
The Life I Want

A story about a young boy trying to live a normal life despite having unnecessary powers in a normal world.

Drizzy_2573 · Action
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4 Chs

Prologue 3

Sensei light up her cigarette and i light up my cigarette too.

"So, what is this 'job' you're talking about?" I asked.

"First of all, let's talk about your abilities." Said sensei with a serious face.

When sensei's about to say something, the old guy suddenly came to our table to bring our drinks. I took my drink and saw sensei's drink, the label said "Hennesy". What?? She's really gonna drink Henny while the sun's still up? That's wild.

Sensei started drinking the Henny straight from the bottle.

"Sheeesh, nothing beats Henny and Samil." Said sensei.

Samil is an abbreviation for some cigarette brand.

"The job is basically everything." Sensei said, suddenly.

I looked at her confused.


"Yeah, you do basically everything."

"I heard you said that. Give me examples." I said.

Sensei took a puff and said.

"Everything. From helping people with their problems, to cargo, to guarding some important people. Even assassination." She said with a smirk on her face.

My eyebrows furrowed.

"Surely with your abilities, you can do everything i just said."

"So it's basically like an odd-jobs. I help people with their normal daily life problems and help some governtment type shit?" I said.

"Yeah, just like a normal job." Sensei said while smirking.

"Alright, that's kinda interesting, but how much you pay?" I asked.

"You wanna talk about money?"

"Wait here."

Sensei stands up and went for the exit.

"Where are you going?" I asked, confused.

"Just wait for me here."

Sensei walks out the cafe and quickly came back. She came back with a duffel bag on her.

She then puts the duffel bag on the table.

"What is this?" I asked, still confused.

"Open it up. You'll see." Said sensei while smiling.

I open up the duffel bag and quickly stand up.


The duffel bag is filled with money, literally with the whole bankroll on them.

"How much is this?" I asked.

"Around 500 million rupiah. Probably more, probably less."


I took one bankroll, and it said "10 million rupiah". What the fuck? She just gave me this much money without even thinking?

"What am i supposed to do with all this money." I asked.

Sensei said.

"You can do anything with all of this money, but all of this is also to help you with your job.""

Sometimes we have jobs that require us to go overseas. And i'm not going to give you money every single time you have to go, not trying to be an asshole but i dont have that many free time."

"With that being said, let's talk about your abilities." Sensei said with a serious tone.

I gulped for some reason then sensei took another puff and said.

"You can manipulate space time?"

"Kinda." I responded.

"Alright, demonstrate your ability then."

"Okay... Umm."

I started with making all time to move slower than me, then i went behind sensei and turn back the time to normal.

"Behind you." I said.

"Wow, i blinked and you just vanished from my sight." She said while looking back at me.

I started to make all time to move slower than me again and get back to my seat.


Sensei took a sip from her drink.

"Tell me, did you just stop time?" She asked.

"Well, I didn't actually stopped time. All i did was make all time around me move slower than me and i just walked behind you." I said, explaining what i did earlier.

"Sheesh, how long can you keep the time move slower?" She asked.

"I never really tested it so.. I don't know."

"Alright, that's cool that's cool. We can use that in a lot of scenarios." She said while nodding.

"But what other abilities you can use?" She said as she took another puff.

"Hmmmm well, i can create a black hole." I said, casually.

"You what?" She said, shocked.

"I can create a-"

"Nahh, i heard that. But how the fuck can you create a black hole?" Sensei said, still shocked.

"If i compress anything to its schwarzchild radius, its density would be so great and its gravitational pull would be so great that i would have a black hole." I explained.

"Do you want me to show you?" I said.

"No no no. You dont have to show me that!"


"What other abilities you have?"

"Hmmm, telekinesis and superhuman ability." I said.

"Ok. Superhuman ability is basically self-explanatory, but what can you do with your telekinetic?" Sensei said.

"Umm i can move anything without touching it."

"Anything?" She asked.

"Even living things." I said.

"What the fuck?" She said with a shocked face.

"Yeah, crazy right?"

"Nahh, you're fucking hired." Sensei said.

"Ummm, i still have a question." I said.

"What's up?"

"How did you know about my powers having to do with space-time?" I asked.

Sensei started drinking her Henny and took another puff.

"I once worked with your father."