
The Light Kingdom Revolution

As a running away princess from her kingdom, Princess Chandra decided to surrender her throne and nobility to her father's stepbrother, King Brutus. She tried to escape from her possessive suitor, King Dragon who wanted to make her a submissive princess and marry her only with the purpose to conquer her as a successor of a wealthy kingdom. Would she be able to make King Dragon realize the value of true love? How about Kumara, a half-celestial prince of wars who help her to get back her throne? Will Princess Chandra be able to make revolution under the name of the Bhagavanta Kingdom and resolve her conflict in love?

pandora_blessing · Fantasy
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33 Chs

A Story of A Half Celestial Creature

"Do you mean that I am a half-celestial creature?" Chandra asked as she wanted to spit out the weird, unacceptable sensation of blood rancid in her mouth. She ran out of the cave and vomited all that she could extract from her digestion. She felt so disgusting and scared at the same time. 'It's impossible,' she heaved a sigh. 'Light Owen said that I inherited the blood of tiger celestial from my mother!' she wiped her mouth, cleaned it from the vomit, and leaned her back on a trunk of a big tree outside the cave. She walked through to find water to wash her mouth from any blood of that innocent creature. She saw a little streaming river and its water was so clear. She squatted near its riverbank and scooped the water with her two hands to wash her mouth and her face. She stopped doing that as she saw her reflection in the water.

"What should I do to control my anger?" she whispered. 'It's the very first time I changed form into a tigress! I never done it before, I never eaten a creature alive and tasted its fresh blood!' she bowed down. 'I will never do it again!' she felt disgusting again as she reflected on how brutal she was as a beast. 'I hate to find out how he had manipulated me!' she cringed again as she remembered the face of King Dragon and what that man had done to her.

"What are you doing here?" she got surprised to find out that King Dragon appeared in front of her as she just finished attending her reading class.

King Dragon smiled and charmed her with a bouquet. "I need to meet your father, King Antasena. I have to discuss with him some policies in trading markets between the kingdom and the empire!"

Chandra sniffed the bouquet, "What policies?" the young woman had already found a spark between them.

As usual, King Dragon acted casually and enigmatically. "You're going to find it out in tonight's dinner, Chandra!" he put her fingers before putting a gentle kiss on her hand. "You like that lotion?" he proudly asked her as he sniffed the floral scent from her hand skin. "It will keep your skin moist, dear! So gentle and beautiful!" he examined her fingers in his palm hand. His thumb was caressing her fingers gently.

Chandra smiled and drew her hand politely. "Thank you!" she bit her lip a little as she turned her head away to avoid those eyes staring at her. They were talking about many things starting from music, and politics to trading issues as they walked through a quiet gloomy corridor to the palace where she stayed.

King Dragon took a deep breath and stopped his walk as he grabbed Chandra's hands. He pushed her to the wall and kissed her deeply, passionately. He paused, looked into her eyes deeply, and put his head on her head as both of them regulated their breath.

Chandra wiped her lips, and she got startled by what had happened. She slapped King Dragon gently. She stared at him angrily and surprisingly. King Dragon held his jaws with his hand after Chandra slapped it. He sniffed. Chandra drew his neck to get closer to her and it was her turn to kiss him desperately in a passion. King Dragon pushed her body a little bit away from him as he needed to breathe. He smiled at her and wiped her lips with his thumb gently. "You'll learn something new that Tristan never taught you with me!" he whispered softly into her ear. She bit her lips and was anxious to get more sensations that a mature man taught her.

"I welcome you to be wild, my dear!" King Dragon smiled and held her hand as they continued to walk. He gripped her hand warmly and made her forget all her sorrows. He was a man that had welcomed her to a wild side of her for the first time.

"Hey, how about if we race to get there?" Chandra threw an idea to King Dragon.

That man smirked at her. "What the winner will get?" he challenged her.

Chandra chuckled, "Don't think about it! I wonder if you can beat me!"

"What a proud young woman!" King Dragon shook his head and whistled. He started stealing the start time as Chandra was busy putting her shoes off.

"No. You're a cheater!" Chandra hurriedly ran as fast as she could to catch him.

