
The Lightning Demon..

Juda Aburriah is a typical magician in training, or at least thats what he wants to be anyways. Born at the bottom of the barrel in the world of Esteten, Juda is looked down upon everywhere he goes. Living in the slums, poor clothes, no money, everyone seems to have something to say about him. However one day, Judas family happens to run into a bit of money, enough to live the rest of their lives without worrying or suffering. However, instead of keeping it, Judas parents instead paid for him to go to the prestigious Mastik Academy, the place where only the rich kids go to study and learn how to become proper magicians Now, with only the clothes on his back and a dirt poor reputation, Juda will have to make his way up from the bottom. His parents had given him this chance and he wasn't going to waste it.

Recsaiyans123 · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Juda Snaps

"That's a big fat no from me," Juda answered without hesitation, shaking his head. "Only a fool would agree to such a ridiculous request. Your in your 4th year while I could hardly beat Jakeem whose in the same year as me. Whats makes you think that I would agree to battle you?"

Juda turned around and began walking away. He lost all interest in exploring the school grounds as he had no chance of passing by the three girls at his current level. He could only head back and wait for Suna and Haruna to wake up. This incident only strengthened his resolve to get stronger and teach Aria about how to treat people. In all his life, he had never despised someone as he did right now, it was a feeling he was unfamiliar with but he felt it down to his core. He didn't even have a reason to depise her besides her huge ego and condescending tone.

"Oh, so your running away?" Aria asked with a small voice. "I guess the slum rat is only a coward after all. If your this bad, I wonder what the family is like. Bet you they're even worse then he is...pure garbage!!"

Juda took another step and stopped, his muscles tightening. "What was that?" He stared down the hallway, not facing her as his voice dripped with venom. "I don't think I heard that right. Can you repeat what you just said?"

Aria smiled viciously. ((He took the bait so easily. Guess he's a family man, such a pathetic creature!! Easier to read then a book....he doesnt belong here. Time to reel in the catch!!)) Aria took a few steps forward before stopping, flipping her blonde hair over her shoulder.

"Your family is crap!! Need I repeat myself? Every last member of your family is utter garbage and the world would be better off without such filth living in this world!! Your father is probably a drunk who beats his wife while your mother is the biggest slut of the slums. Don't even get me started on siblings!! They probably grew up believing that you were strong only to realize that it was a lie!! It really is funny how disgusting you and your family are!!" Aria was laying it on thick but she reasoned with herself that it was necessary to bring out his bloodlust. Hell, she was beginning to feel bad herself but she kept reasoning that it was for the greater good of nobles.

Once the peasant attacked her without a duel in place, she could easily say that she was attacked unprovoked and pay off witnesses to testify for her. After it was all said and done, the peasant would be expelled and things would return to normal. She had been one of the ones to see the fight between Juda and Jakeem up close and after careful debate, she came to the conclusion that this measly slum dweller would disrupt the order of the school. The rat had stuck his nose in Jakeems business without hesitation, obviously trying to help out the "Untouchable Royal" Haruna Jumanji, but only got beaten down in return. However, he had achieved the goal of taking the attention off of her and onto himself which Aria took notice of.

In her eyes, heroism was idiotic and foolish, something nobles neither had nor believed in. Everyone looked out for themselves even if they were friends and nobody bothered in the affairs of others. This slum rat went against an unspoken rule in Mastik Academy and had to be put down before others, mainly first years, began following his example. To protect the reputation and rules of the school, Aria Tolan would use any means necessary to expell this slum dweller.

Juda, who had stood with his back turned for over a minute, turned around, his blue eyes glowing brightly in a sort of controlled anger. It was clear to not only Aria but her two lackeys that he was restraining himself despite how pissed he was. Truthfully, Aria was feeling a bit nervous as the youths magic was growing exponentially, even surpassing her own. However, what made her really nervous was the fact that Juda's hair was beginning to turn black, his previously white hair slowly darkening. She began to think that she might have crossed a line that had probably been there for a reason.

"You dare call my family trash?" Juda said, his hair now half white and half black. Instead of one voice coming out of his mouth, two voices filled with power echoed across the hall. "You should look in a mirror before talking you damned noble. A family full of liars, cheats, and corruption!! That's all nobles and royals stand for, a way to fill their own pockets while trampling over others with no regard to anyone but yourselves. You spout out this bullshit about my family yet fail to realize that us slum dwellers are far superior to you!! Sure some of us do things that are sketchy but we do that because we domt know any other way to survive. However you who have money only seek to have more then what you could possibly need while hurting or killing those that get in your way!! Before you start yammering on about others, fix your own family first!!"

As he talked, Juda began to walk forward, each step increasing the magical pressure all three of them felt until they were basically on the floor gasping for breath. The sheer weight of magical power exceeded Aria's by a large quantity which made little to no sense. If this slum dweller had this much power then defeating Jakeem would've been as easy as a simple flick of his fingers. Yet, this first year slum rat was forcing her onto the ground with magical pressure alone, it was should've been impossible.

