
The Lion in Remnant (Warhammer 40k x RWBY)

The Lion, the first Primarch, Supreme Grand Master of the Order, was struck down by Luther, someone who he considered his brother. A psychic attack inflicted by Luther left Lion El'Jonson mortally wounded. As Lion laid on the stone cold ground of the monastery the last thing he saw was the Watchers in the Dark carrying his body to somewhere he did not know. As his eyes grew heavier with every second he fell silently into slumber. When he awoke he saw something that completely changed his entire world. Cover art by Mauro Belfiore(Didn't commission just found it on Pinterest)

MirukuTaku · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Company(Emerald City)

I awoke to a girl around my age asking me if her and a friend would be able to sit in the same booth as me. With regards to the etiquette I have seen in this world so far I accepted it with no hassle and allowed them to accompany me until the end of theirs. Just as I was about to once again fall into a slumber the confident on who woke me introduced herself.

"Hey, I just realized I hadn't even introduced myself yet. Hi! My name's Coco Adel, and this little cutie right here is Velvet Scarletina." she stated. "Coco! I c-can introduce myself y-you know." The one with the bunny ears said in a low tone of voice.

"So big guy? What are you doing on this train? It's heading to Phastos academy, so what are ya? Some alumni coming back for a speech or maybe a new teacher~?" Coco asked in a sensual tone

"I'm afraid you're mistaken miss Adel, I am neither an Alumni nor am I a teacher, I am heading to Phastos to take the entrance exam and become a full-fledged student of the academy."

Once I had stated the truth the two of them looked at me with wide eyes and gaping mouths, looking at me as if they had discovered a new type of grimm. Naturally, I was confused about the skeptical looks that the had given me and I obviously asked what was wrong.

"What's wrong?! You look like you're in your mid twenties! You're saying that me and Vel are older than you!?" Coco had exclaimed in exasperation

"Even if my appearance seems to be more mature than what age I really am, I assure you that I am indeed 15 years old." I had stated calmly.

"That's actually kind of old for a new student, usually they're around 13-14 instead of 15." Velvet had stated in a whisper.

"Well my family was quite insistent that I first learn as much as I can from my father before I could enroll within one of the academies." I explained to my now known seniors.

"Well since we've got around an hour before we get to Pharos why don't we get to know each other. Who knows maybe we might give you some insider info for initiation." Coco suggested in a playful tone.

We proceeded to enjoy each others company stating facts about ourselves, which led to some faces of surprise once I mentioned that I had 7 sisters. A couple prayers were said in favor of my mother, which confused me as I did not know as to why they prayed for my mother. I explained to them that she was in good health and that she is in no way suffering, but Coco had simply shushed me and told me that I wouldn't understand, and she was correct.

We talked about our lives, family, our reasons of becoming huntsmen and such. We played games such as Bastille Hold'em which is identical to Ancient Terra's Texas Hold'em. We played for sweets that we had brought or bought from the snack cart, and I came out victorious as it is mostly a numbers game which is only made easier when I'm the dealer as it is easier to keep track of cards like that.

I was accused of cheating by Coco several time but she could never prove it which only made it more hilarious when I have a better hand than her. Velvet, the innocent soul, wasn't very good at cards as she was raised in a semi-conservative family that abstained from alcohol, gambling, and other 'unholy' acts. Velvet has since become more loose, but she still clearly looks uncomfortable gambling.

We were so engrossed in our own little world that we had almost missed the intercom announcing that we had finally reached Pharos. We packed up the candy and cards and went to get our luggage, and after a few more minutes of shuffling, nudging, and squeezing we finally got off train.

Once I had exited the cart the glaring light of the afternoon sun hit me in the eyes momentarily blinding me. Once I had regained my vision I gazed my eyes upon the renowned academy. It was a rather large building that looked like it was originally a lighthouse. Instead of looking like a regular school, the academy was more akin to a fortress not unlike the ones on Caliban. It was a large estate covering from what I could estimate about 95,000-100,000 sq feet. The school was surrounded by a rather big town, perhaps a population of 30,000 residents. On top of the school's tower was a flag with an insignia of an emerald castle with high towers.

As I was enjoying the view of the academy a sudden slap reached my back, it was not painful however it was surprising to say the least. I turned around and saw Coco with a mischievous grin as she suddenly dragged me by my arm towards the academy.

