
Visions and voices

In the dream: I'm walking through the woods and i see the words: "Lies, everyone has lied to you!!!" Everywhere and it was starting to scare me. Then I got to a floating mirror that was blank. But in the mirror, where my reflection is supposed to be there's a shadow and I step closer and it started fade in then as i looked at it closer and faded all the way in. I started to see it was me smiling like a maniac with blood all over me. Then I looked down and saw all the blood on my clothes and on my hands and the reflection me started to laugh uncontrollably like Jeff the killer did. But as I began to scream a blood just overflows the woods and I begin to sink into the blood drownig in it. At the point I was near to death in my dream I wake up screaming and sweating, and I just sit in awe and shock also in utter fear from that nightmare. I didn't go to sleep that whole night after. Than I got ready for school put on a black tee again, my gray hoodie, my gray camouflage army jacket, some black jeans and some black air force ones then I went to school. As I was walking Sheila and Onyx came up to me and were talking. But when they started talking I started to see the words Truth or lie above their heads with a blade that was in between the two words and it chose truth for Sheila and Onyx. Because they were asking if I were ok and they hope that it doesn't happen again they also said this. "where'd you get that neck tat?" "A neck tat?!" I say as I look scared before sprinting to the bathroom and Onyx comes with me and I see cutting lines on my neck, like I was at the doctors. "Just like the one from my dream!" I said shakily. I started to see the words lie and kill. Because Sean was telling me he was sorry for hitting me and making me vomit but the visions and voices were overwhelming me "AAAHHH SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" I screamed at my visions and voices. "Who the fuck are you talking to you little bitch!" He yells as he punches me dead in the face. I just stand there and I chuckle a little. Shelia looks at me with a very concerned look on her face. "Hehehehahahahaaa not yet" I say after that. Then while I'm in class and I start to hallucinate seeing blood all over my hands. Then Sean came in the class and sit behind me because he always do and then he pokes me a bunch of times sayin shit like "you're fuckin crazy!!" So I just got up to move and He stood in front of me, ready to punch me and I grabbed the pair of scissors on my desk and stabbed him in his hand and it punctured through his hand and went into the desk and his hand was pinned to it. But it was satisfying me. But then I started to see that it didn't really happen. I was hallucinating. but then I went home and went to sleep and I started to see him... I mean me in my dream again