
the life of a devil

A seperated family trying to find each other. As one goes to heaven the others return to hell...

Skye_Gendall · Fantasy
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2 Chs

stranger danger?

I stand as still as I can. Using my elf like ears to hear if my family is still out there. Gunshots swim through the air, followed by the dreadful screaming of young girls and boys, they always leave first. My sister could have left already, or she could still be alive after the test.

A large metal pole comes plummeting to my head, a flash of pain flows through my body. A voice speaks my name low and harsh. Is this man my father? Who knows, as far as I'm aware father is still here. We will all make it to hell, I'm not worried about that. What I'm worried about is meeting the old man. Once he finds out what I have done, he will be so disappointed in me!

Another scream runs through the air.

The man who is holding my hand is stiff and rugged. The fingertips as cold as ice. This isn't father, I'll hold this poor man's hand, he knows my name. I don't know who it is, but it must be someone I know.

If Lucifer finds out what I have done I will be thrown into the forgotten. That is the worse punishment, and what I have done deserves worse.

The man beside me breathes in heavily, elbowing me in the side. We stand there for what feels like hours but in reality, it has only been six minutes. My legs have gone numb, my eyes unfocussed, swirls of colour flow around my eyes.

Mother stands amongst the colours, her smile bright and warm just as I remember. I know that I shouldn't move but I must go to her. Her arms open welcoming me. Bang!

The hot thick liquid trickles down my leg, the darkness coming back into focus. My body shaking as I fall to the ground clutching my leg, tears roll down my cheeks, I can't do this anymore.

What was I thinking? If my mum couldn't do it, why did I think that I could?

I raise my head remembering the man beside me. 'I've been shot.' My voice shakes. There is no response but their hand lowers down to my height and rubs my back, then makes its way to my hand. The gesture is stiff and motionless.

I try to keep my mind open for as long as I can. It's hard