
The Limitless System

Faced with inevitable annihilation, Humanity was forced to evolve and awaken unique abilities.With many loss on both sides a peace treaty was handed in placed serving as a crossroad of peace for both parties. The world powerhouses having had enough of earth being looked down upon by other beings swore to protect earth and it's inhabitants.This fuel of determination eventually turned them into training up awakened. once an awakened is born,their life is plunged into a world of pain and hardwork.Lacking both talent and hardwork as an awakened labels you as a trash. In Present time,Arthur,a teen who's ability has been dubbed as the world's trashiest, one's which purpose makes him dry up blood.A pathetic ability wouldn't you say so right?. His life however takss a drastic turn when he's discovered by a system bound to be limitless,destined to wield great rule and become the saviour and ruler of the universe. °°°° "What's that strange light heading here" Before he could even move a muscle a white ball of light pierced through his body. [Does host wish to awaken the limitless system]

Realitymanga · Fantasy
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41 Chs

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"Hey Isn't that Arthur"

"Oh now we doing it Arthur now huh,thought it was trash you hypocrites".

"Woah..chill man"

"Isn't he going to partake"

"Trash will be trash".

Arthur could hear all these comments that were aimed at him,some being positive whiles some was negative.

Although the distance from where he sat to where the students were standing was a bit far he could still hear them.His overall senses had been sharpened after he received the system.

"This kid...I wonder how he ended up like this"Miss Rouge said noticing the visible changes that had occurred on Arthur during these last weeks.

"Well she certainly is a feisty one".

A student at the back voiced out with a surprised expression staring at the students on the arena.One student in particular stood out the most due to the beautiful flaming wings that had sprouted out from her back.

She stared down at her opponent who had an annoyed expression on his face.She flapped her flame wings and swooped down like an eagle ready to capture ite prey.

The boy raised his hands up,stone cracks appearing on his body."No way my stone hardening ability can lose to her".

The flame girl seemed to realize how the boys body had turned into some kind of a statue with cracks and flapped her wings forward propelling her backwards whiles firing out tennis sized fire projectiles at him.

The stone boy immediately swerved to his right dodging the attack by a hairs length,but that wasn't all as many fire balls were heading in his direction.

"That's enough,next fighters"

Miss Rouge voiced out standing in the middle of the arena with the stone boy on the ground whiles the flame girl towered over him.

Although Miss Rouge was quite beautiful,she still couldn't compare to Miss Jade.Her jet black hair resting on her shoulders with a tight red leather jacket tightly hugging her upper body revealing her hugs boobs.

Her black jeans also complimenting her red jacket.She looked extremely beautiful just standing ther, Although she looked to be around Miss Jade's age Arthur felt her level of strength was inferior to Miss Jade's level of strength.

[Side quest received]

[Having been subjected to torture and pain by the hands of Brad,the system has given you a side quest to beat Brad up mercilessly to redeem yourself]



"I would have done it even if you didn't ask".Arthur voiced out standing on his feet.The students saw Brad enter the arena with his usual disgusting prideful look.

"That's why you got your ass beaten up by Arthur dude".

A random student voided out from within.Brads prideful look soon turned into an enraged one,clearly he had taken the students words very offensive.

"Bring him out and see if I don't kick his sorry trash ass"Brad sneered to where he head the statment from and yelled out to them.


"Well you have the chance now Brad". Brad's body jolted at hearing a specific voice sound behind him.To him this voice felt really familiar.He knew all too well about this voice to even forgot about it.

"When did he appear there?"

"Was that some sort of a teleportation ability or what?"

"They did say that he had a second awakening...let me test how much he's really changed".Miss Rouge said signalling for the battle between him and Brad to start.

"I'll make you pay for what you did to me back then".Brad voiced out placing a white coloured pill inside his mouth.

"wait I've seen that before..".Arthur voiced out."now I remember what it is.....that's an enhancement pill".Arthur looked at how Brad was surging with power by the minute and shrugged.

It still didn't change the fact that he's going to beat him up mercilessly and there's nothing his enhancement pill can do.Red electric snakes began cracking around his whole body forming an astral cobra above his figure.

"Interesting"Arthur muttered out with a smirk plastered on his face.He felt he would be enjoying this very soon.The astral electric snake that had manifested itself shot towards Arthur,it's movement in the air becoming unpredictable.

[Accelerate activated]

Arthur's body blurred swerving to his side and dodging the astral electric snake. To his surprise however the astral electric snake changed it's direction,facing Arthur once again.

"So it's like that huh". Arthur said internally,his body could be seen gliding around the arena with an absurd speed.

"4th stage of the origin rank but that speed isn't a speed someone of his rank should pocess".Miss Rouge muttered completely surprised by Arthur's burst in speed.

"Wait a minute,I'm I freaking dreaming?"

"But that's Arthur,I can barely follow his movement".

"I guess his second awakening really changed him..I mean just look at him!".

"He's hot,way too hot"

The students who stood beside him glanced at him in a weird way, suspicion evident in their eyes.Even the females were forced to get back.

"You just said the same thing this morning,hella sus"

"Dude you again,now I'm 100% sure you're into males".

"Wait guys no that's not what I meant!!"He screamed out falling to the ground with tears flowing down his eyes."Why do I always have to end up in this situation".

Back on the battlefield Arthur was successfully evading Brad's attacks which made his anger boil to the max."I wonder though,have you been taking enhancement pills all this while to reach this level of strength".

"Shouldn't concern you ... I'll make sure to cripple you".Brad's voice reverberated on the arena,he stomped his foot onto the ground and the large astra electric snake began splitting into multiple red electric snakes which bared its fangs at Arthur.

"You've been on the offense ever since we started...why don't I turn the table"

[Accelerate cooldown over]

[Accelerate activated]

Arthur's figure dashed through the multiple astral red electric snakes appearing Infront of Brad within a matter of seconds.The sudden appearance of Arthur standing Infront of him greatly startled him,due to this he lost his composure for a second.

However in a battle,a second could cause the downfall of a battle.Right before everyone's eyes Arthur's palm covered Brad's face tightening his grip and slamming his head onto the concrete ground causing a small crater to form around his head.