
The Light Kingdom Revolution

As a running away princess from her kingdom, Princess Chandra decided to surrender her throne and nobility to her father's stepbrother, King Brutus. She tried to escape from her possessive suitor, King Dragon who wanted to make her a submissive princess and marry her only with the purpose to conquer her as a successor of a wealthy kingdom. Would she be able to make King Dragon realize the value of true love? How about Kumara, a half-celestial prince of wars who help her to get back her throne? Will Princess Chandra be able to make revolution under the name of the Bhagavanta Kingdom and resolve her conflict in love?

pandora_blessing · Fantasy
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33 Chs

The Portal of Energy

The old man was walking ahead, and he helped Kumara to part some bushes and leaves to clear his walking path. He liked to stay calm and quiet, his movement also sounded noiseless. Chandra assumed he was in his sixties and wearing black trousers and an old blacktop cloth with long sleeves. Chandra examined him as they were walking.

"This is the place where I live!" the old man stopped in front of a cave and turned his head to Chandra and Kumara.

Chandra tightly grabbed Kumara's neck as she captured something that sounded hissing. 'Is it a snake?' she bit her lips and looked at Kumara for more detailed information. She sighed to find the interior of the cave looked comfortable enough as a natural dwelling. The access to the deeper part of the cave looked quite shielding but approachable with some big stones inside the entrance to step in and d human-made hearth in the middle part of the cave that it was so spacious.

Kumara stayed calm and took her in a glance. He sighed softly.

Then, Chandra heard something roaring behind the shrubs. She felt cautious and tried to spread her sight around her surroundings.

The old man asked Kumara to take her down on a big stone with a flat surface and it was covered by a piece of old cloth. At the time the old man examined her wounds, Chandra saw something shining on the man's chest.

'Was it a gem or his chakra?' she thought and looked through the man's eyes. She saw Kumara sitting on his lap in front of her, behind the old man.

Chandra got startled when a big snake was entering the cave and it stopped slithering next to Kumara. The snake was heading up with its hissing sounds and its eyes were staring at her. Chandra stared at the snake too and Kumara seemed to stay calm in his sitting position.

"Don't worry, she's trying to introduce herself!" the old man said to her in a calm tone. He turned his head to the snake and Kumara. "You recognized her, Agni?" the old man smiled at the snake before turning his head to Chandra, "She said that you are Princess Chandra!"

Chandra smirked at the old man who was examining the wound on her calf. As she glanced at Kumara, he and the snake were sitting side by side with their eyes locking each other, 'It seems that they're having a conversation. I am sure Kumara understands the language of the universe!' she sighed. "How does the snake know my name, Sir?" she whispered to the old man.

The old man smiled, "Call me Light Owen!" he rose from his sitting position as Chandra got up and leaned her body with two folded arms on the stone. She kept watching the old man, Light Owen as he went to mix some herbs from different clay pots and pounded them into an herbal mixture.

She turned her eyes to the snake and smiled.

"Don't call her the snake, she has a name, Princess Chandra! Her name is Agni!" Light Owen approached her, stretched her leg, and smeared the herbal mixture on the wound. He covered it with a clean cloth and a piece of medical leaf. "Okay, let's wait it healed and stopped your blood!" he rose and walked to the hearth. Agni was following him from behind.

He brought three glasses of drink to her, Kumara, and himself. The drink tasted like herbal juice. Chandra scorched her face as she drank it, 'A little spicy and sour,' she took another sip after her tongue could make a friend with its taste.

"So, are you Prince Kumara?" Light Owen asked Kumara and changed his eyes to Agni, the snake.

Kumara nodded his head. "I remember you, Light Owen. Since I was a kid, five hundred years ago or more!" Kumara admitted as he sipped the drink.

Chandra spat out the drink and coughed heavily, 'A five hundred years ago? How old is he?' she examined Kumara as that man grinned at her mysteriously.

"I am seven years old," he answered the question that was crossing her mind. "I am older a hundred years than your Guru, Brahma Aditya", he sighed calmly, glanced at Agni, the snake, "She's one thousand two hundred years!"

