

Okay, Hello too everyone who decided too read this, if you have any recommendations for the future just list it down in the comments.

Now this is base off a game that does not belong too me, so there is already a set lore and story and I will advice anyone who does not the story of Destiny the game it is available for free so check it out.

I will change the lore most of the time too benefit the story making it more interesting too read, and if any bungie destiny developer read this, we need more forsaken story, and we dint mind losing zavala tbh.

So we can make it a harem if you guys want or just random romance or one main heroin, mention it down below who she should be, either an existing character or another gaurdian.

I will make up weapons for this, based off Destiny 1 and 2 weapons since I'm trying too make a realistic world.

You guys can recommend whether too change is ghost shell and ship whether he should make the tower his base or an ship, like a BIG ship.

He is gonna be an hunter main but will learn skills or warlocks and titans progressively, and unlike the game he can only follow one path either void, fire or lightning he will expand later on but so far I'll make him follow the way of the pathfinder.

If you guys have any tips or lore you wanna include I'll try too include in the story like meeting the drifter while exploring or something like that.

So far the problems in the universe are solved by guardians so I'll continue from after the Destiny 1 main campaign is over and try too go more indept of the vangaurd and guardians.

AND too make sure, I DON'T own Destiny 1 and 2 OR any related content this based off the story and lore previously written be dedicated writer team which is more interesting than what I write since this is my boredom doing this so I hope everyone understands.


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