I saw no harm in letting her do this as it would in no way detrimental to me, however I do pity Velvet somewhat for having such a boisterous and enthusiastic friend. In all honesty, it reminds of Leman Russ, with how extremely brash and reckless the two are.

I thought that she was dragging Velvet and I towards the academy, but it seems as though she is leading us towards a clothing shop. As soon as I enter the shop I am greeted with the sight of coat racks, display cases, and mannequins all displaying top-notch fabrics in intricate and fashinable designs.

I ask Coco as to why we're her and she answers me. "Well stud, we're getting you new threads, because in all honesty you have no sense in fashion." "Why would I need new clothes? The ones I'm wearing are both practical and comfortable, I do not understand as to why I have to wear such frilly and tight clothing." I said in a confused tone.

I hear a gasp to my left only to see that Velvet has a look of terror in her eyes, one that I have seen on the veterans of Caliban who have fought endlessly through the horrors of warp storms that plagued the planet. Those eyes have seen true terror itself never changing as if they are still witnessing the horrid monsters that once stood before them.

At first I was concerned as to why someone such as Velvet would have such a stare. Then I turn and see the look on Coco's face, it was one of mischief and evil, as if she were to condemn me to a thousand years of torture that she herself would oversee.

My assumptions were unfortunately correct. She had forced me to change into outfit after outfit, matching colors that fit my complexion. This had gone on for nearly 2 hours before she was satisfied with what she picked. She had picked 5 different outfits for me for different occasions and told me to change into the 'casual' one immediately.

I was previously wearing a simple white t-shirt under the Pumpkin Pete hoodie my sisters got me and a pair of light blue jeans and sneakers. Now I am wearing a huntsmen-grade black dress shirt under a white leather trench coat that ended at the middle of my calf along with a pair of white chino pants, black dress boots, and a pair of black deerskin gloves.

At first I was adverse to what Coco had chosen for me, however the more I moved around in the outfit the more I realized that it was quite comfortable and practical. It wouldn't draw too much attention to me as this was apparently close to what's common fashion in these region, but it also allowed me to maintain full mobility, that and the gloves provided me with a better grip.

I tried to pay for the outfits but Coco had insisted that she would pay for them and that she didn't need payment. Velvet had assured me that it was just Coco being herself so I decided not to worry about it anymore. I checked the time on my scroll and surprisingly we still had an hour and a half before we had to be at the initiation.

We took our time heading to the school and by the time we reached the assembly we had 10 minutes to spare. The current Headmistress, Alani Clementine, was a petite woman standing around 5'6 with bright orange hair with a tanned complexion. She was currently giving a speech about pushing past limits and all that nonsense.

She then told us that the initiation battles would be held in the courtyards behind the school. I couldn't find Coco or Velvet anywhere which didn't surprise me since they are my seniors. I went out to the courtyard and found 5 different rings about 7 meters in diameter each. There were different instructors at each of them. After all the new students entered the instructors explained the rules to us. We were to spar with the teachers for 5 minutes, obviously they wouldn't go full power at first but they did explain that they would increase the intensity the longer the spar went.

We would be graded on physical ability, aura manipulation, and technique. I was situated at the 3rd ring which had instructor Bradford Ebony. He was a well built man standing at 6'2 with green eyes, wild long black hair, and a pale yet freckled complexion. His weapon was a double bladed glaive that split into two sawed-off shotguns.

As he fought with the students before me I observed how he fought. He was fast, unbelievably so that it seemed that every time you blinked he would appear in a different spot. He relied mostly on his shotguns, but that did not mean he was terrible with his glaive. He would move swiftly around his opponent attacking their blind spots, slowly whittling down his opponents until they were too tired to even punch back.

His attack patterns were random often attacking the joints and back. He relied on his speed most of the time, constantly aiming for his opponent's back. After much deliberation I had found the perfect strategy to defeat him. After a few more rounds I was the last to be called to fight him, and as I stepped onto the dirt arena he greeted me with a raucous laugh.

"Hahaha! The final student to enter Pharos! You look really strong young man, I look forward to teaching you this year! Tell me, what's your name?!" He exclaimed loudly.

"My name is Jaune Arc, it is a pleasure to meet you sir. Let's have a productive year."


A/N: I'm back with another chapter hope ya'll weren't too lonely without me. Anyways enjoy this chapter and let me tell ya'll something. Would ya'll like me to include a little white swallow?