
The Life Of A God

Jordan Price a 22 year old man is a person who had never once received love. From the very start of his memories he was raised in the orphanage he has never seen or heard of his parents before all he knew was that they abandoned him but even that didn’t bring his spirits down. He was a kind man but every time he showed kindness to others they didn’t reciprocate it back until The die the gods of the Multiverse see this and decide to be the one to repay his kindness by giving him the powers of a God.

The_Legit_Writer · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Avon The Blind God

"Kohl, do you mind explaining this?" Jordan asked, still looking at the data Kohl showed him in disbelief.

[Master, these are the normal stats for lowest level gods. The 'D' in their stats represents Divine status. So, 'D' in number is 1000, whereas a normal human stat is 5. High-level gods can destroy a universe with a sneeze.]

"What?!" Jordan exclaimed, almost sitting on the ground in shock. "Then what level am I?" Jordan asks, trying to find where he stands in the hierarchy of gods.

[You are a low-level god, just a rank above your children.]

Immediately, Jordan heard that, he realized how weak he would be if a god from another universe comes to take his universe.

"Okay, what's with my name? When did it become Jor?" Jordan asks, trying to get over the fact that even though he is a god, he is still weak.

[Since you have become a God, you have abandoned your mortality, thus removing your mortal name and giving you a divine name.] Kohl defines clearly, leaving no details behind.

"You three should go wear some clothes. I will make a wardrobe now," Jordan says to his children, finally understanding what Kohl meant.

And with a wave of Jordan's hand, a door which led to the wardrobe appeared in the room, obviously meant for the three adults kneeling in the room with no clothes on.

"And when you are coming back, bring four more clothes, two females and two males," Jordan says, reminding the three figures that were walking to the door at the far end of the room.

As if guessing what their father was doing, they showed smiles on their faces and immediately dashed into the room, not wanting to miss the birth of their siblings.

"Now, let's continue," Jordan says, dropping the fourth miniature clay sculpture on the ground for convenience.

He then started to think about what type of God his world needed and how they could contribute to how his world will grow, and then his mind went into computer mode.

After 5 seconds of thinking, he then comes up with all four types of gods he wants to make, and then he starts to pour his divine power into the faceless sculpture of clay on the floor.

Very soon, the sculpture grew bigger to the size of an average man with black-colored hair and a chin strap beard with a chiseled jaw. Unlike his other siblings, this one was purely human.

"Argh!" the man shouts in pain. He immediately opened his eyes which were pure white and no pupils in them.

"Shhh," Jordan says, kneeling on the ground with one knee and using his hands to cover his eyes.

Immediately, Jordan uses his hand to create a pure white bandana and uses it to cover his son's eyes.

"I'm sorry, son. You had to become blind because of your selfish father's goal," Jordan says, hugging his son while patting his head.

"Don't worry, father. I know it couldn't be avoided. I will gladly give up my life for your plan," Jordan's son says with a hint of sadness in his voice.

Although he has only been born in this world for 10 seconds, he knows very well that he is different from the rest of his siblings, which makes him fear that he will be isolated.

"Don't say that. I will never sacrifice my child's life, and don't worry, if you master that ability I gave you, you will be able to see at last," Jordan says, standing up from his kneeling position and stretching his hand to the man on the floor.

"Yes, father," the man says, taking his father's hand and standing up, revealing his manly elephant in between his legs.

"Oh no … where are the children with the clothes?" Jordan asks, looking away, trying to avoid looking at his son's penis.

"Hey, get your hands off me!!"

"Take back what you called me!!"

"No way, fish breath!!"

"Say it again, chicken wings!!"


After Jordan's question, two voices which seemed to be arguing came from the wardrobe, followed by a very loud knock.

After the five seconds of momentary silence that came after the knock, the door of the wardrobe opens, and a woman wearing a dark green off-shoulder dress entered the room with four pieces of white blankets in her hands.

"What was that noise right now, Sera?" Jordan asks Sera, who was entering the room with the clothes in her hands.

"Nothing, father. It's just Vera and Tera squabbling," Sera explains to Jordan as she gives him the blanket in her hands.

