
The Lion in Remnant (Warhammer 40k x RWBY)

The Lion, the first Primarch, Supreme Grand Master of the Order, was struck down by Luther, someone who he considered his brother. A psychic attack inflicted by Luther left Lion El'Jonson mortally wounded. As Lion laid on the stone cold ground of the monastery the last thing he saw was the Watchers in the Dark carrying his body to somewhere he did not know. As his eyes grew heavier with every second he fell silently into slumber. When he awoke he saw something that completely changed his entire world. Cover art by Mauro Belfiore(Didn't commission just found it on Pinterest)

MirukuTaku · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Lion El'Jauneson

It has already been a month since I have awoken within the body of this child. My name is now apparently Jaune Arc, son of Nicholas Arc and Juliette Arc née Argyris. It appears that my parents have quite the active love life with having 8 children.

The eldest of these children is Saphron, she is a dependable and responsible woman as she had a help in raising a majority of my siblings and I. Then the second-born Tangerine Arc who seems to be quite popular with the local children as she is what she calls a 'babysitter' I have no idea why parents would pay a woman to sit on their children though.

Then we have the twins Iris and Indigo Arc, they are pranksters willing to go through any lengths if that means they're target suffers ultimate humiliation. They say they want to make it as T.V. hosts, whatever that means, and have a prank show.

Now we move onto my younger siblings, Linna Arc is a studious and smart young girl, skipping a grade ahead of her peers. Next we have Beryl Arc, a tomboy so to speak who likes to play rough and is often found playing in the woods out back with other boys. Finally we have the youngest of my siblings Viola Arc who's quite the shy girl and spends most of her time with me.

After I had been attacked by a Beowolf my parents became overprotective of me and refused me to go out unless I am accompanied by one of my older sisters. I have to say though that this is quite restricting and it annoys me to no end, however I do enjoy playing with little Viola she's such an adorable child, very polite as well.

One night while everyone in the house was asleep I snuck into my mother's study and researched the world I had found myself in. The memories of Jaune had instilled me with some common knowledge such as the grimm and the basic ones such as Beowolves, Ursa, and Nevermores.

However once I delved into the culture of this world it bared similar cultures to that of Terra's ancient nations. Vale seemed to hold resemblance to some countries in Europe and North America. Mistral holds resemblance to multiple Asian and Mediterranean cultures, it seems to also be a nation riddled with crime.

Atlas seems the closest to the imperium in structure as it is a mostly militaristic nation with the General holding a lot of power. Finally, there's Vacuo which seems to be a divided nation consisting of multiple tribes within the region.

I also acquired knowledge about dust, I knew that it was used for cooking and powering the house, however I initially thought it their term for electricity. Instead what I found was that dust is a phenomena that seems to be the crystallized physical embodiment of elemental powers. There was fire, ice, earth, and wind dust which were the most commonly used, however some types of dust such as hard light and gravity seem to hold a great importance for combat usage.

The information which surprised me the most however is that there is a power similar to that of psykers. The people of Remnant call it Aura, a manifestation of the soul that grants those who wield it with better physical abilities as well as granting a forcefield around the person with aura. That is not the most interesting part of this soul power is that it can grant a specific ability tied to a person's personality.

The power of aura is incredibly versatile as one can use constructs made out of their own aura and use it as a projectile. Aura can also heal a person from an assortment of wounds depending on how much aura a person has, and how severe the injury is. My first course of business should be to acquire such power, as it could lead to me once again gaining access to the warp.


In all my years as a mother I have never been so worried about one of my children until a month ago. After being attacked by a Beowolf my son has become more antisocial, often quietly reading his books around the house or just playing with Viola and his other sisters.

I can't begin to imagine how much my boy is going through, but I will make sure that he never has to go through something like this again. It seems though that despite his antisocial behaviors he is still on good terms with his sisters and seems to be getting along better than before the incident.

Honestly, sometimes I wish to see my son smile again. He shows barely any type of emotion and when he does it is incredibly vague and hard to discern. Is it wrong for me to think that this isn't the child I once knew, like he isn't even my son anymore. I know it's wrong for me to think of Jaune like this and I abhor myself for it, but is it so wrong for me to want my son the way he was before?


