
chapter 22 - promise

As Tristin entered the classroom, the gossip about him and Zinhle was still rampant. However, the excitement quickly shifted to the latest announcement from the student committee: Thomas had been ousted as president, and Ella had taken his place, with Lerato as her vice president. Tristin noticed the news and approached Lerato, who was already seated.


"Hey, Lerato. Congratulations," Tristin said with a smile.


"Thanks, Tristin," Lerato replied, though her enthusiasm was noticeably lacking. She seemed more interested in why Tristin had arrived with Zinhle that morning.


"So, how was the meeting? I bet Thomas was furious when you guys voted him out," Tristin said, trying to keep the conversation light.


"Thomas didn't even show up. He chickened out," Lerato said, her tone still flat.


Tristin sensed that Lerato had questions but felt he didn't owe her any explanations. "I guess I overestimated Thomas. I didn't think he'd crack so easily. If he had shown up, it would've been much harder to vote him out."


Thomas, pampered and unaccustomed to challenges, was so overwhelmed by the events of the previous day that he hadn't even come to school. Tristin thought it was pathetic.


"How come you came with Zinhle?" Lerato finally asked, her curiosity getting the better of her.


"I borrowed her car yesterday and couldn't let her take a taxi to school while I drove it," Tristin replied nonchalantly.


Realizing that Tristin was annoyed by her probing, Lerato dropped the subject.


As the class began, the two main topics of conversation were Zinhle arriving with Tristin and Thomas being removed from his position. Miss Megan, who had the first class, kept glancing at Tristin. After her period ended, she called him aside.


"Miss Megan, is there something on your mind?" Tristin asked, sensing her discomfort about him paying for dinner the previous night.


"Tristin, please let me repay you for last night. Send me your account number," Megan said, clearly concerned.


"There's no need, Miss Megan. I enjoyed having dinner with you," Tristin said with a smile.


"But Tristin—" Megan began, but Tristin cut her off.


"Megan, are you going to keep doing this when I take you out next time? I promised, remember?" Tristin asked, leaving her with little choice.


"Alright, but we'll share the responsibility next time," Megan said, realizing that Tristin, despite his age, was quite cunning.


"That works for me," Tristin said with a smile. "I need to get back before the students start asking questions." He said his goodbyes and returned to class.


By lunchtime, Ella was waiting for Tristin at the door while he chatted with Max, Mdu, and Kenny.


"Tristin, come have lunch with me," Ella commanded, not waiting for a response.


Tristin said goodbye to his friends and followed Ella. "Hey, Ella, did you make something good for me?" he asked, trying to lighten the mood.


Ella scanned him briefly. "You look different today. More energy or something," she said, ignoring his question.


"I've been learning meditation from Zinhle's grandma. I guess it's working," Tristin said, trying to ease her concerns.


Ella chuckled, sensing his thoughts. "I didn't ask about your business with Zinhle. Come on, let's eat."


As they ate, Tristin asked, "Ella, how's your mom? And how have you been?" He could see Ella was strong, but her mother's condition was taking a toll on her.


Ella's eyes welled up with tears. "Mom is getting worse. She tries to hide it, but the longer it takes to find a donor, the worse she gets."


"Don't worry, Ella. Aunt will be fine, I promise," Tristin said, pulling her into a comforting hug. He wished he had more control over his powers to help her mother.


Ella looked up at him, hopeful. "You promise, Tristin? Is my mom going to be alright?"


Tristin met her gaze firmly. "Just wait for a miracle, Ella. I won't let Aunt get any worse."


Seeing his determination, Ella felt reassured. "Thank you, Tristin."


"What are you thanking me for?" Tristin said, kissing her forehead.


This display caused quite a stir among the students, who were already speculating about Tristin's relationships with Ella and Zinhle.


Ella blushed deeply. "Why did you do that in front of everyone?"


Before Tristin could respond, a young, charismatic woman who wasn't in school uniform interrupted them. "Tristin, could I have a moment of your time?" she asked, her beauty captivating.

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