
The Life of Kenshiro Senju

I am not the writer! The author goes by the online name Kestix. I just thought that it would be a shame for this gem to rot out there forever. Author: https://www.royalroad.com/profile/16399 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kenshiro Senju, son of Iria Senju and Daikuma Senju Kenshiro Senju, that is now my name. It has not always been... Once I have been named differently, by another mother, in a different world. I had grown up in a different world, have lived a different life, and have done things way differently. My story started like so many other isekai self-insert stories. Well, at least I think my death has been a little bit more on the strange side. Author of the cover; https://www.pinterest.de/mliannaphilisa/

RandomSwordsThief · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Chapter 26

Kenshiro's POV

A proctor gave each of us a piece of paper before he led us 'hostages' through a corridor with a lot of cells. Each of us got our very own cell. The interior was lacklustre, a chair, some dried blood on the floor and no windows. I sat down on the chair and read my password, before destroying it. The code 'To the West, under the three pillars of crystal'. It's probably the direction for the second test. A moment later the proctor came inside. It was the same that led us through the corridor.

"I'm gonna bind you to the chair and block your Chakra. Your goal is to refuse to give any knowledge about the code. They won't be allowed to leave physical signs of torture." He then proceeded to take out a pair of cuffs, Chakra suppressors. He cuffed my hands and then bound me to the chair. "You're lucky, our Jonin test allows non-crippling injuries. Then again, those tests aren't done by Ninja from other villages."

I felt how my Chakra got actively disturbed and became harder to use. I almost scoffed at the quality of their suppressors, they weren't good ones. Grandma Mito has shown me really good ones, against Jinchuriki and again against master in Chakra control. Those stop any move of your Chakra and only allows the live sustaining amount of Chakra to flow through your system. You need two types of high-quality suppressors. One against the manipulation of Chakra and the other against large amounts of Chakra. Every seal can be burned off by an overload of Chakra. That's why you have inbuild countermeasures in your seals.

As it was I could still use my Chakra, but only thanks to my perfect control. The status even showed how they worked. They gave my Chakra control a debuff of 40%. And I mean Chakra control, these cuffs do nothing against elemental Chakra. Sure, every normal Genin would no longer be able to use any Chakra with these on. However, the three Jinchuriki would be able to simply burn the suppressor away, whereas I can still use my Chakra or burn them off.

I used the time without my interrogators to form a small plan. First I will see who my 'interrogators' are and what they will do. If I don't like it I will act.

The two came inside with a confident expression. They wore Kumogakure headbands and were at least four years older than I. "Nice, we get the Senju dog," said one of them in glee. He rubbed his hands excitedly and tried to look intimidating. He even used a pitiful amount of Killing Intent.

"Wish it was the bitch, we may not be allowed to harm them, but a sandwiching wouldn't have hurt her," laughed the other. He made a rude gesture with his pelvis and I think I have heard enough.

"Yeah, both holes at once would do her only good. Have you seen her tits? They are huge for a girl her age," agreed his friend. The other sighed wishfully and started to go through handseals for a Genjutsu, he never finished his second seal.


POV; Proctor (A different one):

I was waiting outside of the cell. The Genin are normally not so stupid as to break the rules, but in some cases, we have to step inside before they do something stupid. I knew that the Senju-heir was inside this cell. And I did feel the small amount of Killing Intent coming through the door. There is a camera inside that allows us to watch the footage afterwards, either for the promotion or for legal reasons.

Suddenly I could hear a muffled thud through the wall. Maybe one of the interrogators wanted to intimidate the Senju and hit it? A quick look on my watch showed that they had five more minutes. Once the time runs out I step inside and call the two Kumo Genin out. If they were good they get the information, if not then I'll have to fail them and give the other Genin, another test. I am to ask him about the code. If he tells me he fails, if not then he passes.

In the real world, he wouldn't know who I am and shouldn't tell me, even if I look like an ally.

Another thud. If the first time didn't work, then why try again? I scoffed and realized why. They were Genin, of course, they would try at least twice. Still, times up, too bad for them.

I opened the door, was about to bark a command and then froze after seeing the cell. What the hell happened here?

The Genin of Konoha, the one that should be bound to the chair, was holding one of the four years older Kumo Genin up by the throat, he looked to be barely alive, he had lost his right arm and bled heavily from the crotch. The hand of his still attached arm was missing all of its fingers. His comrade was lying dead in a corner, the back of his skull was caved in, probably the thuds I head. His eyes were cut out by a Kunai, his crotch bloody and his fingers cut off.

