
The Light Kingdom Revolution

As a running away princess from her kingdom, Princess Chandra decided to surrender her throne and nobility to her father's stepbrother, King Brutus. She tried to escape from her possessive suitor, King Dragon who wanted to make her a submissive princess and marry her only with the purpose to conquer her as a successor of a wealthy kingdom. Would she be able to make King Dragon realize the value of true love? How about Kumara, a half-celestial prince of wars who help her to get back her throne? Will Princess Chandra be able to make revolution under the name of the Bhagavanta Kingdom and resolve her conflict in love?

pandora_blessing · Fantasy
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33 Chs

The Anatolia Island Kingdom

Kumara seemed restless and kept his thought running under his analytical scanning process.

Chandra got resentful as she knew that Anatolia Island opened their access to the Emerald Drake up to seventy-five percent. 'Do they ignore the impact of that open access to their national defense? The king of Anatolia Island has been as old as my father and he doesn't choose his successor since he only has three daughters. Does he intend to marry one of his daughters to King Dragon or the general's son of the Emerald Drake?' Chandra explored many possibilities in her mind. 'What should I do to avoid this happening?' She got a spark as she gazed at The Eagle. 'He's not old enough. He's reaching forty and still being single! He's good looking though!' she smiled cunningly. "Eagle, I have some ideas for you to execute!"

The Eagle looked at Chandra. "What's ideas?"

"We can't let Anatolia Island fall into the grip of the Emerald Drake through King Dragon's consortium!" Chandra paused.

"Nobody wants it to happen!" The Eagle sniffed.

"I want you to marry the king of Anatolia Island's daughter. The eldest!" Chandra grinned.

"What???" The Tiger, The Mustache, The Eagle, and Kumara spontaneously turned their heads to Chandra.

"What's heck playing in your mind?" Kumara exhaled and glanced at her.

"I know that it sounds crazy but you know, we can't let the king of Anatolia Island ask King Dragon to marry his daughter and then, give King Dragon potentially absolute access to their national control, don't we?" Chandra peered. "I see Eagle has the potential to grasp the attention of the king's daughters. The second option will be you, Tiger. You could be the next potential candidate groom too. You can marry one daughter of King Anatolia Island and study their national security to merge with us. What do you say?" Chandra half convincingly questioned The Eagle and The Tiger.

They both kept silent. They seemed to analyze some factors and weighed the pros also cons of marrying the eldest daughter of the Anatolia Island king.

"Should I bring you both in front of the three daughters of Anatolia Island king?" she, then, asked impatiently. She sighed as the two men hadn't responded yet.

"I think Tiger is more suitable for that position!" Kumara was opinionated as The Mustache nodded.

The Tiger lifted his eyebrows and skeptically asked for further explanation implicitly.

"You are the general and the recruiter of the army from The Defenders!" Chandra convinced him.

"But I rarely approach a woman and date a woman! That's why I am still single!" The Tiger shyly confessed.

Chandra smiled, "Don't worry, we have Prince Kumara and Eagle as your trainers to charm the targeted woman! As we can count on their reputation and skills. Deeply from my heart, I admire those men."

The Tiger sniffed and rubbed his nose. He seemed a little bit doubtful about the plan.

"Eagle and Prince Kumara will buy some fancy clothes for you and do some makeover for you! Within a few days, we will visit and observe the Anatolia Island kingdom without any intentions!" Chandra converted to The Tiger. "It's a command of me, The Princess!" she emphasized her intonation and made Kumara rub his eyebrows.

The Tiger lifted his shoulder, "As long as you can change a fifty-four-year-old man into his mid-thirties appearance!"

Chandra laughed, "Don't worry about that! Before doing that, let's analyze the personality and character traits of the target."

"The more we could understand her, the easier we could approach her!" The Eagle smirked.

"She loves animals!" Chandra wrote it on a piece of paper. "I've seen her chasing some birds, rabbits, and butterflies in the kingdom's garden while I was visiting the kingdom with my father!"

Those men were listening.

"As the eldest daughter, I saw her quite dominant among her younger sisters. She loves drinking something and reading some books in her time. I didn't see that she liked dancing since I saw her only sitting in the lounge room and talking with some waiting ladies at the time her younger sisters enjoyed dancing!" she sighed. Finding the men were still listening, Kumara was staring at her but Chandra could sense that the man's brain was restoring and scanning the information that she shared. 'He's an expert in gaining a woman's heart and attention!' she thought. "Her name is Soles Tiana! It means the sun."

