
Vol. 7 - Chapter 1: Arrival at Angel City.

Part 1 – Lucifugus Mansion.

2 days after the incident of Hawikuh, in the Lucifugus Mansion, Darius zips tea, sitting in a couch in his enormous living room. He reads the newspaper as Aleister walks in: "Father, El Muerto has return from Hawikuh successfully securing the fourth golden key."

Darius smiles and replies: "Excellent, we have 3 out of the 4 keys, the fifth key is in Brazil near the Amazon my men will contact me any minute."

"Excellent father, where is Anastasia?" Aleister asks Darius, a young woman white pale skin, black hair and red eyes enters the living room saying:

"Here I am master, do you need something from me?"

"Yes I need you to bring me some tea." Aleister replies as he sits in the other couch. Anastasia bows her head: "Yes master, right away."

Anastasia Lucifugus is a young girl, age 17; she has black hair with a ponytail, red eyes with a not to notorious bags beneath her eyes. She wears a dark blue colored maid uniform with gloves and white socks. She has a doll face making her extremely beautiful. She was adopted by Darius to be Aleister's servant; she is a very quiet girl who only follows her master's orders.

Anastasia brings Aleister some tea and cookies. She leaves the room to continue her work, at that moment the phone rings.


"Yes hello, Alberto tell me did you find the golden key?" Darius says as he zips his tea.

"Hello Darius, the truth is that we found the Golden Temple of Quiviral but the key was already taken." Alberto says as he is drinking in a fine restaurant next to gorgeous Brazilian girls.

"What do you mean by that, you imbecile?" Darius raises his tone with anger.

"Apparently, the natives we killed told us that a young girl has it." Alberto replies, Darius stands up and asks:

"How this possible, nobody but us should know about the Golden Key."

"Well they said that the key appeared a month ago when the key of Halona appeared, the key flew to the sky and fell into the stadium where a girl picked it up, I checked the records and at that night it was the concert of an idol named Chloe Diamont, she must have it."

"I see well good work Albeto, return here at once." Darius replies to Alberto. He finishes his drink and replies: "Yes sir I will be there tomorrow night."

Alberto hangs up, and goes to the hotel with the girls saying: "Well then let's have some fun."

Darius makes a giant screen appears and begins to look for Chloe Diamont's recent activity. In one of the videos, she appears with the golden key around her neck like a necklace. He begins to smile and says: "Well look it here, Aleister it is now your turn."

Aleister is drinking his tea, picks up his cell phone, snaps his fingers and makes two figures appear from the portal. The figures have the mask of El Muerto, one with a pink stripe and the other with the purple stripe. He points at the screen and says:

"See that girl, cut off her head and secure the golden key."

"Yes sir, we will do it right away." The two figures reply and disappear. Darius looks at Aleister:

"Hey son, the sixth golden key will be in Florida, why don't you take Marjorie and go to the beach?" Aleister smiles and says:

"Sure I will do that, how long is that guy going to be there, it is really disgusting, that my appetite is disappearing." Aleister points at the corner of the living room. Coyote is there sitting in a chair with chains on him, he is badly beaten and bleeding. Darius laughs and says; "Don't worry son, I will get rid of him right away."

Darius opens a portal and makes Coyote disappear. Meanwhile in one the guest rooms Cassidy is sleeping with Anastasia looking after her.

Part 2- San Juan Ministry.

Maria finally got out of the hospital, she also requested that Sister Carolina went to the ministry and it is under the care of Sister Griselda. Sister Griselda watches over Carolina while Maria decides to train the three sisters the art of the Order.

"You are doing good Mariana, keep up building manna" Maria says to Mariana while she puts her hands together and creates a small ball of the manna. Her manna is colored yellow, while Abril's color is orange.

Mariana stops and sits down breathing heavily, Abril also stops gathering manna. Maria walks slowly with a cane and asks: "Are you okay dear?"

"Yes teacher, it's just that it is hard to gather manna" Mariana replies breathing heavily. Maria smiles and pats their heads and says:

"Both of you are doing alright, manna training takes years of practice, right now you are taking the first step of what the Order of the Holy Maiden trains their students."

Abril looks around and asks: "Where is Fabiola?" Maria smiles and replies: "Well she went to see Valerie and Daniel on the back hills."

Mariana puts her finger in her lips in sign of thinking: "Hey teacher, I meant to ask you, do Daniel and Valerie know how to control manna?"

Maria smiles and asks: "Well I think you will know the answer if you look at you right." Suddenly two huge beams shoot into the air; one is red color and the other light purple and collide with each other. Abril and Mariana look surprise and say: "Wow, are those your children?"

Maria puts her finger in her mouth and says: "SHHHH, That is a secret"

Meanwhile in the hills behind the ministry the two beams of light disappear only leaving a huge dust cloud. In the dust cloud there are two figures in it. The dust cloud clears; it reveals that Valerie and Daniel are training as well. Valerie breathes heavily and says:

"I still need more practice brother, the attack is still imperfect."

