
the lion and the tulip

Lilith is a wallflower, a teenager who fights hard to survive, her indifferent mother, lost father, and creepy stepfather. Her wounds are invisible superficially. For others, she's just a freak. Daniel is the definition of strength. blonde with streaks of golden brown clumsy hai blue eyes, and fire in his eyes. He is the crowned prince of Atlantis, the everlasting nation. His battles turn the hells into ash. And all he needs is his soulmate to complete his crown. This is the story of two worlds in collision, two people in a collision that can make the strongest pair in the universe How will Lilith's and Daniels's worlds collide? Through the freaking dreams. I don't know for now. But if they meet it's more than just the Sparks. Be with me in this wonderful ride of battles, romance, adventure friendship action, mysteries, and love.

Chinnu_002 · War
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17 Chs

5 Revenge doesn't wait

beep...beep....beep.The smell of the phenolic antiseptic was piercing her nostrils. Nobody was in her white room, the curtains were drawn. Her left arm was wrapped up in a green cast. She had scratches on her knees and ankles. Her elbow was swollen from the fall and her head was put in a wrap with a neck brace. The nursing supplies were displayed in the trolley, where lignocaine, the local anesthetic was seated proudly. She wanted to numb the pain. She wanted to numb the memories. She didn't know what she wanted. She was confused, flushed, and frustrated. But most importantly terrified and alone. The tragic combination of life.

She reached for the lignocaine tube, took some in her palms, and rubbed it over her bloody knuckles and knees. The fall wasn't an easy part. She winced at the memory. Jeff has crossed his line. She had to report it to someone. But considering the circumstances, her witness is not liable. She was the one who screamed Daniel's name out loud, in her zoology class and doubted to be someone of self-harming behavior the other day. The court would easily believe the testimonies of hundreds of students and half the teachers over anything she had to say. And Jeff has been putting up extraordinary acting skills in front of them. Anyone who will have the slightest to care about what she had to speak was Jesse. But obviously, they are not in speaking terms. It will be a surprise, if he even shut up, about how she has been so easy for him to his disgusting jock friends.

In addition to all that, she was beginning to feel self-doubt too. She was pretty sure that she didn't slice her arm on the steel cupboard rim next to her desk. The 'dreams ' are becoming more and more real, day by day. Who is Daniel? Is it just a prank that her mind plays on her? If then, she has a creative imagination to be a fiction writer and stuff. But she was afraid now. Was she losing her mind, as all those people say.? Is she a freak in reality?

Lilith carefully unwrapped the bandage in her left arm. To her immense surprise, there was no wound. But she was sure that she saw blood gushing out, once she woke from the dream. Lord...!

Is she suffering from schizophrenia? She had phases of hallucinations and nightmares, well, not exactly, still. The only time she's is positively normal is when she's awake. If medically considering that, as a case of the lucid interval, she has to be certified as a severe case of schizophrenia, if she would explain her situation to any doctor.

Who shall she turn to? It's not like she has a mother or father who is very attentive to every need in her growth waiting for her at her doorstep. All she has is a deadbeat stepdad, who can enroll himself to be an actor who can play the role of a pedophile quite effectively.

After processing all the available data of her condition, Lilith lied to doctors about being perfectly fine. Let's say, she just hid some facts and a few white lies. That doesn't count as lying, right? She is fine. Plus, there's always a scale. Great, good, okay, bad and fine. It was not like anyone was waiting for her to tell them about what happened to her. They were completely satisfied with her reply of fine. They were too busy to get rid of her from their hair.

She returned home fast from the hospital. Only because, jeff reassured the doctor, multiple times about how he was going to continuously monitor, all the medical needs of his sweet daughter. Yeah, the whole loving entity in her life was anxious, if she would open her mouth about the abuse. As far as Lilith was concerned, she was relieved, when she found that she wasn't raped..., yet.

