
The Lies Within.

“You're my possession, Olivia, and nothing can change that.” He hollers. Olivia was betrayed by her family, as a price to pay for her stepfather's debt. A man she had grown up with and considers family. Without little knowledge that her marriage to the ruthless mafia boss is based on a deal made by her sister. Aiden Leandro had to agree to marry Olivia as a means for her stepfather to clear his debt and with no feelings attached to it, he vows to make her suffer for it. In the process, Olivia tries to win his heart, she discovers the truth. A painful truth that pierces her heart.

Anita_Micheal · Urban
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

My new home.

Olivia had a million thoughts buzzing inside her head, and she didn't even notice the time Aiden moved past her.

"Congratulations," a lady whispered to her while jerking her back to reality, and Olivia turned to look in her direction.

"Thank you." Olivia muttered faintly, her voice barely above a whisper as she roamed her eyes in the crowd and rested them on her mom who was obviously marching towards her.

"Ma!" She called with a light smile and the moment Jane got closer, she pulled Olivia into a tight hug.

"I'm so proud of you, the day has finally come, and it will soon be over. You're a Mrs now," Jane reminded her, but that word alone sent shivers down Olivia's spine and the thought she was trying to avoid flowed into her head again.

"Thank you, Mom, I pray I won't disappoint." She added sincerely and wiped her sweaty hands on her dress.

"Where is your husband?" Jane questioned and glanced around, and then she sighted Aiden talking to someone who was wearing a gray suit, he was average in height and had brown hair.

Aiden had actually sighted Ethan and had moved over to where he was. He had a deadly look on his face, but Ethan doesn't look intimidated at all.

"What are you doing here?" Aiden asked with a growl in his voice, and Ethan smiled and lowered his gaze for a second.

"Ouch! It hurt that you didn't even care to invite me for your wedding. Aren't we supposed to be like brothers? Just like our fathers, who raised the mafia family together." Ethan said and crossed his hands.

"My dad and I aren't the same person. Why are you back, huh? What selfish reason are you trying to achieve?" Aiden fired, his voice deep and dangerous.

"Calm down a bit. I miss New York and had to come back. This is where I belong after all. So, tell me; this girl you got married to, does she know who you are? Are you really in love?" Ethan inquired with a smirk displaying at the corners of his lips and like he could sense the situation at hand.

"This is none of your business. Go home!" Aiden bellowed and took an intimidating step closer to Ethan.

"Can I at least say hello to your wife? It won't be nice of me to just leave like-" Ethan was still talking when Aiden butted.

"I said leave! Don't let me ask my men to take you home." Aiden spoke icily, and Ethan took a few steps backwards and ran a hand into his hair.

"Fine! I will leave, but this isn't the end." He uttered slowly before moving over to his car.

Olivia had stood with her mom and aunt for what seems like forever to her, and was hoping Aiden was going to rescue her from all the questions her aunt kept bombarding her with.

Aiden moved majestically to where she was and placed a hand on her shoulder. She flinched a little but maintained her balance when she noticed it was him. "Say goodbye to your mom, I think it is time we leave." He uttered in a husky tone.

Olivia nodded without saying a word and held her mom's hand. She moved her away from her aunt before speaking. "I need to leave now, I will call you when I get home." She promised.

"Stay safe, okay, call me if anything goes wrong, and please keep in mind all that I have told you," Jane added with teary eyes while she sniffed to control her water tank.

Olivia wasn't finding it easy, and she hugged her mom firmly before letting her go and heading towards Aiden, who seemed impatient and angry.

Olivia waved at her mother before the car zoomed out of the premises and headed straight to Aiden's penthouse, the place he stayed in downtown Buffalo.

She tried to start a conversation, but she had no idea what to say. What if she says the wrong thing, huh? So, she decided to keep her mouth shut while staring at the window throughout the drive home.

The moment Max drove into the compound, he parked the car at the garage and rushed out to open the door for Aiden, but he was impatient to wait for him.

Olivia noticed how cold and angry he was behaving. Has she done something wrong? She tried to crack her brain, but nothing was popping in.

