
The life of Eve Dark

In this novel we will follow Eve Dark. She's a beautiful girl, but has trouble finding herself. Left alone, she tries too find her own path. But she is in for a surprise, cause a small mistake will change her life completely. Will it be good or bad, we don't know. The only thing we do know is that she will not give up on life no matter what. I hope you will enjoy this novel and if you have a idea of what could happen next, then please let me know. It would help me a lot

TheBlackMaiden · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 18

Two months have past now. I have learned a lot. Lucia praised me a lot, it seems that I am a fast learner and she is happy to see that I am studying and training so seriously. Sometimes she even needs to stop me and reminds me to eat and sleep. But it's so much fun to learn. Also most of the stuff headmaster Raven gave me, I finished. So now I have a general idea of the beast kingdom and becouse I learned everything so fast, Jack asked headmaster Raven what I should study next, in order to catch up to the rest of the students.

But enough about what I had done the past days, today is a special day. It's Jack's birthday, so I decided to go to the kitchen and asked the kitchen chefs if they would allow and help me to bake a cake for Jack.

Jack loves to eat sweet stuff, so because I don't have money I thought I would bake something for him. I know that if I would ask Jack for money he would give me more than enough, but I don't want to ask him for more.

So today in the early morning I went down to the kitchen. Lady Mira would help me bake the cake, she is one of the best baker's in Jack's mansion. We decided to make a cake with lots of fruits.

The cake would have at first cookies mixed with chocolate at the bottom, then a vanilla Biskuit. Next would all kinds of berry's, like strawberrys, Raspberries, Blueberries and Currants. On top of the berry's we put a Lemon Cream. Then again a Biskuit, next the fruits and then the cream again. After that we made another Biskuit, fruits and cream, which we finished of with even more fruits and some chocolate.

It was a beautiful cake and lady Mira and I had a lot of fun making it. We let the cake cool down and Lady Mira promised me that she would bring the cake up to the dining room after lunch. Jack and I always ate lunch and directly after lunch something sweet, for example cupcakes or some other desserts.

I went back to my room and started to study about the different kinds of magic and what one could do with it. After that Lucia helped me to get ready for dinner. Again I was wearing a white dress with some silver ornaments, but it was one of the more simpler dresses I had.

I went to the dining room and started to eat lunch together with Jack. He was still oblivious to what I had planned for him together with Lady Mira. We were eating some rice together with some pork. Talking about my studies and what I'm studying at the moment, if I have any problems or want something. I told him that everything is fine and that I don't need anything at the moment.

After lunch lady Mira personally came and delivered the dessert for today. Jack seemed surprised, lady Mira normally never came personally to serve the dishes or desserts. He seemed suspicious, than lady Mira placed the still covered dessert on the table and revealed it in front of Jack. He was so surprised that he even needed a second to calm down again.

In front of him was a cake with lots of fruits a bit of chocolate and in chocolate letters was written 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY'. He let lady Mira with a hand sign know that she can cut the cake now and we happily ate the cake. Later Jack thanked me for the cake and we went outside to the garden to take a walk.

After that I returned to my room and studied a bit more, before I went to sleep.