
The Light Kingdom Revolution

As a running away princess from her kingdom, Princess Chandra decided to surrender her throne and nobility to her father's stepbrother, King Brutus. She tried to escape from her possessive suitor, King Dragon who wanted to make her a submissive princess and marry her only with the purpose to conquer her as a successor of a wealthy kingdom. Would she be able to make King Dragon realize the value of true love? How about Kumara, a half-celestial prince of wars who help her to get back her throne? Will Princess Chandra be able to make revolution under the name of the Bhagavanta Kingdom and resolve her conflict in love?

pandora_blessing · Fantasy
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33 Chs

'Funky' Louis

"It's not their fault in a natural way. You smelled like a shit of badger and a skunk thought you'd be its enemy, to keep safe their territory so it should send you away with that spraying smell. That is a skunk's defense mechanism," Chandra still covered her nose.

The man looked at her with begging eyesight.

"Sorry, the skunk didn't fall in love with you! That's why its spray smelled so stinky," Chandra tried to make him feel better, looking at him and trying so hard not to make any wide smile or gestures to laugh at him. 'Yes, I could feel how hard he challenges himself to handle the stingy! My gosh, but I could hide my urge to laugh!' Chandra turned her back on that man, trying to hide her laugh and looking for a way to control her urge for laughing. She put something out from her leathered bucket.

"Wash your body using this soap, although it can't vanish the smell completely at least, it would be not so stinky," Chandra threw him a soap. She pointed to a river in front of them with her chin.

The man took a soap but at the time he tried to take off all of his clothes just in front of her eyes, Chandra covered her eyes with her both hands and shouted at him, "Can you find any spots that I can't see you naked, please?" She requested in a high pitch.

The man smiled at her in a naughty way and he tried to put his pants down.

Chandra lifted one of her eyebrows, "Do that and I will unsheathe my sword," she hissed at him.

That man looked at her, made an innocent grin, and walked away to hide himself around the bushes.

Chandra exhaled harshly and shook her head. She tapped the horse's neck, "Is he your master? You're a poor horse, so! Why does he not own a puppy not a beautiful creature like you?" She sighed.

Chandra left the horse tied to the tree as she walked into the forest. 'Rose asked me to collect some twigs!' she thought and looked around her to pick up some dried twigs from the ground. She put them into a pile and tied those twigs with a dead root of a tree that she found. 'I think it's enough,' she got up and wiped her forehead. Her ears heard water streaming, and she went to the gurgling sound came from. She saw the water of the river was clear as she scooped it with her hands to wash up her face. 'It's so fresh!' she spread her eyes and next few minutes, she put herself seating on the ground near the riverside. The breezes blew so nicely and she took some sips of water from her water bucket. She turned around when she heard some bushes were moved. 'A rabbit!' she smiled and exhaled in an eased way. She continued to spread her eyes around and got up from her place at the moment her nose captured a strange odor. 'It smells so strange, what kind of animal is it? Or is there any human around?' she looked so suspicious as she rarely made contact with strangers. She stayed alert to avoid any confrontations with any men who were sent by King Dragon. That was the reason that she thought she should be back to the place where she left Beauty and the unlucky charming man.

At the time she returned, she found out the man appeared differently. His wavy dark hair made him quite good at his appearance. He had a pair of beautiful blue eyes. He smiled at Chandra in a confident manner as he knew that he was a good-looking man.

He cleared his throat as Chandra tried to ignore him.

"Could you give a hand with those twigs?" Chandra looked at him eagerly as she put those down on the ground in front of them.

"Should we carry all this stuff?" He asked her curiously.

"Yes, you can carry them on the horse," Chandra held the rope of the horse as she walked it to the hut.

The man sniffed and pulled up the pile of twigs on the horse.

"I'm walking, you are too, is it fair, don't you think so?" Chandra lifted her eyes as she saw that the man tried to ride the horse.

The man put an innocent grin on his face. "What's your name?" He asked as they were walking to the hut.

Chandra rubbed her nose, "Damn, you still smelled!" She grumped and that made the man cringed at her.

