
My future husband came unexpectedly!

Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom, there lived a brave princess who was destined for an arranged marriage. The princess, named Isabella, was known for her adventurous spirit and independent nature. She dreamed of a life filled with excitement and freedom, far beyond the confines of the royal palace. Little did she know, her journey was about to take an unexpected turn. Princess Isabella, tired of the constraints of her and royal life, decided to embark on a daring quest to find her own destiny. With her loyal horse on her side, she ventured into the enchanted forest, ready to face any challenges lay ahead.

Isabella was as nervous as one can be about her rebellion against her father but also to excited to care.

She set out at the break of dawn, when the sun had just begun to rise. When she had awoken from her peaceful slumber she had quickly started to comb her long, shiny and white hair. Her pale skin was flushed with a gentle rose colour, as she admired herself she almost forgot what a important day this was for the history of Utria, her kingdom.

As she remembered, she rose up from her queen-sized bed and put her comb on the desk nearby.

Isabella had a hard time choosing which of her what seemed to be a trillion dresses would fit for such an act of rebellion like this.

When she finally was content with her choice of clothes, a dark green dress with golden embroidery, she snuck out of the gigantic palace.

The palace was large and magnificent, it was built by their ancestors who lived many, many years ago. The palace was often said to be the most beautiful castle, with it's stone walls and the majestic air surrounding it, all of the doors in the palace were decorated with unique patterns based on the rooms purpose.

As she left, her stomach was turning and twisting she almost wanted to go back in but if she did not leave right now, she would never be able to do this again. All of the palace's staff was still sound asleep, and if she knew her father he would definitely still be snoring somewhere in there.

As she walked in the palace's botanical garden, she plucked some flowers, the garden was brimming with beautiful flowers with a light and soft aura, Isabella loved the pink magnolia's so much, so when she finally walked out of the garden her little bag was filled with pink petals.

Isabella danced trough the great palace's property, her white hair flowing with much grace. Her feet turned until they hurt to her humming, but her dancing came to a sudden stop. Her future husband was arriving, he rode a tall and dark horse, he wore his country's colours with an arrogant smile on his lips. Many servants followed after his grace, they all looked gloomy, unlike her servant's who loved serving her.

She quickly hid in one of the bushes surrounding the palace, the branches tickled her skin and she couldn't help but to move.

Biggest mistake ever.

She could hear a small chuckle coming from above her, but she decided it was best to ignore.

But then someone grabbed her, this was absurd, no one dared even touch her before!

She was pulled out from the small bush, Isabella had a few branches in her hair which contrasted her long white hair greatly.

She looked up at the offender… it was her future husband, looking down at her like she was some trashy servant.

"And who are you?"

Hiya! This is my first time doing this so please, if you have any tips or suggestions tell me!

And I’m working on the cover, I don’t quite understand how to change it but when I do, expect a change.

Thank you!

Ella_6125creators' thoughts