
The Lightning Demon..

Juda Aburriah is a typical magician in training, or at least thats what he wants to be anyways. Born at the bottom of the barrel in the world of Esteten, Juda is looked down upon everywhere he goes. Living in the slums, poor clothes, no money, everyone seems to have something to say about him. However one day, Judas family happens to run into a bit of money, enough to live the rest of their lives without worrying or suffering. However, instead of keeping it, Judas parents instead paid for him to go to the prestigious Mastik Academy, the place where only the rich kids go to study and learn how to become proper magicians Now, with only the clothes on his back and a dirt poor reputation, Juda will have to make his way up from the bottom. His parents had given him this chance and he wasn't going to waste it.

Recsaiyans123 · Fantasy
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16 Chs

A Side Quest

Mastik Academy was located halfway into the Noble realm. In terms of distance the Noble realm expanded approximately 110 miles from the Kings castle in all directions before transitioning to the Common realm which in turn was also roughly 110 miles before ending at Fantasia forest. A lot of work went into building the Noble realm and the Common realm from what Juda was told but to him it was merely a cluster of buildings he would only be able to admire.

In order to get to Mastik Academy, Juda would have to walk over 160 miles and he had to be there in 3 hours. According to his father, at exactly 9:00 AM there would be someone there to greet him and if he wasn't there at that exact time, he would not be enrolled into the Academy nor would he recieve his money back. None of that made sense unless you looked at it from the schools point of view which his father took the time to explain the day before.

The school never had anyone from the slums get in before as Mastik Academy represented wealth and power. It would be somewhat acceptable for a commoner to be enrolled as it wouldn't reflect as poorly on the school, but as someone from the slums equated trash and poverty, it wouldnt do for the schools reputation to allow Juda to join the student body. So what could they do other then outright rejecting him when he had paid the fee? Give him a nearly impossible feat for a normal kid his age to perform like traversing a vast distance in a certain amount of time. They had even waited to inform the family of the requirement until the day before when Juda was out shopping, sending the message in the form of a Magician who stopped by to inform Stans.

It didn't seem all that fair to Juda, but his dad told them that they were allowed to do this as it was the only school in the entire kingdom to be given complete authority over its students by the King himself. While they couldn't deny entry completely, they could at least formulate their own criteria for his entry, a perfect way to keep him from entering the school without causing so much as a ripple. The person in charge of the school was a true douche, or at least in Stans Aburriah's opinion.

However, Juda wasn't worried about it in the least, as he had his own method of getting around that he didn't really use often, only when it was truly necessary. Unbeknownst to anyone apart from his family, Juda was a Lightning Elemental User and could do things with lightning that commoners at his age level would find difficult to accomplish. One of these things was a technique his father had called [Lightning Step]. He had stumbled across it one day when he was training with his father outside of the barrier when he had accidentally used too much power.

[Lightning Step] was essentially from a set of moves where one would focus the element of their choice throughout their whole body to increase their attributes. If you used the Earth Element then you would have impenetrable skin and be impervious to ordinary attacks and if you had Darkness you could blind your enemies or hide in the shadows which was perfect for espionage. With Lightning, you inherited speed and devastating attacks, one of these being the [Lightning Step], but the downside is that it depleted your magical reserves faster then most others.

By focusing all of his magical power throughout his body, Juda could move almost ten times as fast via the [Lightning Step]. If it was just in consecutive bursts and for short distances, Juda could keep it up for around a full hour. However, if he wanted to clear the full distance between his house and Mastik Academy then he would have to use up all his magic in one go due to how unfamiliar he was with the landscape and how little he had trained in using the technique for such a long distance. He would be able to traverse the distance in under thirty minutes if he ran without stopping which he planned to do and why he wasn't worried about getting to school on time.

"Well, I guess I should get going," Juda said as he began stretching his body, preparing himself to run. "If I get started now, I can make it with time to spare and even have time to scope out the school as well as take a look at all students I'll be studying with."

Juda gave his arms a good stretch before switching over to his legs. After he finished stretching he stood up straight and closed his eyes. Normally he didnt have to concentrate whenever he was going for short bursts, but for this distance he had to make sure that every bit of magical power was concentrated to the correct places otherwise he ran the risk of crashing or letting some of the magic be expended unnecessarily.

Juda took a deep breath and opened his eyes which had started to glow and spark with the bluest lightning began tracing itself all over Juda's body, the ground literally breaking apart beneath his feet as he tensed up. Juda leaned forward, his muscles tightening as he prepared to push off the ground. There was a sound of cracking before he finally pushed off, the cement beneath his feet at the starting point was destroyed as his body became a blur, streaking off into the darkness of the early morning.

The wind rushed through his bright white hair as the youth clad in lightning ran through the streets at a pace that normal people could barely follow let alone run. However, despite travelling at such a high speed, Juda could see everything clearly, it was almost no different from regular running.

For the next 15 minutes or so, Juda just hummed to himself as he ran, unsure of the directions to Mastik other than his father saying to keep going straight and he couldn't miss it. While he wasn't able to see anything as of yet, he was definitely able to tell when the Common realm ended and the Noble realm began. Not only were the buildings bigger and much cleaner, the smells were on a whole different level compared to the Common realm or Fantasia forest.