The man slowed down his steps to give a space between him and Chandra. "You can call me, Louis, the son of Knight Thunder," he introduced himself proudly.

Chandra stopped her steps and looked at the man thoroughly. "So, are you a nobleman?" She wrinkled her forehead as she felt so skeptical. 'As I assumed, his clothes look expensive and luxurious although it smells so disgusting! Oh, man!' she eyed on him. 'He has clean hair and style as a noble man, as a matter of fact!'

The man nodded his head quickly.

Chandra sniffed harshly, 'Why he acts so foolish as a nobleman?' she thought.

"People call me Chandra," she answered and continued her steps to the hut.

The man looked at her from hair to toe, "You aren't Princess Chandra, are you? The daughter of King Antasena who just surrendered his throne to his stepbrother," he asked Chandra curiously.

Chandra laughed at his question. "Do I look like a princess? What kind of joke are you making, Dude?"

Louis inhaled harshly, "Absolutely not. You seem like a frustrated tomboy who living in a forest because a charming prince broke your heart!"

Chandra laughed and shook her head, "I am not so desperately helpless, Dude!"

Louis smiled at her warmly.

"So, what have you known about the Bhagavanta Kingdom?" Chandra asked him as they walked through. "Are you from any Kingdoms near that kingdom?" she watched him in an inquisitive sight.

Louis shrugged his shoulder, "Yep. I am from The Kernelithum. As long as I know, the King has a daughter who rejected to become the heir, and perhaps, that's the reason why the King surrendered the throne to his stepbrother, King Brutus!"

Chandra took a pause and looked at Louis, "You think so?" she sighed, "I ever heard The Kernelithum. Do the people who come from there always eat only kernels?" she lifted her forehead in a skeptical expression.

Louis laughed, "Yes, we love eating kernels but it doesn't mean we don't eat any meats, kinds of butter, fruits, or any edible things!" then, he, again, shrugged his shoulder. "Anyway, who will lose their mind to give the kingdom's throne to a princess that most people said a rebellious princess? She could be a troublemaker and ruin the kingdom to the worst!"

Chandra stopped to walk, her eyes opened wide, "What you said? A troublemaker?" she asked him with an insulting pitch but, in a few seconds, she got her pitch lower as she realized something should not be revealed. "Perhaps, you're right!"

Louis looked at her with a confused expression as he found an insulting expression of Chandra when he talked about the rebellious princess who tried to break the rules many times. "Why do you seem so bothered? We're not talking about you, either!"

Chandra smiled and continued to walk. She exhaled patiently.

"What makes you come to this forest?" Chandra asked him. She looked into those blue eyes skeptically.

Louis lifted his shoulder, "Trouble in making a romance!"

"You mean that you slept with one of the King's or Knight's mistress?" Chandra tried to guess.

The man stopped his steps to look at Chandra sternly. He folded his both arms, "You think I am so desperately foolish?"

Chandra turned her head to him, "Yes, mmm I mean I got assuming from what you just did, smeared yourself with a badger's shits and a skunk sprayed on you," She bit her lips to avoid laughing.

Louis lifted one of his eyebrows as a sign of his disagreement. "I did what a book asked me how to survive in the forest," he answered to defend himself.

Chandra looked at him from her side eyes. 'He's good looking though I'm afraid he will make Rose act clumsily,' she spoke in her mind.

"I slept with a princess who got pregnant with a Knight. Now, people thought and sought for me to take responsibility for her baby. How come? I hadn't finished yet," He claimed and explained in his defensive mode.

Chandra sniffed, 'Damn, he said that he hadn't finished yet!' she shook her head.

"You're a really unlucky charming gentleman!" She smiled at him hilariously.

Louis exhaled and continued his steps, "I am a charming nobleman who just got a bit of bad luck in a romance. Not like I used to be."

"So, you are running away?" Chandra wanted to know.

Louis nodded his head. "I had to, or they will kill me since I refused to marry her!" he sniffed harshly.

Chandra tapped the neck of the horse, "That's our hut!"