

"Get out of this house and never come back you illegitimate child" you Mrs haff told Edward. She instructed the made to throw his luggage. "Mom, you are abandoning me for a man that is not my father, all his sons are building their future and prepare towards the it the way they like but you want him to dictate mine to me, not possible" Edward told Mrs haff. "Pak, Pak, Pak" he was gifted three simultaneous slaps. Mrs haff wanted to give him another one but she was stopped by her husband Edward's step-dad. They heard a at the gate, "open the gate" his step-dad instructed the maid. Three well armed soldiers entered. "That's him" Mrs haff pointed at Edward. "I can't believe you are doing this mom", he said to his mom. "Pak" I he was give a slap that made him retreated five steps. "Carry him", one of the soldiers instructed and he was carried to the gate while his luggage was burnt that night.

Edward is the son of Mrs haff, he also has an elder sister, two elder brothers with a step-sister. There are some circumstances surrounding his birth that was not told to him. The hospital he was give birth to was at a remote village. His father was killed that night by some weird creatures, it was his grandfather that saved him and his mother, the moved to the city when Edward's grandfather left them. He has some features that cannot be considered in the human world. He has a red eyeball, long hair, the upper part was black while the lower part of the hair is pure red and it add a strangeness to his handsome self. He also has a strange fast healing ability with non humanistic memory. The combination of this makes him an handsome and intelligent person with some danger added to it. He just wrote his WAEC and JAMB, he was instructed to register for surveying but he registered for computer engineering, that was the reason behind the event that took place that night.

A week later he was released from the army custody with no injury. He was beaten badly and also tortured the way hardened criminal are been tortured but his injuries were able to heal without any medication or treatment. He went to Mrs haff's house, there was no one at home, he entered the house with the spare keys he stole. He took the Important documents and searched the house for his luggages but he found nothing. He locked the house and was about to go when he heard sirens. "Stop you are under arrest for breaking into a persons house". The police surrounded him, an handcuff was put on his hands and he was dragged away. Mrs haff took the case to court.