"Just try to focus more and release the manna on a focal point." Daniel replies, both of them have manna particles leaving their bodies in form of lights. A person walks in the dust cloud; Daniel turns to see and says: "Well it looks like we have a visitor."

The dust clears and Fabiola walks slowly with a shy face she says: "Hello guys, I wanted to know if I can train with you."

Daniel sighs with his eyes close and replies: "Look Fabiola I understand that you can control manna better than you sisters, but you still lack the skill, if we train with you, you could end up really hurt or worse."

Fabiola looks at them and says: "Big sister please, I want to be stronger, I want to help Uriel the next time he is in danger."

Valerie puts a serious face and tells Fabiola: "So you think that crying will make you stronger? Stop wasting our time and go away."

Fabiola looks at them crying, she begins to wipe the tears from her eyes, puts and angry face and screams: "If you are not going to help, I will become stronger by myself. I am going to protect everyone."

Valerie walks towards Fabiola with a serious face, hugs Fabiola and replies: "Good, you are strong and we will help you get stronger."

"Just try to keep up okay; I don't want you to slow us down." Daniel says to Fabiola as she takes out her lance and yells: "RIGHT, I WILL DO MY BEST!"

Part 3–Angel City.

Uriel and Johanna arrive at Angel City, this is city is also known as the "City of Superstars." The city is surrounded by large buildings, many famous streets, and many famous T.V. stars, idols, and movie stars live in this city. Because it is summer, it is very hot that people often go out in shorts and bikinis.

Uriel walks with a white shirt and blue shorts, he has his tennis on. He walks blushing because of all the stares. However, these stares are because he is walking next to Johanna, and she is wearing the top part of a black bikini, she has a jean skit and some sandals; she also has a beach hat and some glasses. She has well developed body that attracts the attention of every man she passes next to.

"Hey Johanna, do you really need to wear, I mean you are getting all the attention." Uriel says feeling uncomfortable. Johanna looks at him and grabs his arm saying:

"Aww come on we are in Angel City, and we are heading to the beach, so try to loosen up a little."

Uriel´s head begins to blow steam. They go and eat in a restaurant in the beach. Johanna sits next to Uriel crossing her legs; this attracts many people in the restaurant who are famous or rich. She drinks from her glass with a straw. Uriel runs out of patience and asks:

"Johanna aren´t we suppose to be looking for the Golden Key?"

Johanna finishes drinking and replies: "Relax Uriel, you see I have tickets to go to the concert of the idol Chloe Diamont." She takes out the tickets from her breast making Uriel blush. Uriel looks at Chloe´s photo and begins to recall that the sisters back in the Ministry are actually fans of Chloe Diamont. He looks at her and sees that she has different color eyes.

"So you like that girl, you sure are a womanizer." Johanna says to Uriel with a luxurious voice.

Two supermodel guys stand next to Johanna, one has blonde hair and the other black. The blonde hair man grabs Johanna's arm and says: "Hey sexy lady, mind if we buy you a drink?"

Johanna smiles at them and says: "No thank you, I am in a date with this handsome boy. The two guys see Uriel and begin to laugh saying: "This loser, come on he might be your son."

Johanna and Uriel get agree at him. Johanna pushes him away saying: "Well he might be young but at list he doesn't rely on steroids." The blonde supermodel gets angry and grabs Johanna's arm saying: "YOUBITCH; WHEN I SAY SOMETHING YOU OBEY ALRIGHT."

Uriel grabs the guy's arm with force and makes him scream as he says: "Get away from her." The black hair model charges Uriel, he throws the blonde hair guy and collides with the black hair making both of them crash into the window.


Both of them are sent flying to the beach. Johanna kisses Uriel in the cheek saying: "Thank you." She pays the owner for the window and both of them head to the beach. As they walk along, Johanna grabs Uriel's arm making him blush, she begins to say:

"Hey have you feelings for me changed a little?"

Uriel looks at the ocean without answering, Johanna laughs and says: "Hey don't push yourself, I'm just toying with you."

"Now the plan is that we take separate ways, I need to investigate over a man named Don Condoriano, my boss told me to figure out what he is doing in Angel City." Johanna says to Uriel, he looks clueless and asks: "Wait, what has Condoriano have to do with the golden keys?"

"Well one of my colleagues told me that Condoriano is also after Chloe Diamant. I want to know if he wants her or the golden key." Johanna says to Uriel, he looks at her and asks with a suspicious face: "Johanna, how do you know all this? Are the SIA agents everywhere?

Johanna laughs and replies: "Of course, we are everywhere in this country, always observing. You can sense people with your rhythm sense but do not know about their hearts Uriel." Johanna gives Uriel the key of their room and kisses his cheek saying: "I will see you later." Uriel is left blushing. Meanwhile a girl with brown hair runs away from two people chasing her, she runs towards the beach were Uriel is located.