
The life of the Omnipotent Being

TreeMan_CreatorAll · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 10: Status check

-(i learned from the teacher that my father assigned to me that at the age of 10 I'll be taken to get my status checked and that 3 days after that I'll start school)(even in another world there is always a school)

-(I'll get my status checked tomorrow, since 6 years ago my skills have leveled up alot and i got to level up my sword skill to)

(When i was leveling up my skills i found out that I'll get extra skills every level up, up to level 10 after that every 10 level i get 1 skill)

-(system: skill list)

"50× exp boost: Can do anything 50× faster than normal

Fire magic: Lv 11 Extra skill unlocked: Fire ball, Fire wave, Fire Tornado, Fire Golem, Fire Explosion, inferno blast, waves of erosion, ignitation, explosion

New skill unlocked:

Electricity magic: Lv 3 Extra skill unlocked:

Electricity manipulation, Electric punch, Electric Shock,

Water magic: Lv 11 Extra skill unlocked:

Water Spear, Water Slash, Water Barrier, Water fall, Water Blast, Rainfall, Acid raid, water view, tsunami

New skill unlocked:

Ice magic: Lv 4 Extra skill unlocked:

Ice manipulation, ice spear, ice path, ice field

Earth magic: Lv 7 Extra skill unlocked:

Earth Wall, Earth smash, Earth Sword, Earth armor, Earth spear, Earth punch, Earth Trap

Wind magic: Lv 21 Extra skill unlocked:

Wind barrier, Fast Wind, Conceal sound, Fly, Wind Golem, Wind Blade, Telekinesis, Wind Armor, Sonic speed, Tornado, Vaccum (no wind zone)

Affinity to all magic: Lv Max: Can learn anytype of magic, even if you're not supposed to be compatible with that magic

Limit break: Lv Max: Everytime you reach your limit you can break it (as its name implies)

Sword skills: Lv 5: Can use the sword Extra Skill unlocked:

Sword control, Sword dash, Sword Slash, Air slash, Sword dance

Last stand: Lv 1: After your heath reaches 1 you'll gain invincibility for 30 seconds

(time limit will increase after level up)

(Time limit will double after level 2)

[Advanced] Body strengthening: Lv 9: Strengthen the body for 256 minutes

(time limit will increase after level up)

(Time limit will double after level 2)

World book: Lv 7: learn the truth about the world, Effect: Can learn the 35% of the thing known to all of humans"

-(see what I'm saying my skills level are quite high if i have to say)

-(with the world book i learned that the highest level someone has ever reached on a skill is level 216, thats high as hell but i couldn't find the max level a skill can get, i would say that the max level is at 300 but wonder how long it would take me to reach that)

-(since today is my status check day I'm nervous on what they would say since my stats and skills are higher than normal adult adventurers)

-(oh yeah its been 2 years now ever since i checked my stats i mean i haven't used my stat points ever since when i was 4)

-(Status open:)

"Level: 77

Mana: 7 700

Strength: 79

Magic: 79

Durability: 79

Speed: 79

Dexterity: 79

Stat Points: 750"

-(well damn, 750 stat points hmm lets put 200 in magic)

"Magic: 79 --> 279"

Mana: 7 700 --> 77 000"

(100 in strength and durability)

"Strength: 79 --> 179

Durability: 79 --> 179

Stat points: 750 --> 350"

(200 in speed)

"Speed: 79 --> 279"

(And hmmm yeah 150 in Dexterity)

"Dexterity: 79 --> 229"

"Stat points: 350 --> 0"

-(now my stat is higher than high ranking adventurers)

-(Status open)

Level: 77

Mana: 7 700 --> 77 000

Magic: 79 --> 279

Strength: 79 --> 179

Durability: 79 --> 179

Speed: 79 --> 279

Dexterity: 79 --> 229"

-*quinela* Master? The carriages are ready

-~Comming~ *opens door* *goes down stairs*

-*his father* Hey azura, you're late

-~Sorry~ dad

-its okay come in today its your day to show the world what you're capable of

-Yes dad

[2 hours later]

-Is this it?

-*his father* yes it seems we have arrived

-So this is the main church


-*carriage guy* sir we have arrived

-*gets out of carriage* hmm?

-Sorry son but you have to go alone

-Yes dad *goes up the stairs*

*opens door*

-*Church guy* come with me

-*nervous* ...ok

-*goes to a room with statues of "gods"*

-*sees a tablet* hmm? What that for?

-*ignores* put your hand on the tablet

-...Okay *puts hand*

-*the mc/"god of creation anon"*

yo, you hear me?

-oh its you, did i die again?

-Huh? No, i stopped time on the other world and transported your soul here


-cuz why not, I'm sure you have questions

-Yeah i have a lot of question, first why was i chosen to be reincarnated

-hmmm, cuz you had 2000% of being a hero

-Thats it?

-Also, cuz you wanted to be isekai'd so i did it for you

-well...whatever, if i go destroy stuff, are you gonna like kill me or banish me something

-Nahh, i wouldn't care less, just do whatever you want in the other world

-Then what about the blessing, what is its effect?

-Hmmm, i do want to wait until your blessing reach level 5 but whatever, so with my blessing your immortal, you get double stat points, you can conceal your stat like making it weaker than original and other effect that you will get when you reach high enough

-But how do i level up my blessing

-If you don't look at your stat for a long period of time, my blessing will level up or if i want i can just level it up myself

-But i haven't checked my stats for 2 years 3 times and it still hasn't level up

-Oh that, its because i didn't want it to level up

-(damn you)

-So any other questions?

-No, I'm done

-Don't forget to change your stat

-Ok....umm ho-

-<Status concel: Stats of an average royal knight>


-Now, bah bye...




-hmmm? Oh i forgot to resume time


-there we go


-*azura* mmmmh, i guess i'm back here, oh my stats are shown by this tablet

-*church guy* Here your status and id card

-Thank you

-*escorts him to the exit* May you be blessed with gods protection

-(ehhhhh, i don't know bout that)

-*his father in excitement* So, so? Did you get it?


-Can you show it to me???

*puppy dog eyes*

-Ermmmm with mom

-*sigh* ok fine

*goes in the carriage*

[2 hours]

*goes in the house*

Church guy

Name: Alion Abreja

Age: 51

Height: 178

Weight: 61

Hair: Gray

Eyes: Brown Black

Gender: Male

Discription: Priest, Servant of god