
the lion and the tulip

Lilith is a wallflower, a teenager who fights hard to survive, her indifferent mother, lost father, and creepy stepfather. Her wounds are invisible superficially. For others, she's just a freak. Daniel is the definition of strength. blonde with streaks of golden brown clumsy hai blue eyes, and fire in his eyes. He is the crowned prince of Atlantis, the everlasting nation. His battles turn the hells into ash. And all he needs is his soulmate to complete his crown. This is the story of two worlds in collision, two people in a collision that can make the strongest pair in the universe How will Lilith's and Daniels's worlds collide? Through the freaking dreams. I don't know for now. But if they meet it's more than just the Sparks. Be with me in this wonderful ride of battles, romance, adventure friendship action, mysteries, and love.

Chinnu_002 · War
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17 Chs

3 Rumours and creeps

Lilith explained to Mr. Smith and silver mount high's nurse for the hundredth time, that it was just a scary dream and somehow she managed to slice her arm on the edge of the steel cupboard planted on the side of the writing desk. The damn idiots of her class were peeping as if Beyonce was giving a free show in the nursing room.

Loud whispers were being heard. Lilith was sure, that, by the end of this hour, she would be in the first spot for the biggest selling rumor of silver mount high for the week. And to her immense pleasure, they promised to call her parent or guardian to make sure she gets enough rest to survive the terrific trauma she had undergone, during her zoology class, please note the sarcasm.

Jeff being her only guardian present at the hour of need, popped up in the school corridor about half an hour later, with a somber expression, that others thought of as his extreme concern for his stepdaughter, who now became not only a freak or weirdo but also is doubted to be crazy or having severe nightmares verging at the edge of post-traumatic stress disorder. But only Lilith could deduce Jeff's damp face was from a severe hangover of cheap Mexican beer.

She played along with his stupid, good-for-nothing drama of the wonderful father and stepdaughter and prayed the farce would be done and dusted soon.

She walked with jeff with a blank face, not trusting herself to show an expression, while there were popping eyeballs and murmurs from every window, opened to the corridors. Yeah, by now, it was evident that all the student population of silver mount high was notified that Lilith Clinton, was screaming her guts out in zoology hour, to Daniel, her hook up, lover, secret boyfriend, or one-night stand and the said Daniel was the reason for her socially reclusive behavior and went on about how they share a BDSM relationship where she is a pain slut and how she loved to scream. God, high school rumors are the worst and fastest in kinetics.

The drive back home was silent except for the occasional grunts and glares from the ' dad of the year '.She tried to slip away from Jeff's spine chilling gazes burning holes on her body as fast as she got out of the car. But as the front door closed, his beastly arms caught hold of her torso, slamming her back into his front, pulling her ponytailed hair bac forming a lump in her throat, drying her throat, making it impossible to scream out bloody murder.

" leave me. you oaf" Lilith wrestled with Jeff's arms around her torso. He covered her giant arms over her mouth, successfully silencing her screams for help, into muffled moans.

" little shit. who the fuck is Daniel?" Jeff shouted at the top of his lungs." That's none of your business, you ugly troll." Lilith opened her mouth wiggling from his bone-breaking hold. She tried to run to her room. But Jeff being quiet fast, caught her, by tugging on to her hair.

"I didn't know that you were fucking sleeping with boys like a whore and screaming their names in sleep. When I touched you, you were screaming like a whale as if you are the Virgin Mary. Let me show you how to scream my name in your sleep, I promise it will be damn better than the fucking Daniel shit." Jeff yelled at Lilith, clenching her jaws with his arms and pulling her button-up jacket aside.

Lilith tried to wriggle out of his hold, but he tackled her with some animalistic strength, and Lilith was feeling drowsy with so much blood loss lack of sleep, and pain medications she took kicked in. She struggled to get the hell out of jeff's beastly grasp on her body, she managed to get to the stairs as she collapsed into the floor, tripping on the steps, slamming her head into the railings, on her way to the floor. Before she closed her eyes, all she could see was the blood spreading around her black hair, on the white marble floor, and a very angry Jeff approaching closer to her.

Daniel was sleeping. His bed was made of a golden and red patterned mattress. He looked so beautiful sleeping. His handsome face and amazing jawline, sharp as a knife was relaxed for once. His features looked as if he was chiseled by Micheal Angelo straight from white marble to put him in the art museums of Rome. His hair had slight curls in them. It was a blonde and golden brown-streaked mess that shone like a rare shade of brick red when the light rays struck. His left arm was bandaged. He wasn't dressed in a shirt. His torso was barely showing his sculptured muscles. He looked like an angel in sleep. The stress lines on his forehead when his fights weren't there. He looked so peaceful and perfect in sleep.

Imthyas stood on a corner of the room, holding Daniels's lion sword. Besides Daniel's bed sat a weeping lady, who was beautiful as him. she had a crown on her head. She took hold of Daniels's right arm and draw soothing patterns on them. Behind her stood a man, radiating power, his eyes were the same as Daniels, the rarest shade of aqua blue Lilith had ever seen. He sighed each time when he looked at Daniel. He also had a crown on his brown long hair. He touched the women's shoulders with so much concern.

" Maria, our son is so brave and strong. He will be fine in no time. Please be hopeful and don't stress so much. He won't like it when he opens his eyes." The man who was behind the woman said to her.

" David, I want my son back. How could this even happen? He's the best fighter I have ever seen. Heck, he is the best fighter the Atlantis has ever had. I want my son back ." she wept to press her face to David's body.

There was another man in Daniels's room. He wore a big baggy white robe and had a long white beard and hair. He was mixing different potions in different bottles into a bowl with so much concentration. Imthyas was struggling to suppress his sobs. His lower lip quivered at the sight of his best friend. He latched himself to Daniels's sword like it was his only salvation to stay in his current position.

Maria glanced at the man making potions ." Pexon, help our son. He has been sleeping for long.I want to see his beautiful eyes." she sighed rubbing tears out of her cheeks.

Pexon took the bowl of potions to Daniels bed, kneeling applied the potion to his wound, which began to heal fas, turning into a pale yellow from the flaming red shade which looked like it was infected.

Pexon motioned imthyas to come forward." son, I want to know what exactly happened in the live battle."

Imthyas sighed and began to explain in a hoarse voice." Enemies were fighting with us, they were darker and more in number than the last battle we had. It was harder to slice the swords into them. But our soldiers fought with so much spirit that the shadow creatures were almost falling. Daniel was fighting with so many at a time. It seemed like they were instructed to attack Daniel, whenever his attackers fell short, new ones joined in the fight against him. But he fought with so much courage that they were reduced to shreds and ashes.

Then the dark shadow dragon appeared. The shadow Creed. he.." Imthyas sobbed." He was like a big web. He evolved into the form of a dragon-like thing, with a spike in his limbs. Daniel was fighting with shadow creatures on his sides, he didn't see that ominous creature, shadow Creed. But Eurygon saw him and tried to save Daniel. But it was too late. He struck Daniel with his dark spike on his left arm. Daniel's blood rushed out, but he fought back with all his energy the lion sword, and the dark spike collided. There was lightning in the sky, shadow Creed disappeared into thin air and was followed by his forces. And, then, Daniel fell into the ground."Tears were falling imthays' cheeks like anything by the end of his story. The king, David moved to his side and placed a consoling arm on his shoulder.

" Pexon, how did this happen? Daniel hasn't ever been wounded, before. why now? how did this happen? Tell us what is happening now?" David asked Pexon with his aqua blue eyes turning into a flair of violet, raging with anger.