
chapter 14 - swapped roles

Thomas sat quietly in class, in disbelief. He had never suffered such a defeat in his entire life. Lerato and Ella didn't just bruise his ego; they drilled holes into his confidence. He was in a fragile state; a hard push might break him.


As he wallowed, without a friend to cheer him up, the teacher entered the class. He greeted the students as he normally did, then looked at Thomas. The teachers had caught wind of what had happened during the lunch break. He spoke, "Thomas, Miss Megan needs a word with you in the teacher's room."


Thomas was caught off guard by the sudden request. Miss Megan didn't normally interact with students. Even in class, she'd only answer a few questions, and that was rare. She had a talent for teaching, so students would understand almost instantly whenever she taught.


Filled with confusion, Thomas dragged himself up and headed to the teacher's room. He couldn't understand why Miss Megan wanted to see him, but whenever he thought of how beautiful Miss Megan was, he couldn't help but wonder if maybe she wanted to comfort him to get on good terms with the Ngobeni Group. With that on his mind, he soldiered on.


With a gentle knock on the door, he entered the teacher's room. "Hello, Miss Megan, are you looking for me?" Thomas asked.


"Have a seat, Thomas." Miss Megan, who looked surprisingly more beautiful today, gently pointed at the chair in front of her.


Miss Megan didn't waste any time and went straight to the point. "Thomas, it's been brought to my attention that you use shameless means to force girls at school to submit to you, and now you've targeted my class rep. What do you have to say about that, Thomas?"


"Miss Megan, there must be a misunderstanding here. I've never done those things," Thomas said with an innocent face.


Miss Megan looked at his innocent face and was really angered by it. She knew Thomas was acting. She had seen how arrogant Thomas was and never liked that about him. She lost her patience.


"Thomas, Lerato is a promising student with a good future ahead of her. Here's what you're going to do now. You will apologize to Lerato, and you will stop all those bad things you do at school, or the school will kick you out," Miss Megan said with a cold voice.


"Miss Megan, you don't have the right to kick me out, and you don't have the power to do so." At this point, Thomas had enough. He was bossed around by two pretty girls during the lunch break, and now a pretty teacher dared to threaten him.


Miss Megan chuckled a bit, but her face didn't show any hint of amusement. "Thomas, from what I've seen in the comments, many students dislike you. If I start an investigation, it will be easy to collect evidence and send it to the headquarters of the Ntuli Group. Do you still think I can't kick you out of the school?"


The arrogance that Thomas showed just a moment ago was now replaced by fear. The Ntuli Group owned all the St. Ntuli Schools across the country and the continent. It was also associated with Prime Group. Kicking a student from a mere Ngobeni Group would be a piece of cake for them.


The most troubling fact was that once he got kicked out of school, it would be a stain he could never remove. Most rich families cared more about reputation. If it was known that the son of the prominent Ngobeni family was kicked out of school, it would only bring shame to the family name. He might lose his right to inherit the family business in the future because of this. After all, Thomas wasn't the only child at home.


Realizing all that, Thomas had one question in his mind: "Does Miss Megan have the ability to reach the headquarters of the Ntuli Group?" "Should I wait and hope for the best, or should I just apologize?" he asked himself.


While Thomas struggled to make up his mind, Miss Megan had already lost her patience. She said to Thomas, "You have until the end of lunch break tomorrow to apologize to Lerato. You may go now."


Interrupted by Miss Megan's voice, Thomas came back to his senses. He stood and walked to the door.


"Oh, Thomas," Miss Megan stopped him just before he left the room.


Thomas turned his head to look at Miss Megan with anticipation. "Yes, Miss Megan?" he said.


"Before I forget, Thomas, don't ever bother Tristin or any of my students and I'll be present during the student committee meeting after school," Miss Megan said with a cold voice.


Miss Megan's true intentions were finally revealed. She had promised Tristin that she would warn Thomas not to bother him at school. Seeing the hype around Thomas during the lunch break, she saw a great opportunity to confront him.


For some reason, Miss Megan was intrigued by Tristin. Ever since she met him yesterday, she couldn't stop thinking about him. She even dressed up for him today. Now she had another reason to talk to Tristin. She planned to deliver the news that she had fulfilled her promise and warned Thomas.


Thomas looked at Miss Megan with resentment, but at this point, there was nothing he could do. He left the room in despair. He had lost the will to fight. He didn't want to attend the meeting anymore; he couldn't bear another defeat.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Chreecy_Kayracreators' thoughts