Immediately after Sera's explanation, a woman wearing a black crop jacket with black cargo pants and a man wearing tight jeans and a leather jacket with nothing under came out of the room, with their hands covering the red bruise on their heads.

'Even with their insane defense, they still received damage from Sera's punch,' Jordan thought to himself, not wanting to receive Sera's punch.

"Father, Tera is bullying me," Vera says, running to Jordan's arms.

"Vera, don't disturb father for such a small matter," Sera says with a soft voice but a scary tone, holding onto Vera's collar before she was about to reach Jordan.

Vera, seeing her sister's face, jumps back and hides behind Tera's back, remembering the knock she had just experienced in the wardrobe.

"Sister is scary," Vera says, whispering to Tera as she peeks at Sera from Tera's back.

"Yeah, I know and move away from me," Tera says, carrying Vera away from his back.

"You guys keep quiet, you're scaring your brother," Jordan says, giving the blanket in his hand to the man who was standing like he was in the midst of monsters.

Immediately, the man takes the blanket from his father's hands, it wraps around his body, and suddenly turns into dark brown medieval traveler clothes and a white scarf around his neck, matching the color of the bandana covering his eyes.

"This is an all-changing blanket. It changes to the cloth the user desires to wear," Jordan explains to the man, looking at his clothes in shock and curiosity.

"Intriguing," the man says, wondering what the material is made of

"You guys should come and greet your new brother" Jordan says calling the siblings who were about to be knocked on the head by Sera for calling her scary.


"Oh," the three sounded simultaneously, almost not noticing the man in the room and immediately sprinting to where their father is.

"You guys meet Avon, the God of Wisdom, and your fourth sibling," Jordan says, introducing Avon to his brothers and sisters.

"And Avon, these are the triplets, your olde—" before Jordan could finish speaking, the three siblings had already appeared in front of Avon, looking at him with excitement sparkling in their eyes.

"Hi, I'm Vera, your older sister. WOW, you look cool. What's with the bandana?" Vera says, overwhelming Avon, who was confused about what was happening.

"You're blind?! You're lucky you don't have to see this fish breathes face, or else you would vomit all over the place," Tera says, also overwhelming the already confused Avon.

"Hey, what did you say, chicken wi—" before Vera could finish what she was saying, a sudden fist came to her and Tera's head, knocking them both to the ground.

"Don't mind them, they're just a little active. Welcome to the family, Avon," Sera says to Avon with a soft smile on her face while wiping away the blood on her fist.

Avon, whose heart was beating hard and was anxious whether his siblings will accept him, calmed down and smiled at the loving siblings who didn't care about his disability.

"It seems the triplets have eased Avon a little bit," Jordan says, seeing Avon smile so brightly.

"Kohl, show me Avon's data and abilities."

[Yes, master,] Kohl immediately answers like she was waiting for him to ask.

Then a blue holographic screen similar to the previous one that showed Sera and the rest data.

**Name:** Avon

**Divine name:** The All Knowing

**Strength:** D*2

**Speed:** D*2

**Defense:** D*2

**Divine power:** 1000


- Infinite memory: As the god of wisdom, Avon has the ability to store in anything he has seen, heard, or read in his memory, and it can never be forgotten.

- The eye of wisdom: These eyes have the ability to see the history, what it is made of, and the secrets behind any being (both living and non-living), but it comes with the side effects of not being able to use it for 1 minute straight. Can't be used on someone of higher level (if used for 1 minute straight it will lead to Avon not being able to use his eyes for two days).

- Universal eye: Jor, the father of Avon, never wanted Avon to suffer because of his goals so he gave Avon the ability to see energy (since everything has energy, he will be able to see their structure but not their face). This also makes him able to control energy better.

- Space jump: This is the second gift given to Avon by Jor. Avon can bend the rules of space only to the point of teleportation, which gives him the power to teleport to anywhere in the world.

- The owner of the eternal library: As the god of wisdom, Avon was also given the eternal library, a library which never ends and can also be used to store knowledge of any kind.

"Although I feel sorry for Avon, it can't be avoided. He is very needed," Jordan says as he is checking the data Kohl showed him. "With him around, records of ancient civilizations can never be lost, and the knowledge he gathers can benefit the mortals of the future."

"Now, everything is coming together. I can't wait to see how this world will turn out."