"I won!" he raised his arms in pride.

Chandra hit him on his arm gently as she frowned at her loss. "You're a cheater!" she protested.

King Dragon chuckled, "In every competition, how to win is more important, my dear!"

Chandra showed her disagreement as she tried to give a soft kick to that man's shin. Unfortunately, that man was still alert enough to tackle her kick and made her slip to fall to the ground. King Chandra tried to catch her, but he wasn't prepared enough as both of them were falling to the ground. They were laughing at their silliness.

King Dragon still stuck on her with his eyes looking into her eyes as they stopped laughing. He started kissing her again, sucking deeply her lips and making Chandra swallow something flowing into her mouth from his. Her heart rate was beating faster enough as he caressed her neck and put down his fingers to her collars, slightly going down to caress her more. Chandra moaned and tried to push him away from her. She got up with her messy hair. She found King Dragon tried to get up too. She walked hurriedly to the palace and left King Dragon alone as he stared at her in dubious sight.

"Aww!" Chandra held her head as if somebody had hit her with something. Her reflection about her moment with King Dragon interrupted. She put the skin of a banana from the ground that someone had thrown on her. 'Who did it?' she spread her eyes to her surroundings. She looked up at some trees and found no monkeys. She heard the shrubs rustling as someone was walking through. She saw Kumara was approaching her and he seemed to munch something in his mouth.

"Did you throw it to me?" Chandra opened her eyes widely, showing him the skin of a banana as she rose and put one of her hands on her waist as a sign of an irritating act, for he had done.

He nodded his head innocently, "It's an alarm to wake you up!" he threw her another banana.

Chandra caught it and felt a little bit annoyed with his presence. "What are you doing here?" she asked him as she peeled off the banana and bit a big chunk.

"Daydreaming makes you hungry, huh?" Kumara asked her skeptically.

Chandra sniffed as she was munching the banana. "How do you know that I was daydreaming? I was thinking!" she defended herself.

Kumara sneered, "You forget that I understand the language of the universe. I told you I can read your mind!"

Chandra giggled as she heard Kumara's statement, "Ridiculous! Don't manipulate me with that!" she laughed hard at him.

Kumara wiped his nose, "Who was that man?" he asked her inquisitively.

Chandra stopped munching the banana, she looked at him, "Did you see it? Inside my mind?" now she started to become more curious about that man.

Kumara chuckled, "Your kissing?" he laughed as he fell to the ground. "Amateur!" he rubbed his eyes as he cried laughing hard.

Chandra threw the skin of the banana to the ground, "Who is amateur?" she felt he tried to challenge her.

Kumara stopped laughing, looking at her hilariously, "You! Hahahaha!" he laughed again.

Chandra sniffed and put her hand to that man's jaws. She scooped his face with her two hands and her action made Kumara stop laughing. He confusingly looked at her.

"What are you doing?" he held Chandra's hands that were on his face.

"Watch an amateur can do!" she smiled, rubbing his lips gently with her thumb. In a gentle movement, her lips stroke his lips and sucked them deeply. They were kissing passionately as they closed their eyes.

Chandra drew her lips away as they were kissing for some seconds.

Kumara smirked as Chandra wiped her lips. "Your lips are kissable!" he sneered.

Chandra was smiling proudly, "Either are your lips!" she admitted. She inhaled deeply.

Kumara stared at her without saying any words. Both of their eyes were locking into each other which made them both blush.

"Weird!" Kumara spoke softly as he inhaled deeply. They acted clumsily for a few seconds before the silence was crawling within.

"So, what are you doing here?" Chandra tried to open the conversation again.

Kumara inhaled. "What happened to you?" he asked her, "Did your anger change you into something?" he carefully asked.

Chandra took a deep breath and nodded her head slowly. "How do you know that I am a half-celestial creature?" she asked him.

Kumara turned his eyes down, "You smell like a tigress!" he confessed, "At some point, you also smell like a Vidyadhari!" he looked at her, trying to explore her with his stern sight.

"What kind of scent does a Vidyadhari have?" Chandra began to become curious.

"Their scent is similar to some cosmic florals!" he sniffed and smirked in his enigmatic style.