
The Alternative

Persephone finally decided that what happened on the courtyard meant too much to be kept a secret. Calling Maximillian and Kathina over to talk in secret, she explained to them what truly happened the other day. In response to her explanation, Maximillian held a serious face that seemed to be stuck in deep thought while Kathina seemed to be worrying in silence for Persephone. Among the two Maximillian was the first to speak up.

"I can see two possibilities, either a. use of the hatred magic negatively affects your mental state or b. Persephone is just a crazy bitch... out of the two I don't know which one is scarier."

Ignoring Persephone's reddening face Maximillian continued on.

"In any case it seems that Kathina's aura seems to rid that negative effect. It's most likely because of Kathina's trait 'compassion' which is trait which is typically well versed in healing and rejuvenation. Wether that means that Kathina's magic get's rid of the negative magic effect of the use of hate magic or simply calms Persephone down is yet to be seen..."

As Maximillian concluded his theories, Persephone was filled with surprise as he was immediately able to deduct a lead to Persephone's dilemma despite only being told about it a few moments ago.

"So we as long as Kathina's around, everything will be fine?"

Persephone was glad to have Kathina's magic coincidentally being able to negate the effects of using her hate magic. Although she knew that she shouldn't really be only reliant on Kathina, she was still grateful nevertheless.

"Come on Persephone... I know that even you know that it's bad to solely rely on Kathina's magic. In the case of an emergency when Kathina's not around and you're forced to use your powers what will we do then?"

"I'll just... try to control myself until Kathina arrives."

"And if she's dead?"

Both Persephone and Kathina were startled by Maximillians cold, blunt response to Persephone's reasoning.

"That being the case, we will need a way for Persephone to overcome the negative effects of using her magic. One method would be to letting Persephone slowly but surely train with her hate magic and learning to suppress it in small doses. And then there's the alternative... it's a bit dubious but until Persephone can fully overcome the effects of hate magic, it'll have to do for now..."

Persephone and Kathina were both filled with questions as they wondered what the mysterious "alternative" was. [Maximillian sure knows a lot... it's kinda scary sometimes... No I shouldn't be thinking like that, he's helping me overcome this problem after all]. As Persephone silently pondered to herself about the genius prodigy that is Maximillian, he continued on.

"Well... I can't really tell you the exact details right now... but I can take you to him."


"How should I describe him?.. He's a bit eccentric and he's morally questionable but when it comes to dealing with your dilemma he may end up being a big help. Just don't think too much about it... I would also avoid locking eyes with his... acquaintances too..."

As Persephone and Kathina wondered about the meaning behind his vague words, Maximillian already turned to leave while beckoning them to come with him. With no other choice, they both chased after him to meet with this mysterious person.


The trio stoped in front of the senior girl's toilets of the academy. To the left of the door, there was a girl leaning with her arms crossed on the wall. Maximillian moved to the front of the group before speaking.

"There is no point in honour if you're dead."

The girl faced Maxmillian before snapping her fingers.

"The door is unlocked Sir Vasilas, the Alchemist will be waiting for you inside."

"Thank you very much. Well then. This way ladies."

Walking through the girl's toilets doors instead of a toilet, they found themselves in an oddly constructed hallway at the end of which there lay a massive metal door. The hallway was lit up not with torches but with weird glowing stones instead.

"How do you know of such a place?"

As they walked down the hallway, Kathina asked a question to which Maximillian sighed deeply.

"I may have... helped set it up..."

"You what?! I'm haven't read much about the academy's rules but I'm pretty sure 'Students are allowed to set up secret magical hideouts within the school' is not on of them!"

To Perepshone's loud outburst, Maximilllian sighed once again.

"I told you didn't I?.. He's an eccentric guy and while he's generally well-versed in society I would rather not have him end up in the wrong side of the academy..."

"So you helped him break the law?"

"If I let him be, the political balance of this academy would have been shaken at best..."

"And at worst?"

"Erm... We might have a full-scale war on our hands..."

"Wa-war? I don't think being "eccentric" has anything to do with declaring war... What the hell is this guy anyway?"

"Didn't you hear the girl outside? He's an alchemist..."

"Don't alchemists make potions and enchant gear? What does that have to do with war?"

"I told you he's eccentric didn't I? Besides do you even know the definition of alchemist? It means to transform something that already exists into something else like making potions or enchanting gear... this guy just takes it a step further..."

"Further? Like what?"

"I guess I should tell you before we meet them to lower the shock huh? Well... One of his 'acquaintances' he's... he's a vampire...


Persephone and Kathina both felt at a loss for words. After all, vampires were notrious for being among the enemies of mankind for being able to destroy a small kingdom just by simply increasing their kin. Those bitten by a true vampire would often turn into lesser vampires forced to do the vampire's bidding. True Vampires are sometimes formed from a bitten but those are few and far between. Vampires belong to the "kill upon sight group." And now they were supposed to meet up with one as if it was human.

"You can relax. He won't attack us along as we don't bring harm to the Alchemist."

"Why would a thing like that even listen to an alchemist!?"

"I told you already... alchemists transform something that already exists into something else but this guy just takes it a step further... you should be able to work out what that means."

"You don't mean that-"

"That the Alchemist artificially made a vampire that's totally and completely loyal to him? Yes I do mean that. From what he told me the procedure took nearly a whole month and consumed a lot of vampire blood that he procured..."

Kathina and Peresphone both gulped audibly as they reached the door for they both knew that behind that door, apart from the vampire and whatever other creations made by the Alchemist to help him gather the vampire blood. Apart from them, behind that door, there lay an entirely different kind of monster.