"Look at you now," Juda said, stopping in front of Aria who was crouching on the floor. "A noble whose next in line to be leader of their family, and your bowing before a mere slum dweller. Its very fitting and you should be honored!!" Juda knelt down and leaned closer. "Next time you talk about my family in such a way....Ill rip out your tongue and shove it down your throat. I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and assuming your idiotic brain has already wrapped itself around what I'm saying."

After saying these words, there was loud zap and the body of Juda disappeared completely along with the overwhelming pressure, allowing the three girls to breathe easy again. Fana and the other girl collapsed onto the floor while Aria pushed herself to her feet, her body recovering quickly as she stood up straight. Shivers ran down her spine as she recalled the pressure he had emitted and she couldn't help but feel like she had just made a very dangerous enemy.

"Girls, once you've pulled yourselves together, we're heading back to our dorms," Aria said as she looked back towards the two girls. "We got work to do."


Near the Academy wall far from the girls dorm, Juda sat clutching his chest as he struggled to breathe, hardly able to move. His hair was still half black and half white but the immense power from before had diminished entirely. His magic power was completely depleted and so was most of his physical strength, leaving him in a pretty bad spot.

(*Take deep calm breaths Juda*) Jugo said, his voice echoing through Juda's head. (*Relax your muscles and I'll heal them with what little power I have left*)

Juda slammed his head against the wall in surprise as he slowed his breathing down. "Jugo??!! What the hell!!?? How in the hell are you speaking to me?"

(*Mutual anger, its an emotion we're both sharing. Its this emotion that also allowed me to send you most of my power.....however I believe you let her off too easy*) Jugo's voice contained anger but it was well hidden to the point where Juda could hardly pick up on it. (*However, you handled it better then I would've. Its why I didn't take your body over as I would have no doubt killed her after beating her until she was unrecognizable. Anyone who makes fun of your family deserves death.*)

Juda began to slowly calm down, his anger was still present but his body was slowly returning to some degree of normalcy. "So that was your power together with my own that made me so strong. Wish we could do that all the time...but its apparent that it nearly destroyed me from just the minute or two I was using it."

(*Indeed, your body cant yet manage having so much raw magical energy coursing through you. You would've died if you had kept using it the way you were.*) Jugo sighed a little, his anger slowly fading from his voice. (*I would've stopped giving you magic had it come to that but its hard to control myself when I get that worked up. Hearing that filth speak made me angrier then I've been in quite a long time.*)

"So you got angry because she was talking bad about my family? Thanks man, I'm glad to know you care so much." Juda smiled as his anger slowly started to fade. He could feel his connection with Jugo weaken and figured he'd have a few more minutes to converse with him

(*To be honest, I like your family. They're probably the nicest people in this Kingdom though that isnt much since almost the whole Noble Realm is corrupt. Remember, I see what you see and hear what you hear. I cant tell you the number of times I fell in love with your family for what they do for each other*) Jugo seemed to stop and pause for a second before continuing. (*In the end though, I'll always defend whats dear to you.....we're brothers after all. However, I won't be sharing my magical power with you again until you're ready. The most I'll do is take over your body if you cant handle the pressure.*)

(*I have a few things to tell you before I lose connection as we're both losing our anger. First its that you shouldn't trust Suna Tracer though I'm sure you figured that part out*) Jugo's connection weakened ever further which meant he probably had a good minute or two before they would be cut off. (*From this point on, I want you to tread carefully as others will begin to think that your strong even if you aren't. This incident WILL spread and I need you to lose your kindnessand think things through before rushing in. Don't be a hero.....I need you to stay alive so don't be dumb.*)

(*Lastly, I need you to just ignore it when others speak about your family. I know your a family guy through and through but anger wont solve problems, only actions will. All you have to do is get stronger, stronger then anyone. Once you do that, no one will dare talk about you or your family ever again.*) Jugo's voice began to fade and his connection was on the verge of being cut down. (*If its you then I know it can be done. Get out there and show them that your not a slum dweller but a demon. Your a lightning demon and your unstoppable. I love you man...make me proud.*)

Jugo's voice faded entirely, leaving Juda to think things through on his own. His anger had faded entirely, leaving hims with some sore muscles and a feeling of regret. He didn't like the feeling of anger and to get angry so quickly over mere words wasn't like him, though no one had ever made fun of his family to his face before. Sure people made fun of him and called him named but it wasnt a big deal when compared to the people he cared about. Even so, as he stood up from the ground he vowed to not let any words get to him ever again, promising to only get angry when it truly mattered.

"That whole incident aside, I got past those three so now I can go exploring," Juda smiled softly as he began a slow walk back towards the large buildings.

If you have any questions which I'm sure you do then join my discord where I will answer them as well as inform you of upcoming chappys and all that good stuff


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