Chandra wiped her lips and couldn't predict what Kumara had said. "Are you seven years old? Why do you look so youthful?" she swallowed her saliva and took another sip of herbal drink to refresh her mind.

Kumara didn't answer her question. He only smiled and looked at Light Owen.

The old man sighed, "He is a half of celestial creature, Princess Chandra. Like Agni!"

Again, Chandra had to swallow her saliva while her mind was processing the information. 'I ever heard the half celestial creature that it can live much longer than a human!'

"You have a blood of a celestial creature too! That's why you can see me and Agni!" Kumara sighed, looking into her eyes in more enigmatic sight.

Chandra pointed at herself, "Me? How do I get it?" she felt so curious.

Light Owen smiled, "I am nine hundred years old, Princess Chandra! You can be as old as me someday if you know the secret!"

Chandra sipped her drink, "Can I?" she spoke softly.

Light Owen nodded, "As long as you learn and understand the secret of the universe and live with your wisdom about it!"

"I don't know I wish I could!" Chandra took a breath deeply. Putting the clay glass on her side, she tried to recline as she felt so sleepy. Her body felt so exhausted and tried to close her eyes. The battle made her energy almost drained.

Kumara glanced at her and sighed deeply. He approached her silently, putting his hand on her forehead and checking her respiration.

Light Owen gazed at them, "It's going to become dark soon!"

"She should eat something!" he turned his head to the old man, Light Owen. "I should ask Bakana to bring some fruits for her!" Kumara deeply inhaled. He closed his eyes and made a brain wave to bridge a telepathic communication with Bakana, the king of forest monkeys.

In a few minutes, Bakana appeared in front of him and brought them a pile of bananas, other fruits, and some freshwater fish that his fellows brought. Kumara smiled at him and said, "Thank you!" to Bakana before he and his fellows disappeared, returning to their place in the forest.

As Chandra slightly opened her eyes, she saw a beautiful lady with a black dress and black long hair cooking something and her hand could spark some fire. Chandra was too exhausted to get up, so she whispered, "Water please!"

Kumara approached her and held her neck to help her get up. "Drink this herbal soup! It can help you feel better!" he whispered and spooned her little by little the soup. Chandra ate it and she felt that the beautiful lady was staring at her.

"How is she? Getting better?" she asked Kumara after he finished spooning her the soup.

Light Owen was meditating not too far from them.

Kumara nodded his head, "I am going to give her my healing energy!" He made Chandra get up and leaned on his front body.

"Wait!" Light Owen halted him doing that as he opened his eyes. He rose one of his hands, "She's weaker than before if you supply her with your energy!"

Light Owen got up from his sitting position and walked to the place where Chandra was reclining with her closed eyes. "We need to open the energy portal, energy quantum for her to adapt!" He moved his hands into a circle as he breathed deeply and closed his eyes in front of him. He put his hand on the ground and the other hand was upright pointing to the sky. He tried to synergize the power of the sky and the earth. A very bright light appeared like the explosion of the galaxy, and it opened the portal between two worlds and different dimensions. A circular moving light emerged from the portal, and it went through Light Owen before it came to submerge into Chandra's chest. Chandra's body was powerfully shaken as the formidable energy from the portal tried to synergize within her. Kumara was standing next to her as he watched every detailed event happening to her. Light Owen's hands were shining through as the light also went through to his body before it was relayed to Chandra's body. He was the master of light power synergizing and he had to do it for Chandra as the Bhagavanta Kingdom's princess. 'She's the heir! She should be!' he thought as he tried hard to exchange the power from the powerful to the mild. 'She's not ready to get the full power, she should adapt it little by little! She should accept it and learn how to open and use it someday!' Light Owen still tried to halt the power as Kumara helped him to control the energy of the dimensional portal by releasing his energy. The night became lighter as if the day was inside the cave. Nobody thought what happened there. Most people from the near kingdom thought there had to be some falling meteors that hit the earth so hard. As soon as it happened in a few seconds, the bright light disappeared. The night became dark again.