
The Life I Want

A story about a young boy trying to live a normal life despite having unnecessary powers in a normal world.

Drizzy_2573 · Action
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4 Chs


*rustle* *rustle*

"Alright!" I said as i get ready to go to school.

"Mom, i'm going to school!"

"Ok hun, did you forget anything?" Said my mom.

"Nah, i dont think so."

"Are you sure? you tend to forgot things quickly. I'm starting to think you actually have alzheimer."

"C'mon mom, dont speak like that about your son!"

"That's right mom, Big Brother always been like that since we were kids. It's a quirk he always had." Said my little sister.

"Shut up Kohaku! you dont know me man."


"Y'all gonna make me late to school, and Kohaku hurry up and finish your breakfast or you'll be late."

"Okay okay fine, just get going already. You dont want to be late on your first day at your new school right?"

"YOU'RE THE ONE THAT'S HOLDING ME UP- you know what? this some bullshit. I'm heading out now!"

"Be careful out there hun!"

"Yes ma'am"

I quickly got out the house and ride my motorcycle to school, and no the school didn't allow students to ride a motorcycle to school. Who cares though? it's way faster this way, plus i'm not finna waste my time and money waiting on a public transportation when i have a motorcycle myself. It's a KTM RC 250 by the way, been riding this ting since middle school aint no way im not riding it to school.

Speaking of school, i just transferred to this new school today so i have no friends there. My mom said that this new school is closer to our home and it's an even better school than my previous one. Well, my mom doesnt like my previous school because it's a school full of gangsters and drillers. it's really wild out here im not even kidding.

Having said that i finally arrived at the school. I parked my motorcycle in the alleyway near the front gate and quickly lock the motorcycle.

Oh yeah, yesterday, my mom said to go meet a teacher named Haruka Shizuka? or something like that. I look around and then, I saw a random teacher and called them.

"Um, teacher. Do you know where Haruka Shizuka-sensei is?"

"Oh yes, i believe she's at the faculty room right now."

"Thank you sir."

"No problem."

Right. He said Faculty Room, i dont even know where the fuck that is. Let's just take a walk and hope that i found it.

"Faculty Room, Faculty Room."

"Oh, this?"

I look at the sign, it says "Faculty Room".



"Um, excuse me. Is Haruka Shizuka-sensei here?"

"Yeah? who's asking?"

A tall young woman with a beautiful long black ponytail and an attractive face stands up.

"Oh! you're Miss Kotaru's son right?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Alright, follow me"

I followed the tall woman to the side of the Faculty Room. She then sit on the sofa right in front of her.

"Well, take a sit."

I then take a sit on the sofa right across.

"So, you just transferred here right?"

"Yes ma'am."

"I already sorted out your documents and everything, so all you need to do is just get to the class i'm about to show you."

"Thank you ma'am."

"All good, Miss Kotaru was my senior back then, and she helped me with a lot of things. This the least i can do for her son."

Why the fuck she making it sounds so heavy though?

"So, where is my class ma'am?"

"Chill out with the "ma'am" kid, i'm not that old. Just call me sensei." she said with a smile on her face.

"Alright, sensei."

"Good, now follow me."

I followed Sensei going out of the Faculty Room. She then walked to the upper floor. She suddenly stopped walking right in front of a door. I look at the sign and it says "2-B".

"This will be your new class from now on, and i'm apparently your homeroom teacher."


Sensei opens the door.

"Alright class, sit down."

"Today, we have a transfer student that's going to become a part of our class."

The whole class suddenly filled with the feeling of curiosity.







Damn, y'all better stop all the expectations before y'all got disappointed.

"Heh, you can come in."

I walked to the front of the class.



"Come on, Introduce yourself."


I ready my self for some reason.

"Umm, My name is Risuki Hito."

"I like Music i guess."

"Word? what genre do you like?" Someone said.

"Hip-hop and trap?"

"Ughh normie ass genre." Said someone.

"I like Anisong too though. So, i'm not a normie."

"My Bruddaaa." Said someone.

"Anyone wanna ask some more questions to Hito need to hold it until lunch time." Said sensei

"Your seat is the one that's on the back."

