
The Stories told in Silence

Kathina found herself inside Maximillian's carriage as he was "talking her someplace." Normally it would be dangerous to travel by night but 'they' were guarding the carriage. While Kathina wasn't currently sure who specifically gave 'them' to Maximillian but if she were to make an educated guess, she wouldn't like the answer.

The 'them' in question who were currently acting as the carriage's guard escort were the centaur golems made of a lustrous black-silver metal. Their appearance lacked specific details and appeared more like dolls whose appearance and details have yet to have been carved into them. The only noticeable detail was the single unitary glowing "light" emanating from a single horizontal slit from each of the golems "heads" which were apparently their eyes. Like the metallic golems that lacked any features, the weapons they wielded likewise didn't have any intricate designs but are instead bare, vanilla metal swords. However, despite the golems and their weapons not having any sophisticated details of note Kathina could tell they were of excellent quality. While their swords paled in design when compared to the extravagant swords of royal Knights, she knew that in fact those swords were no less as well-crafted as the Royal swords... no they may even be better. The imposing figure of their perfectly symmetrical yet bare swords told her so.

And she knew that there was only one person that was capable of such a feat that was also willing to work with Maximillian...

Kathina knew the answer but didn't ask Maximillian for confirmation. Wether it was because she saw it as pointless or she wanted to cling onto the hope that her thoughts are incorrect, not even Kathina herself knew the answer. Perhaps Maximillian knew that as well, for all he did during the trip was sit quietly, staring out the window where the normally bright bustling scenery of the city's streets was instead replaced by a complete and utter silence coupled with the darkness that consumed every building in sight.

Eventually they reached their destination. Surprisingly, it was the prison. When King Alphistos rose to power, 'coincidentally' there was a rise in rebellions and uprisings causing a shortage in prison cells within the castle's dungeons. As a result this shabby prison was quickly established.

The centaur-golems were left behind as Kathina and Maximillian walked into the halls of the prison, this time being escorted by the regular human guards of the prison.

Kathina noticed that the guards really didn't seem surprised by Maximillian's arrival, instead giving him a slight nod before they opened the gates for them. [Judging by the guard's reactions to our arrival in the middle of the night, Maximillian must come here often. Especially since they are supposed to be on high alert within the dead of the night]. As Persephone pondered on about what the prison meant to Maximillian, she soon found herself standing in front of a giant metal door with stood imposingly. If it weren't for the glowing blue lights coming from the runes inscribed into the door she would have mistaken it for a door of a certain hideout...

In unison the guards escorting them hit the bottom of the pole's of their halberds against the floor, a glowing light pulsed out of the blades of their halberds in unity. In response the runes etched into the door also pulsed brightly before dimming down.


A large ear piercing sound filled the hallway as the door haphazardly opened itself, scarping itself against the shoddy flooring. In retrospect Kathina realised that this metal door was the only part of this prison that wasn't haphazardly built and she could tell that quite a bit of effort went into the makings of this door. [But there were also prison cells on the way to this door? Does that mean whatever is behind this door is considered to be a threat to the country? They wouldn't put this much emphasis onto the security of this door if it was anything else.] With these thoughts in mind Kathina ventured into the hallway past the doorways with Maximillian, the guards however, instead stood still and instead guarded the opened door.

Together with Maximillian, she found herself staring into two jail cells. In one there was a man who's build reminded her of old, rusty relic, what was once grand and lean was now frail and skinny, in the other there was a woman who seemed to be a once beautiful noble but the time in prison slowly but surely took those features away from her. The one thing they had in common is that they both sat on their bed, staring absently into the wall in front of them.

"This is-"

"Chronos Punishment."

Kathina's question was answered before she even got to finish speaking. At first the abrupt answer from Maximillian who was silent during the entire trip surprised her but when thinking about the situation, it made a lot of sense. The Chronos Punishment is a horrendous punishment, sentenced only to those who commit treason of the highest order. It involved the mandatory consumption of drugs which slows down one's perception of time so that a single minute would be perceived as thousands of years. Most would go mad when faced with such a situation, the two prisoners in front of her was the proof of that.

Only two people in recent history have been given the Chronos punishment... Prince Decimus Vasilas, the brother of King Alphistos Vasilas and Decimus' wife Lucilla Vasilas. Both were accused of organising a coup d'etat and were promptly arrested and trialled in court for treason. Maximillian was said to have heavily argued for their innocence but when the sentence was carried out, he simply receded back into his room. He only came out a month later to win back his property in court before continuing life as per normal.

Kathina turned to glance at the silent Maximillian, who calmly stood, staring at his parents with his hands behind his back. She saw in his eyes, not a blazing fire of emotions but rather staunch, unwavering determination in its most raw and pure form. Determination to make a change, make a change for the better. When looking into those eyes she knew. Kathina knew that to help Maximillian achieve his goal of a brighter future, she would have to stand by his side. She would stand by his side until death claimed her.