I know what happened to my brother, and I wish I could've been there for him. My friends and teachers keep saying things like 'You couldn't have known' or 'It's not your fault', but it most certainly is my fault. If I had just gone with him to get the firewood instead of just reading my book none of this would've happened.

Jaune being like this is all my fault and I can't help but feel responsible for his situation. I try to take my mind of the topic when suddenly I was called. "Saph sweetie, do you mind going to the store to pick up some more toilet paper! We're done to 2 rolls!"

I merely sigh and reply "Yea sure!" and put on my parka since it's the middle of October and I don't want to catch a cold. As I was putting on my boots at the door suddenly I heard the sound of tiny footsteps behind me.

I turn around to see Viola, Pumpkin Pete rabbit in hand, dragging Jaune with her towards me. I ask her in a playful tone "Now what are you doing here you little munchkin? Bothering Jaune again?" as soon as I finished she started to pout and get huffy "I'm not bothering Jaune! And I'm not a munchkin, I make sure to finish my vegetables!" She vehemently stated.

I couldn't help but giggle at her antics as I scoop her and Jaune into my arms. "You two are really adorable you know that. I really hope you don't grow up!" I theatrically cried out. While Viola repeated that she'll become a 'Super Cool Grown-up' I couldn't help but probe for Jaune's reaction. "How about you Jaune? Are you going to become a Super Cool Grown-up too?" He looked up and met my eyes and with a bright smile he said "Yeah, I can't wait to grow up!"

As soon as he said that I couldn't help but gawk at the entire situation. After nearly a month Jaune had smiled brightly like he did before. I quickly put both of my siblings down and said a quick goodbye and walked out of the door.

After I had walked around 2 blocks I couldn't help but slump against a wall and cry. My brother, after a month had finally regained the smile that he once lost. I cried and sniffled, leaning on the brick wall of an abandoned laundromat, feeling such relief that his smile was back.

I didn't know how long I cried but I was still able to go to the store and come back without worrying anybody in the house. After that I had dinner with the rest of my family, and everyone seemed to notice that Jaune had become livelier recently.

After dinner I helped mom and Tangerine with the plates, watched some crappy sci-fi kids movie with Jaune, Viola, and the twins, and did some physics homework. After that I helped dad bring back some firewood inside the house and went back to my room.

As I began to fall asleep I couldn't help but smile and cry once more knowing that my brother was back. Words could not describe the joy and relief I felt when I finally saw him smile again. I kept thinking about that moment at the doorway and just like that I had cried myself to sleep that night.


What Saphron did not know was that nearly half of the Arc household had also cried themselves to sleep that night as well. As they to had finally seen the once quiet and antisocial boy, go back to being the loveable, goofy, and clumsy kid he once was.

The younger sibling may have not fully understood the entire situation, however they were of course incredibly happy to see that their big brother Jaune was back to his nerdy bubbly self. As the family sleeps, one of their members was actually quite awake.

They seemed to be doing what seemed to be stretches? Why would they do this type of exercise at this ungodly hour? However, this person was the Lion, now known as Jaune. Why would he be doing stretching exercises while everybody is sleeping? Only he may truly ever know the answer.


This body is young, despite the fact that I can feel my gene-seed within me it seems as though my other body modifications have not been integrated. I can feel them growing within me, however it seems that they will need time to mature within my body.

I'm currently training this body by increasing its flexibility which will improve the health of my body, therefore increasing the pace of which my organs grow. Despite me wanting to become more physically stronger it would be detrimental to the growth of my young body.

The memories of this Jaune have completely integrated in my mind. I remember everything since the day of his birth, I remember every emotion he's ever felt, and as much as I find it ridiculous I have come to see the Arcs as my own family.

The emotions and memories of Jaune are now mine and mine his. We have become one, so to speak and that doesn't negate the individuals we once were. I may have been Lion El'Jonson, and I may also have been Jaune Arc. However, we are now one, I am he and he is I and now I will forge my own path in this world.


A/N: Yo here's the second chapter hope ya'll are enjoying this fic so far. I'm here again to remind you that I have no upload schedule and just post whenever I want to so don't go hoping that this is a daily occurrence. Anyways buh-bye now see you in the next cahpter.