Jeff must have been so distressed, finding her drowning in her pool of blood, that he ditched his plan of forcing himself on her and took her to hospital, claiming his clumsy stepdaughter had a severe fall from steps. After all, he needed bait to leach out all the privileges and money her mom offered. And losing Lilith to death means losing all his current luxury, which would be distressing. Other than that her mom doesn't mind if her daughter had quite a few scratches or bruises or abuse signs on her body.

Ms.Alice Clinton, the greatest advocate who screams at the top of her lungs against the violence happening to women and children, doesn't want to know what happens to her daughter. She is perfectly fine with a simple explanation of a clumsy daughter. If the mother doesn't care, who else would possibly do that? So, yeah, she is the one here with really slow reflexes. Lilith wondered what's the real difference between her mother and an ATP machine.

But Lilith wasn't someone who just went down without putting up a fight. Yeah, she indeed has no one to turn to, with her problems in hand. But, that doesn't mean that she can't solve her problems. The weirdest thing that she still questioned deep in her mind about the whole incident is that there was something creepy at the last moment before she closed her eyes.

It felt like someone else could feel her fall, along with her, someone who took the effect of the fall, that might even null some of the after-effects of the fall. But accepting that thought would be a huge leap for the platonic relationship she has with sanity now. Yeah, ignorance is the key for now. She decided to discard the growing feeling within her and go forward with her plan to teach her malicious stepdad what happens when you attempt to force yourself on your freaking medical genius, stepdaughter. Stress on the step, please.

Don't call her sadistic. But, she needs to remain safe when she is under pain-relieving medications. Her stepdad needs to be kept on the line if she's going to take medications that make her limbs less resistant. As usual, Jeff was living with cheap Mexican beer stocked in the fridge. Because of the gravity of the crime he has committed, Lilith decided it's alright if he is punished, and obviously, she needs to remain anonymous as for the causative factor of his condition to be.

As soon as she entered the kitchen, she pulled out the painkillers she had been prescribed to take. Fentanyl, an opioid that can provide pain-relieving effects in nonalcoholic people was her medication. Don't raise your brows, on her extensive knowledge of drugs or medicine, it's not her fault that she aims to become a medical prodigy. She mixed the fentanyl tablets in the torn packet of beer in the fridge. It will be only a matter of time, for Jeff to gulp down the beer bottle. She prayed that the effect is worth her efforts.

Opioids, when taken by alcoholics, or people who have an intense alcohol addiction can lead to hypersensitivity reactions like skin rashes, allergy, eosinophilia, hepatitis, or severe breathing trouble, or asthmatic wheeze or intense abdominal obstruction. So, Jeff will be fine in terms of punishment. Plus, opioids are in the smaller class of drugs which have a proper antidote. naloxone 0.4-0.8 gram is the specific antidote to opioids poisoning.so, if in case Jeff went into 'extreme unwanted complications ', Lilith had a backup plan which involved naloxone in her back pocket and a story involving accidental intake of his stepdaughter's painkillers when he was drunk to the top of his pipes.

Lilith went from the kitchen to her room after ' drinking water from the fridge' and was about to take a small nap when Jeff entered the room carrying the beer bottle in his arms. He was waddling with the alcohol he gulped down already, "you little shit, how dare you to fall on your ass and pretend to be ill, while sleeping around like a whore you are..." His words were muffled from the drunken stupor he was in.

He had an empty beer bottle in one of his arms which he threw unexpectedly in Lilith's direction which collided with her stomach waking the dull ache where the ' dream bruise ' was sleeping. The broken glass pieces were shattered on her floor making it impossible for her to jump and run away from the animal approaching. He made his way over to Lilith who was now exhausted and drained off energy, after the ' phenomenal ' day, she had had.

She was feeling drowsy and dizzy. Jeff pulled her fragile form into him, dragging her by her hair, out of her bed." You slut, let me teach how shit like you are treated when you plan to open your pity full mouth to others. You will never dare to do that again. Let me make you understand.." He yelled at the top of his lungs diving his arms into Lilith's blood-stained sweater. She was only borderline conscious when she heard a voice, she was familiar with in most of her dreams, a particular golden brown-streaked blonde man told her. .." fight...."