

Please for those who want to read. Please finish reading it and help me comment on this chapter so that I can know my short comings because this is my first novel on webnovel and I don't know their preferences. Thanks.


He obtained the crystals. He sent out his spiritual sword, he travelled along the path, he already use an hour, he got to a house which was bungalow. He sent out his spiritual sword into the house but met no one. You didn't tell me it was going to be easy, he thought. He started to walk, he almost got there when beasts started to come out, they were twenty, he bought his mask out and wore It. Suddenly the beasts flew into the forest, he was confused, then he looked bach and saw something flying at him, he used his gauntlet to take the attack, he was thrown back five metres. The round thing started to form, it turned into human shape, six feet tall with one hand as a sword and the other hand with claws. A king tier beast, I think you called for trouble, the System told him. "I have another practice partner" the beast said. It also have intelligence so it won't be easy to fight it, the system notified him. His storage came out, important weapon, life and death sword one hundred thousand credits, he read it. Do you want to pay? The system asked again.

Yes, he shouted. The beast got enraged and ran to him, bang the sword clashed with his gauntlet, he was forced back twenty metres. The gauntlet already split into two. He bought the impenetrable gauntlet out. Bang, bang, bang, he used the gauntlet to take the attack from the swords and claw. The weapon is already in your storage, the system notified him. Bang, the second sword hit his chest but couldn't penetrate, he was forced to the back of the mountain. His dragon core already had cracks on it. Bang, four hundred and nineteen openings were created. Mid tier Quan level. The beast thought that he was dead. He spat out blood but the dragon core was already healed one hundred and fifty out of two hundred HP, he was notified. He bought the life and death swords out. He summoned his Wing, the beast was going into the house, he summoned the hundun sword energy and sent it to the beast. Bang, the swords clashed with the ten thousand, nine hundred and sixty hundun sword energy, the sword energies rushed back to him. "You"..... the beast stood dumbfounded. But no one can ever survive my attack, the beast said. But I did, Quinn (Edward) answered. Defeat for an instant level up to level three in immortal physique, he was notified. What ever, I will kill you now, the beast said and ran to him, he also ran. Bang, he was able to withstand the attack. Their swords hit for few time but he started to feel weak, the beast started to beat him. Bang, bang, he stabbed him with the sword and fang together but the regalia took the effect. "Crack" several cracks appeared, nine openings closed again, he was reduced to low tier Quan level. He received a kick and flew hundred metres back. Alarm blarred off. Two hours already passed. Running low on energy thirty out of two hundred HP. He stood up and summoned 81,920, half were fake and half were real, he mixed he real with the fake ones and formed fourteen array formation, he directed it towards the beast, the beast started to fight it, he circulated the hundun sword energy round it and lightening formed it, he commanded the lightening tribulation, it struck the beast seven times, he went towards the beast and stabbed it with the two swords. Bang, it exploded, he was thrown farther away. Ten out of two hundred HP, he was notified, he obtained it's beast crystal and went into the house. The red pointer pointed to a door, he entered the room. Books were scattered everywhere, he looked at the books and found a book named "Life and Death technique". He also found another one which says "Immortal physique", he took the books. He searched the room and later found shadow ability book, he took it, he was about to go out when he saw a book "creating a robot", he also took the book and went outside.

He got outside and saw the beast remnant a demonic core, he saw other beasts fighting with some portion of it's skin, it was still enough to make something for kress. He carried it, the beast attacked him but he used his blood missile to block it, he found a box that is underneath, the upper part of the ground was broken due to the fight he and the beast engaged in. He went there and used his sword to dig the ground. He bought the box out and saw different beast crystals, demonic cores and skins, he recognized it, it was the skin of the beast he fought on madasva planet, he emptied the whole into the bag and he quickly left. On his way back, he saw different dead beasts on the floor, it was the lightening tribulation he activated that killed them. He reached the portal and entered his house. Yep first thing he did was go empty the bag, he saw beast crystals, demonic cores and a book, the arts of Qi, he bought the books out.