She lowered her gaze to the ground while taking in a deep breath before moving behind Aiden, who was far ahead.

Aiden walked into the sitting room and sat on the couch and the moment Olivia entered, she noticed the magnificent interiors, the wall was painted white, the sparkling chandeliers hung up high and the portraits on the wall made the place terrific. "This place screams wealth," she whispered to herself.

Max packed her bags and moved upstairs with them while she stood like a lost puppy staring into Aiden's direction. He had laid his head backwards on the couch with his eyes closed.

"Max!" Aiden called and shortly, he descended the stairs and moved to Aiden.

"Get me my cigarette." Aiden ordered and Max left immediately and came back shortly. Aiden opened the pack quickly and picked his lighter on the table.

"Do you need something else, boss?" Max asked with his head bow, while Olivia glanced between them.

"Show her the way to the bedroom, then you can go get some rest. We will talk tomorrow." Aiden commanded and Max nodded while asking Olivia to follow him.

Olivia knew her marriage would be a tough nut to crack, especially when Aiden was acting cold and keeping his distance. At first, she thought it was because he had lost his wife and was still mourning her. Or was that the reason?

But why would he get married to her if he wanted to avoid moving on? Olivia thought while walking behind Max, but he halted on his track and pointed his hand towards a door.

"That's the master bedroom, have a goodnight rest, Madam." He uttered and bowed slightly before leaving.

Olivia paused for a moment before glancing her eyes around the place and taking one step after another to the door. She turned the knob and it went open immediately.

The moment she entered, she dropped her mouth open to the size and beauty of the room. Then she noticed her luggage by the side, and she decided to fix them in one of the wardrobes she sighted.

Olivia headed for the brown wardrobe and found Aiden's clothes in it, so she decided to take the one painted in ash. She took her bath when she was done arranging everything in its place.

Her heart raced as she sat on the bed while playing with her fingers nervously. She scanned her body one more time while looking keenly at the night gown she wore.

After being restless for a minute, Olivia laid on the bed, her back hitting the soft fabric while she faced the ceiling. Aiden hadn't stepped in, and she wondered what could be keeping him outside.

Was he not going to sleep in the same room with her? Was she supposed to go downstairs to see if he was doing fine? What if she was supposed to just mind her business? She whispered to herself, and the unanswered questions were driving her nuts.

She sat upright and looked around the room. The bed was big and would definitely be fit for three people, if he doesn't like to share his bed; he can just tell her. It has been hours already, and he hadn't stepped in.

Curiosity and a fair share of anxiety were beginning to get the best of her, and suddenly the door went open, making her jolt while her eyes popped open.

She tried to act like she was asleep, but it was too late because he had seen her seated on the bed already.

Her mouth dropped open while the words she tried to speak failed her. Olivia cleared her throat a little and gently laid on the bed.

Then she heard his footsteps coming closer, and then he stopped walking. Aiden rummaged through his wardrobe and pulled off the suit he was wearing.

He marched into the bathroom, and the next thing Olivia heard was the sound of water being splashed on the floor. Her heart raced, and her nervousness increased.

Then the door of the bathroom went wide open, and she turned on the bed and faced his direction. The room had a dim light and made it hard for him to detect whether she was asleep or not, especially when she was lying down.

Olivia tried to read the expression on his face and then, she noticed his hair dripping wet while a few of them covered his left eye.

Olivia could feel the heat radiating through her, though he wasn't so close to her.

For a second, Olivia felt like moving over and tracing the lines of his abs while running her hands through his well-built chest. Then her eyes flicked to his lips, which were round and pink, and then she looked up to his eyes and caught him staring at her direction.

She averted her eyes to a different direction while a shiver ran down her spine. Aiden began to move closer while using the other towel in his hand to dry his hair.

He moved to his wardrobe and rummaged through it, after changing into his casual wear he climbed into the bed slowly and only his movement was heard.

The room was filled with silence and Olivia prayed for it to be that way, not until she heard his manly voice. "Olivia!" He called, and for a moment, she felt as if her heartbeat was running faster than it should.