"Right." I said as i head to my seat.

It's your normal anime mc seat. The one that's by the window. I'm not complaining though.


It's already lunch time? damnn, and here i am still not knowing anybody in this classroom.

"Yo! you down hittin up food at the cafeteria?" A tall black guy with dreads call out to me.

Wait, this school allows dreads?

"I'm down."

"Lit, the name's Bobby by the way."

"Is it okay if i call you Hito?"

"It's alright, you can call me Hito."

"Bet. Let's get going shall we?"

"Lead the way."

Bobby showed me the way to the cafeteria.

"Damn, this place always so crowded." Said Bobby while scratching his head.

"Aint that normal though?" I response.

"Heh. yeah you right. So, what you finna buy?"

"I'd recommend Mac n Cheese, but it's probably already sold out."

"Is it the one over there?" I pointed to the place with a macaroni logo on it.

"Oh shit, they still got it?" Bobby asked.

"Probably, i saw there's still some on the tray."

"Nahhh, i'm buying that. Shits usually always sold out."

"Is it really that good?"

"Better taste it yourself."


I bought the Full Set one, the same with Bobby. the one that got chicken and sweet potato in it.

"Well, then. Let's eat."


I took a bite of the sweet potato with some Macaroni on it.

"Bro, what the fuck." I said while looking at Bobby.


"This shit good as hell bro."

"Told you bro, that's why it's always sold out. People know the only better choice is to buy this shit."

"We got lucky they still got these on set."

"Yeah, i dont regret following you."

"Heh. Of course you wont."

"Sheeesh, i'm full. Wanna go back to class?" Said Bobby

"You go first, i want to go to the toilet."

"You know the way to the toilet?"

"Yeah, i saw it on our way from class."

"Alright, imma go to class then."


Bobby gets out from the cafeteria and already on the way to class.

I actually didn't want to go to the toilet. After eating, i feel like to smoke a few cigs. Though, i dont know where the safest place to smoke in this school.

Oh yeah, the rooftop probably dont have that many people around.

"I'll probably go there." I said to myself.

I check my pockets to see if i brought the cigarette and the lighter.

"Oh, still got some. And the lighter is around here."

I then go to the rooftop, and check if anybody is around.

"Doesn't seem like there's someone around."

I put the cigarette to my mouth and then light it up. Then i lean to the railings after lighting up my cigarette.

"Nothing can beat cigarettes after eating." I said while smoking.

Suddenly, the door behind me opens up.




There's a girl with a long white hair, crimson red eyes, and holding a.... lunchbox?

is this girl hasn't eat yet? More importantly, i think this girl is in my class.


"Pardon me" The girl said while trying to leave.

"Hold on." I said as i kabedon her in front of the door.

"I didn't see anything."

"Like hell you didn't!"

"You're the girl from my class right?"

"What if i am?"

"Look, are you gonna snitch on me?"

"Why do i have to snitch on you?"

"Well, because i feel like girls dont like this kind of stuff."

"I think there's a lot of girls that like a guy who smokes."

"Are you hitting on me?"

"What the fuck? why would i do that?"

"Nah, i'm just playing."

"So, you're not gonna snitch?" I said.



"You haven't eat?" I asked.

"Didn't you heard that?"

"Yeah, you right. My bad."

The girl start walking past by me and heading to the railings then sit down.

"You're not gonna eat with your friends?"

"There's a time where i want to be alone."

"So. i'm bothering you?"

"Pretty much."

"My bad, i just dont wanna waste my cigarette."

"I can tell." Said the girl while she started eating.

"Hey, you-"

"It's Karin. Bijou Karin." She said while munching on her food.

"Oh, right. So, Bijou? You're not gonna snitch right?"

"No! how many times do i have to tell you."

"Ok, just wanted to get that clear. By the way."

"What?" She responsed slightly annoyed.

"Did you make that yourself?"

"Yeah, why?" She asks while still looking annoyed.

"No, just thought that it looked really delicious."


"Well, i'm going now. See you in class."

I walked away from her and start heading to class.

"Weird guy."

Me no hablo english :(

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