
The Life Lesson

Life is difficult enough, we need to be there for one another and supoort each other. Together we make the world a better place.

SalomeGoussard · Urban
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11 Chs

Make the right decision mommy to be.

We often find ourselves in tricky situations sometimes caused by bad decision making.

What we need to remember is that there is always a better way to solve them than using violence or unnecessary arguments.

This message/lesson is for our young teenagers and older adult women who become pregnant unplanned. It is a lot to process when you find out you are going to become a mother, but there is always light at the end of the tunnel.

Know that although you may feel alone in that moment, you are not truly alone. There are people who care for you and who would support you throughout.

If you are a young teenager and you got pregnant please think carefully before you make any decision regarding the pregancy. Involve and speak to someone you trust so you can get the right advice. I know that you feel scared and you don't know what to do, but there is always a good option if you feel you cannot care for your unborn baby.

Someone once told me that many women in the world cry daily, because they can't have their own little angels. You could give that beautiful baby of yours a bright future by giving him/her up for adoption rather than putting your life at risk and commiting a crime by dumping the baby once he/she is born.

You can still have that bright future you planned for yourself while making sure that your son or daughter gets a good home too so they can grow to be someone spectacular one day.

It is such a tough decision to make, it can never be taken lightly, but always remember that you are never ever alone.