Even while he was travelling at this speed and ran between houses and down streets while dodging nobles, Juda could smell the pleasant aromas wafting through the air. It was such a heavenly smell that he almost lost focus and crashed into a rather large building. Luckily he was able to catch himself and change course before he smashed into the wall, continuing to run straight ahead like his father had said.

After a while of running through the Noble realm, Juda felt his magical power reaching an alarming low and it began to make him worry, at least until he saw three enormous buildings off in the distance. He could only assume that that was Mastik Academy as the buildings were at least six stories tall, much taller then the surrounding buildings, much taller then any of the buildings he had passed thus far.

"Alright, I'm almost there, then I can stop for a snack break," Juda said happily as he ran. However his happiness was short-lived as he began to lose speed, his magic power dropping to near zero with just enough juice to allow him to slow down. "Anddddd I jinxed it.....thats a shame."

Juda slowed to a stop in a little after an intersection between four buildings, an intersection that apparently had no nearby nobles or really anyone for that matter. "I guess I'll have to walk from here, and here I thought I had more magical power....Oh welll, I'll just train during my free time. No big deal."

Juda smiled and was about to begin walking when he heard a noise suddenly coming from his behind him on his left. Overcome with curiosity, Juda backed up and poked his head around the side and into what appeared to be an alleyway. The sun had only just risen on the horizon but there was enough light for Juda to see the two guys roughing up a single girl. However, there was something odd about it and Juda couldn't quite put his finger on it.

Juda watched curiously for a second before backing up fully and walking into the alleyway. The two guys had at this point pushed the girl up against the wall and now seemed as if they were trying to lift up her skirt and it was then that Juda realized what was odd. It was the oddly shaped crest on the hands of the young men pushing the girl against the wall, a crest depicting a green flame.

Juda had heard of the green flame crests before in one of his fathers homeschool lessons. Apparently there were 10 major noble families in the Kingdom of Restaka and the family wielding the green flame crest was the Tolan family. The Tolan family was apparently very wealthy and had many young masters and mistesses in it while also being an expert in doing business. Of course he had gotten all of this from his father and hus father had admitted to only repeating what he heard others say and to not take what he said seriously.

Either way, Juda walked forward, a small frown on his face as he placed a hand on both of their shoulders. "Hello gentleman, how may I be of service to you today? I would be happy to help you instead of this young miss."

The two would be rapists, or at least thats how Juda was currently seeing them as, turned to look at the new young man who had appeared. It was clear from their looks that neither one of them had expected to be caught, but it after they saw who it was, Juda noticed their expressions change from one of surprise and worry into one of relief and lust.

"Get lost loser," The young rapist on the right said as he turned back to the girl. "Why would I stop for you when I got this smokin hot babe in front of me?"

"Yeah," The second young rapist said as he turned his whole body to face Juda. "You should leave now if you know whats good for you."

Juda was about to try reasoning with them some more, but the second rapist went on the offensive, aiming a punch straight for his head without even being provoked. However, his punch was far too slow for Juda to even consider as he merely stepped to the side while following up by flicking the guy on the forehead.

"Hey, you shouldn't attack someone whose only trying to reason with you," Juda said. "Also, dude over by the lady....if you move that hand underneath her skirt again I'll have to break it. Please stop as I'm really trying to be nice."

"Screw you and your kindness you ugly f*cker," the second rapist said as he tried yet again to attack, this time aiming for Judas throat with a lot more speed. However he once again struck nothing but air.

"Why are you attacking me with physical attacks?" Juda asked as he flicked the guy again, his eyes looking over at the first rapist who was keeping the struggling girl pinned to the wall. "Aren't you a Magician? Show me something cool or you'll just bore me. I got stuff to do you know. I just wanted to be early to school, is that so much to ask??!!"

The first guy made a laughing sound that sounded like nails against a chalkboard. "Tch, well let me liven up your day with a free sex show. Just stay right there and watch me get my freak on." He reached down once more and lifted up the girls skirt.

CRACK!!! The sickening sound of the young mans hand being bent backwards rang out through the alleyway as the hand hung lifeless from his arm, flopping around like a dying fish. Juda had moved too fast for either of them to react and had quite easily broken the young mans hand, a smile still on his face as he looked into the eyes of the first youth.

"I'm very sorry I had to resort to this but I did give you a fair warning," Juda took a step back and gestured to the opening of the alleyway. "You guys should go and get that fixed. Don't worry, I'll take care of your friend here. She won't come to any harm. You can go."

The two guys stared at Juda with open mouths, shock the only expression on their faces as if they had no idea what had just happened to them. It wasn't until Judas eyes began to glow that they finally snapped out of it and began to run away. However, the rapist with the broken hand stopped and turned around to face the Juda at the alleyway entrance.

"You'll pay for this blue glowing eyed bastard" The youth said as he held his hand to his chest. "I'll remember this and so will the Tolan family. You just made a powerful enemy today and I'll see to it you burn in hell. Also, you better watch your step girl or your family is on the chopping block."

With those words the young man ran away and disappeared from sight, leaving Juda and the young woman alone together.


Beg for another chapter and I'll get to work right away, otherwise wait until tomorrow 😂😂😂😂😈😈

Who is this mysterious girl? What nefarious schemes can the young rapist from the Tolan family be cooking up? Why does saving a girl in distress have to happen in almost every novel?

Find out next time on the next episode of Mastik Academy

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