
The beginning

My life started off pretty easy. My mother was always there caring for me, doing what she needed.But my father was never there. At the age of 12 I had moved in with him and my oldest sister. We'll call her Anesthesia.She was pretty nice to me, but something was off. The man that everyone painted as this amazing father figure wasn't even that amazing. Always screaming at me for not cleaning up around the house, or not getting dishes out of my room. But no one ever saw that part of him. The whole time Anesthesia and me were living with him, he was always in a bad mood and had nothing else to do except take his anger out on me. It's just sad cause everyone sees him as this amazing man, super caring, and always there for his children. But did he know I was struggling that whole time? Did he know I went a week without eating? Did he know I was cutting myself daily? No. He didn't he never noticed anything. He kept on going his days with yelling at me. A few months pass, and Anesthesia decides to switch up on my mother. Tell everyone she does this and that. She never did but because this child is so manipulative everyone believed her. Everyone pittied her. They all thought everything she said was true. So my mother got charges pressed on her. My other sister that was practically living full time with my mom had to move in with us. It was stressful. I was really happy she moved in cause me and her are very close. We've been through alot together. Besides the point, after all of this happened, my what I thought was my dad didn't allow me and my other sister to go see our mom. The one who actually cares about us and knows when somethings wrong.He did this for awhile I don't remember exactly how long, but those days were really hard. I got to the point where I would sit in my room at 3 in the morning and cut myself. I had a drawer in my room with everything I needed to do it. And to think that my dad would figure out what was going on with me was beyond stupid. That man never cared about me. He was always out drinking, hunting or fishing. To add onto that, you would think that I would be able to name all these amazing things I did with him and all these memories I had with him. But no theres nothing. And at this point in my life I don't want him in my life.

A long amount of time passed by, and I call my mom one day, she said I should try asking my dad to let me and my sister see her, he said yes. I'll never forget that day. I was the happiest I could ever be. My mom showed up in the driveway and me and my sister bolted out the door. It felt like i was hugging my mom for the first time in years. We went back to her house. The house I grew up in and the 3 of us had the best time of our lives. We all were so happy. But then things started to go down hill again... I heard my mom was getting kicked out of her house. The house I lived all my life in. By her own grandmother. It came out of no where. But I knew she was gonna figure things out, and she did. About a month later we moved in with one of my closest friends. Even though we fought alot she was always there for me, and I was always there for her. Living in that house is probably the best thing I could have asked for in 2020. I was doing good in life. I really was. I have alot more to say about my life but ill just keep it here for now.