
The Life Of The Immortal Devil

In an era of an advanced feudal Japan, the strongest samurai resided. He wasn't just the strongest samurai, but the strongest overall. He isn't necessarily evil or good he walks his own path. His name was Fumetsu, he had no surname as he abandoned it just like his family did him. Around the world, he is known as the "Immortal Devil". An unkillable and cruel person. He was surrounded by blood, weapons, and anything close to death on his death bed. Exactly how he lived his whole life. Before he left this world he got wise words and had a last drink with an old friend. But when he died it wasn't the end there was another journey for Fumetsu in another world. It was a new start and new life for him. Watch Fumet- no, Emrys rise to be the strongest in another world. Follow the Magical Records of the Immortal Devil, the strongest samurai. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is my first try at creating a novel. After reading so much, I decided I wanted to make my own. I would appreciate some advice and tips to improve as I am a newbie writer. Btw I'm in high school. The cover picture is not mine if wanted to be taken down, let me know.

GodNox · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Decision Made

In a room similar to the Nox family main room, but smaller. The walls are rose gold with black flower patterns all over. Even the bed has black flower patterns on its dark pink sheets. It has a lot of furniture like the main room and tea sets.

Standing up in the middle of the room is a young teen girl, about eight-years-old, holding a baby. The young girl has dark purple hair reaching her waist, matching her bright purple eyes. She is in a black nightgown.

In her hands, she is cuddled and singing songs to the newborn baby, Emrys.

Emry's eyes start to blink as he wakes up from a nap. After Emrys woke up, he looked around to see a new room and a new person.

'Where am I? How come every time I wake up from being unconscious, I always find myself in a new place and with a new person? Is my luck really that strange?'

Seeing the little baby looking around with his little eyes, the teen girl had a big smile, bright red cheeks, and wide eyes.

"It seems you are awake, baby brother. I know you can't understand me, but I still wanted to tell you who I am. I am your oldest sister, Vivi, but not your eldest sibling as that belongs to our eldest brother, Tristan," Vivi exclaimed.

'What is with this loved obsessive child? She would be an annoying sister. But it's not bad to actually be loved and wanted. I need to know what will happen to me if I don't have that birthmark. To my observation, it must be a means that everyone in the family has.'

"I think mom and dad should be coming to my room to get you in a couple of seconds," Vivi stated.

In the next couple of seconds, footsteps coming near the door could be heard. The door opened, and two people walked into the room. It was Eryx and Lucy, just as Vivi predicted.

Emrys heard the door open, then he closed his eyes, stopped moving, and snored a little to put on an imitation of him sleeping.

'I must act like I'm taking a nap, so they won't put me to sleep like last time. I need to know what they will do to me because I can't die again as I won't be as lucky as getting another chance at life like now.'

"Vivi, we are back, and we have to tell, but first we have to make sure Emrys is asleep because of your father's superstitions that the baby might hear us," Lucy spoke while walking with Eryx to Vivi's side.

"No problem, because he just went to sleep right before you came into the room. So what is it you want to tell me?" Vivi inquired.

"Well, I will let your father inform you," said Lucy as she turned to look at Eryx

"What, why me?" Eryx asked Lucy.

Lucy's usually calm face had gone dark as she stared at Eryx. She gave him a stern look as if she was saying it now.

"Alright, alright, I'll tell her. Stop staring me down," Eryx stated.

As Eryx said that, Lucy's cold face went back to normal with a grin on her face.

Eryx sighed, "It's about your new baby brother. It's sad to say this, but we might have to get rid of him in 5 years."

Vivi was lost for words as her father said something to her.

Vivi yelled, "What do you mean get rid of him? He's still a baby, and you're talking about killing him. What is wrong with you two? Especially you mom! How could you go along with something so cruel?"

"Calm down, Vivi. Let me explain more. When I say I have to get rid of him, I mean cast him out to the outer circle and disown him. I will send a trusted maid to take care of him in the outer circle, but that's only if he still doesn't have our birthmark," Eryx explained with a low tone and straight face.

He wasn't born with the birthmark? Everyone in our family would have it, even if it's not. This doesn't make sense!