"Does she experience sibling rivalry or competition among her and her sisters?" The Eagle asked after writing some clues on a piece of paper.

"I don't know!" Chandra shrugged.

"As you said that she didn't like dancing while her younger sisters enjoyed dancing. What else that she seemed not to enjoy as her sisters did?" The Eagle paused and looked at Chandra as he tried to explore further.

"I think she loves talking about politics, and economics and the least subject that I ever heard she tried to discuss was fashion!" Chandra answered as she recalled everything that crossing her mind about that young woman.

"Okay!" The Eagle still wrote down what he had heard from Chandra's story. "What color does she like?"

Chandra scratched her head. "It means anything?" she asked inquisitively.

The Eagle nodded. "What you know everything about her is valuable information."

"It sounded so witty and strategic approaches!" Chandra smiled widely. She continued her story. "She loves wearing blue and orange as the color of her dress, accessories, or her feathered fans. I think she loves bringing a fan wherever she goes and wearing a pair of nice gloves too!"

The silence was crawling among them as they were busy analyzing each minds.

"Tell me what is your assumption and conclusion about her from my story, Eagle?"

The Eagle read his note-taking before starting to give his temporary analysis. "I think she is the kind of woman who draws into the first impression to whomever she gets along with for the first time. She doesn't like any men with their argumentative approaches in their first dating time but she doesn't like any passive approaches from a man too. From the color that she loves, she loves adorable and sincere compliments. She's quite judgmental in her early interaction with someone, particularly with a man. It requires a skilled approach how to center her in admiration without being too funky. It's a quite challenging woman as she understands politics. The man should be tricky in finding interesting and catchy subjects of conversations but it's not the heavy one for the first date. I emphasize that the first date is so crucial and influential to consider whether she will or not continue to date a man!"

Chandra sneered. "What a complex woman!"

The Tiger wiped his nose. "A challenging woman but it's also triggering!"

"So, you take it as a challenge to win over, don't you?" Chandra overly encouraged The Tiger and tapped his shoulder as a gesture of support. "The next task is going to Eagle in training you how to talk and give some impressive attitudes to the woman!" Chandra paused, as she nipped the other information that she almost failed to recall, "She has a ladyboy friend whom she loves to share and discuss or perhaps give her some input in making decisions. So, don't expect an impulsive woman!"

The Eagle squinted and hid his smile as they found The Tiger awkwardly corresponded to the princess' story.

Chandra leaned her back and smiled victoriously. "Mustache, please be prepared to give the princess of Anatolia Island astonishing entertainment, and don't forget the emotional scenes as she will feel blue after watching it, and at the time our charming Tiger makes an action!"

The Mustache smiled, "You can count on me!"

"Great!" she smirked contently.

Kumara kept his eyes and was examining her without her realizing; she was busy making challenging instructions. 'What a unique woman!' Kumara thought and scoffed in the other direction.

"Okay, back to the previous issue," Chandra held Kumara's shoulder. "Now, you tell me where my father is being kept?" she gripped the man's right shoulder.

He snatched the map and pointed at the area of Anatolia Island. "I am quite sure that your father is being locked up in this area!"

Chandra and the other three men were taken aback by Kumara's analysis.

"The first factor is the kingdom's national security issue. You know from the information that I have; the king hasn't addressed his successor. It's a very crucial issue for the kingdom where it is geographical open access." Kumara stopped giving his analysis. He directed his eyes to the men and Chandra. "The second one is the products that the Kingdom emphasizes as a goal, gold and silver products. It's very negotiable but also challenging. Any powerful kingdom can see it as an intimidating factor or a golden opportunity to make an invasion! I think King Brutus, as he considered the consortium with the King Dragon personally, the Emerald Drake, or the Triangulum Anatolia Empire, sensed this. He could share the parts in controlling and invading Anatolia Island kingdom with King Dragon! Relating to those aspects, Anatolia Island kingdom will be the safest place without attending suspects from your father's allies to seclude your father there and the more accessible place to rustle your father whenever something worst happens with the assistance of King Dragon's men in that kingdom."