
The Lies Within.

“You're my possession, Olivia, and nothing can change that.” He hollers. Olivia was betrayed by her family, as a price to pay for her stepfather's debt. A man she had grown up with and considers family. Without little knowledge that her marriage to the ruthless mafia boss is based on a deal made by her sister. Aiden Leandro had to agree to marry Olivia as a means for her stepfather to clear his debt and with no feelings attached to it, he vows to make her suffer for it. In the process, Olivia tries to win his heart, she discovers the truth. A painful truth that pierces her heart.

Anita_Micheal · Urban
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Let's get married.

Olivia had made her decision, she had agreed to marry Aiden, especially when she felt Griffin was obviously pleased about it. For a moment, she felt maybe her father was trying to grant Kayla's wish because she was always his favorite daughter and of course, Aiden was loaded.

She had issues sleeping at night, while she tried to think of how her life would be after getting married.

She also hopes to continue her work as a nurse in any of the hospitals nearby. Aiden was going to agree to that, right? She won't want to be categorized as a housewife that only feeds on her husband's money.

The word "husband" felt strange to her, but she shrugged it off and sat upright on her bed while staring at the door like she was waiting for someone else to come in.

Her hands placed on her lap while her long silken hair fell freely behind. She bit her bottom lip and just then, a knock was placed on the door.

Averting her eyes to the door, she ushered the person in, and her mom walked in after peeping.

The door made a creaky sound and Olivia stood up, her blue eyes resting on her mom as she slowly marched towards her.

"Are you okay? You seem quiet lately, is it about your sister? You would rather not get married, right?" Her mom bombarded her with questions and sighed.

"Relating to that, but eventually, I have to get married. I'm just going to accept everything sincerely." Olivia replied and they sat on her bed.

Jane took hold of her hand and caressed it. "You're a sweet person, Olivia. You think of other's happiness first, and I pray your life will be filled with joy." Her mom cooed.

A wide smile displayed at the corners of Olivia's lips, and she pecked her mom's hand.

"I will be fine, mom. Don't worry too much." She assured her, and her mom took a deep breath.

"Aiden is coming over today to talk about the wedding." Jane added, and Olivia felt her heart beat increased.

"I thought he was coming tomorrow. Why the rush?" She questioned quickly.

"I don't know, but we have to get you ready. I bought a dress earlier from the mall, we want to avoid disappointing him." Jane declared with a smile.

"I see, I hope I suit his taste, mom." Olivia added glumly.

"Nonsense! What man won't find you attractive? You're the most beautiful thing I have ever had," Jane added, and Olivia blushed while puffing air through her mouth to let go of the nervousness she felt flowing through her. "Help me out in the kitchen. Will you?" Her mom inquired, and they stood up and headed for the kitchen to make dinner.

Later in the day, it was ringing 5pm already when the Griffin's heard the sound of cars driving into the compound.

Olivia was inside her room at that moment, and she rushed to peep through her window. Then she sighted him hopping out of his car majestically with a cigarette in-between his fingers.

"I can do this," she mumbled under her breath, while her hands became sweaty.

Olivia tapped her legs on the floor while biting on her bottom lip. After some minutes, she heard the sound of footsteps approaching her door and she felt it was her mom trying to call her out.

She sighed for what seemed like the fifteenth time and moved to the long mirror to stare at her reflection one last time.

Her mom opened the door without knocking, and she flinched. "Hey, your presence is needed, he is here already." Her mom told her.

Olivia followed her mother behind in slow steps as so many thoughts flowed inside her head.

The sound of their shoes clacking on the floor made everyone turn to look at them except Aiden, whose eyes were on his cigarette.

"Good evening," Olivia muttered in a low voice, and Aiden raised his head to look into her direction.

He wasn't wearing shades that day, and she got a full view of his face. While his cold hazel eyes scanned her from head to toe.

"Olivia!" Aiden uttered in a rapt tone and crossed his legs while the room suddenly became tense.

"Why don't we have dinner first, huh? It is necessary." Jane said nervously with a smile, and Aiden averted his eyes to her.

"Thank you, but I will have to decline. I would like to go straight to the point, I have a business to take care of in an hour," He added in a void tone and peeped at his wristwatch.

Olivia kept staring at him, for once, she never knew he was this handsome, though he was surrounded with a cold aura.

"Have a seat!" Aiden added, and Olivia dragged her legs to the opposite couch. "I don't think it is necessary if I state why I'm here. You must have been told already," Aiden voiced out and passed his cigarette to Max, who stood close to him.

"Yes, I know already. This marriage thing was what my sister wanted after all." Olivia managed to say, and he sighed while looking at Griffin.

"Your sister!" Aiden repeated, barely above a whisper. "Then for her sake, Let's get married next week." Aiden dropped his next words unexpectedly, and Olivia popped her eyes.

Next week? Wasn't that too early? Oh, heavens! She was really going to get married? She thought within herself and fluttered her lashes, while her mouth dropped open.