"That's why we said we will wait five years because he could be a late awakener. There have been instances in our family's history, so we will decide his fate in five years, the longest it took for it to appear."

"But that still doesn't give you the right to disown my little brother and debunk his status because he still has your and mom's blood in him. If you do what you said you'll do, I'll join my younger brother because that is too unfair!"

"You will not! You have the greatest affinity to darkness in whole families history except for our founder. How could I let you do something so dumb? You will be the pillar and leader of our family in the future. End of the discussion!"

"No, it's not!"

"It is!"

Both Eryx and Vivi stopped their argument as they could feel immense pressure sending shivers down their spines. This pressure emanated from the only other woman in there, Lucy. Her face looked like she was saying, stop immediately or I all shall act put', which was very scary coming from Lucy.

"You are going to wake up, Emrys. So if you don't stop this dispute right now. You will both understand what pain truly is!" Lucy yelled.

'You're louder than we are, but you tell us to be quiet,' Eryx and Vivi thought.

Emrys was in the middle of this, hearing all they said and yelling. His facial expressions would have switched simultaneously if he didn't have to fake sleep.

'What a scary mom she would be. Well, that is if I don't awaken this birthmark. Even though my new parents don't love me enough, my sister loves me completely. But I wonder what this dark crescent moon birthmark represents in the family. As they said, sending me to the outer family means this family is powerful or a noble family in the world I viewed. I need to know more.'

"Vivi, you don't have to worry about Emrys because I have faith that the birthmark will appear soon, so don't argue," Lucy said, then looked at her husband, "and you. Stop arguing with your eight-year-old daughter. Be an adult. Now let's go!"

Lucy then walked over to Vivi to grab her beloved child. After grabbing Emrys, she started walking to the door.

Lucy waited for Eryx to follow behind her. Seeing him not following, she yelled.


Hearing his wife's words, Eryx shook back into reality as he followed Lucy towards the door to leave.

After Eryx and Lucy left the room, Emrys stopped acting like he was asleep as it was annoying to do in a baby's body that tends to always want to move.

"Did they wake you up, my sweet, sweet baby boy? Don't worry, mommy will punish them for you." Lucy said with agrin.

'Such two-faced person. Usually, I would never be scared of anything. I wasn't even scared when I almost died for a second time. But it's something different with moms. Who knew they could be such terrifying existences.'

Emrys had chills thinking about his mom, Lucy.

"Well, let's take you to your room to meet your nanny."

After walking around for a little Lucy arrived in a dark blue room. Eryx left as he had other important matters to handle within the family.

"Sierra, come meet Eryx and I's newest child, Emrys. Who you will be taking care of for now on," Lucy said.

"Yes, madam," Sierra answered.

Nanny came over to the door where Lucy answered to see the new baby she would be taking care of.

Sierra is a nanny in her mid-twenties that wear her designated maid outfit. She is about the average woman's height being five foot four, with her brunette hair stopping at her neck.

Sierra looked over in Lucy's arms seeing the cute baby Emrys wrapped in a blanket.

"So this is your newborn son. He is such a cutie. He will surely look like his father when he grows up. Not without inheriting your smooth skin and beautiful eyes." Sierra cheered.

"Thank you, but stop the flattering."


"Now I trust you, Sierra, with my son's safety, so please take care of him. If he faces any dangers, you will receive a punishment so cruel, you will call me a demon. Do you understand?" she smiled.

"I absolutely positively comprehend."


Saying that word, Lucy passed Emrys over to Sierra and left the room. Sierra looked at Emrys and started talking to him.

"Don't worry, young master. Your nanny Sierra will take good care of you even if it costs my life. Since you had a long day, now that the sun is almost finished setting, it is time for you to rest. So have a had sleep."

Sierras then placed Emrys in a cradle to put him to sleep. He wasn't about to go sleep yet as he had to gather his thoughts.

'It seems there is magic in this world as I remember Eryx put me to sleep with a light he condensed. It seems I will need to try out that idea I had after I find some more research on the beings that inhabit this world and how people gain power. Maybe I can be the strongest with this idea. Now that I think about it, how am I so calm and well-adapted? Maybe it's something to do with that encounter in the darkness. Time to sleep.'