung it on you outta nowhere, so if you don't wanna come with I understand, I'm sure Yuki understands too, plus you need to rest. It's a hero's duty to take care of themselves too" she said. A gentle peaceful smile on her face. His heart nearly skipping a beat.

He stared at the other boy, a flash of grey in his eyes before a gentle smile. Was he seeing things? His gaze traveled between the two often. Uncertainty pervading. He stared and stared; his eyes more drawn to the smile of the ever-energetic pink, the rare smile persuasive. If he didn't ask now, he'd live in a state of paranoia, unsure of his very mind. The answers might confirm his insanity, it might confirm his suspicions, it might confuse him all the more. But he needed those answers, two possible witnesses in front of him, he had to ask.

"I-I'll come with" he stuttered. His decision courageously made.

"You sure? Don't you think you need to rest more? Or are you just grabbing the chance to be around a cute girl for a long time?" she asked.

"…Y-yeah, spending time with a hot babe is a bonus. Besides, I still have my questions, the rest will have to wait" he said. A feeble attempt at a bright smile.

He began to track behind them, the fragile peace left in search of true peace.