

Come out now!!! My dad yelled, I have been in my room for almost five hours after I came back home from school, I was suspended for fighting with another student, we got into an argument with my mom and dad about what happened, I tried to explain what happened but my dad insisted it was my fault, that this is my last warning after being suspended last term for talking back at a teacher. So, when I got home, I went into my room and locked the door.

As my dad was shouting, come out now Mike!!! I decided I have had enough so I opened the door and said what does he want? He told me I needed to apologize for talking back at him and my mom, I said why should I apologize when I was trying to defend myself, things got heated with my dad, he pushed me against the wall and I pushed him back.

My mom was in the kitchen then preparing dinner while my sister Milly was in her room playing with her new doll, Milly just turned ten last week, she was always quiet and observing, so they both heard a noise and they came up to my room quickly, they saw me fighting with my dad, my mom shouted stop this madness at once Mike! So, I just left the room, decided to go to my friend's house Justin, he was my best friend since we were five.

This was late at night, so I went through his window and shouted, 'hey Jus', it's me Mikey, open up , so he went out the back door opened the door for me and I got in, he asked me what was I doing at his house so late, told him I had a fight with my dad and I needed to leave the house, so he understood, I mean Justin never knew his dad, he left when he was five, so his mom raised him and his older brother Franklin, they had it difficult at first but then Franklin started providing for his mom and Justin, even though they never knew what he did exactly.

So we went up to Justin's room and we started playing video games, Justin was so much better than me that I hated playing with him, so his brother Franklin came in the room and said who wants to make some real money, so I excitedly said I was down, Justin said he was not interested, but I was so desperate to show my dad I didn't need him anymore, so Franklin said we needed to go and make a few drops and he will give me 500 bucks easy, I thought wow that's kind of easy, so we rolled out while Justin resumed playing his video game. We got in Franklin's car and he asked why aren't you at home Mikey boy, I told him things got heated with me and my dad, he said I needed to show him I was a man, and that's by making my own money and not needing him anymore, I mean yeah I was down, Franklin told me he did anything he could to provide for his family, I said yeah I get it, so we went to a street where there were these people all standing in the corners, I asked him, 'Frank where are we? He said we out here to pay some guy money he owes, so he told me I needed to go into a building that was across the street to take a bag to a guy named, Tristan, I asked why do I have to go alone, he said Mike you wanted to make real money or not, I said of course I did, he said that's all I needed to do, so he gave me a bag filled with something, I couldn't see what was in it, so he told me not to look at anyone in the eyes and if anyone asks what I was doing there I should say I was there to see Tristan, I started to get scared, I didn't even know why I was there, my mom is probably home scared where I went to, and I felt this might be trouble, but I still needed to show my dad I was a man, so I took the bag, went across the street, went in the building, as I got inside I saw a lot of people standing by the stairs, I ignored them and went ahead, there was a door on the right and there was this huge guy standing in front, he said what are you doing here? You lost little boy, shakenly, I said 'no I'm here to see Tristan', he started to rough me up asking me if I was a cop, I got really scared and said no I was sent by Franklin, he said I should have mentioned I rolled with Frank, so he opened the door for me and told me to go straight and I will see a door, and that I should knock before I enter, as I got in I saw people cutting these white powder, they were all wearing face masks, so I stopped to look and someone yelled 'what are you looking at boy', so I went right ahead, so I saw the door and knocked, he said come in, as I went inside I saw this big man, tatted from head to toe, he was just wearing and underwear, he looked high, I said I am here to see Tristan, he said 'I am Tristan', so I got the bag and handed it out to him, and said Franklin said to give you this, he asked me, ' did he tell you what was inside, I said no, he said that's good I can leave, so I left the building and came back to the car, and exhaled, Franklin asked how did it go? I told him it went fine I gave him the bag; he opened his wallet and gave me the money he promised, I was so happy so he drove me home as it was late already.

As I sneaked inside, I saw my mom sitting on the couch downstairs, I can swear she looked worried, as I walked inside, she asked where have you been? I told her I was at Justin's house the whole time, don't lie to me Mike, I called Justin and he told me you left an hour ago with his brother Franklin, I said yeah I forgot to mention we went out to get food, I headed to my room and went to bed.