The Konoha Genin noticed my entrance and threw the Kumo Genin aside before I could stop him. "Is the test over?" The Genin then asked with an emotionless expression and tone. His eyes held no emotions, there was no remorse or anything. As if he had not seriously crippled two people, but just crushed a bug. An expression you normally only see on hardened Jonin or batshit crazy people.

A shiver ran down my spine and I quickly radioed a group of medics. It happens sometimes that we need them, but rarely for the interrogators. I eyed the silent Konoha Genin, if he's crazed I should take some distance from him.

The still alive Kumo Genin groaned weakly, but the Konoha Genin paid him no attention. There was so much blood, on the walls, the floor their clothes and even the ceiling. It was everywhere.

It's true that there was no rule forbidding the captured Genin from attacking, a niche we allow for those who can see underneath the underneath and are good enough to use this little hole in the rules. But never had we someone that attacked his interrogators this brutally.

Still, I had a job to do. And it's not as if these were our Genin. "The test is over, now what was the password?" I asked accordingly to my role. While two medics rushed past me and began to care for the wounded. One of the Genin was dead, he must have drowned on his own blood. The other, the one that got thrown aside, was still alive. I prayed that he won't survive, it would be mercy.

"Who are you and why should I tell you? You are not the same proctor that gave me the code," replied the Konoha Genin, if I remember correctly he was the grandson of the first Hokage. Someone like him taking on two older Genin at the same time was almost expected. Still, there were no injuries on his body, the blood wasn't his own.

I shivered a bit at his calm tone. There was no emotion, no hint of fear for having, seemingly, broken the rules. "I'm a different proctor, we have to know if you remember the code before we can allow you to leave. A Chunin has to be able to remember the codes he needs for his missions," I answered. Many hopeful Chunin are now giving the code out. A crude mistake in the field. The Henge wasn't hard to learn and yet such an effective tool for espionage.

He eyed the medics, looked displeased with their actions and then looked back at me. Ice cold eyes stared into my own. "I was not given a code to verify your identity. You'll either have to bring the other proctor or allow me to leave," he said instead. I was mentally already praising him, even with such brutal actions. The results are good, he could have escaped an interrogation and got rid of the competition.

And yet I wasn't allowed to pass him without some more testing. "Now listen, Genin, I am your proctor and you will give me the code or I will fail you!" I barked the order with as much confidence as possible and applied a good amount of Killing Intent. No normal Genin should have been able to withstand it without signs.

He was no normal Genin. "Then fail me, I am Genin long enough to get a field promotion," he said instead of giving the code. He wasn't caring at all about the promotion. It's strange to see this from someone this young, normally they all want to become Chunin to get better missions or more Jutsu access.

I might have tried to tell him that I had the authority to stop such a promotion, but that works better with our own Genin and he was a high-class Genin. He will know what goes and what not. It is forbidden, but who knows what he was told before the exam. We too tell our more promising Genin some tips, Ninja business as usual.

"Fine, you pass. Now, what happened here?" I relented with a sigh and stepped to the side.

The Genin eyed the dead Kumo Genin with a disgusted glare, the first emotion I saw on his face, before walking out of the room. "They spoke about raping my sister," he said while walking past me. I nodded if someone threatened to do that to my own sister I would have done the same. I don't like him, but also can't fault him in this case, he got rid of his interrogators. The only slight I can give him, and will, is that he also got angered and lost his cool. The hopefully two dead Genin are proof enough. In a real-life situation, he might have alerted the whole prison.

The Kumo Genin probably tried to rile him up, in hope that he would be more successive to Genjutsu or too angry to think clearly. It misfired spectacularly.

I was about to tell him to stop, I still have to deactivate the Chakra suppressors. But then I saw, or more likely, did not see them on his wrists. "Where are your suppressors?" I asked.

He looked at me, raised his eyebrows and scoffed, before throwing two destroyed suppressors at me. I caught them easily and eyed them for a moment. I don't know shit about seals, but I can easily see that they were cut in two. He must have used a Kunai to cut them. Seems like Chiro did not bind him tight enough.

I led him back into the first room, he quickly walked to his two teammates. Their presence told me that they too had passed. I might want to warn Kiran that his Genin team should stay away from this one. Now we have at least three monsters in this exam, at least two of them are our own.