
The Legitimacy of Elmorian Realm

'Almeria,' one of the six continents in Elmore, embodies virtue and tranquility. In contrast, 'Cathartic,' the largest among them, is known as the Infernal Realm. Enya believes there's a way to end their grudge. Aspiring to become the Grand Chief Commander of Almeria, she's committed addressing injustice and a wide array of issues afflicting her realm. With a strong will to protect her loved ones and unveal the truth behind her past, Enya aims to become a valiant knight. However, a pressing question looms: Will the Imperial family and the mysterious Second Prince of Almeria entrust her and grant her the honour of wielding her sword for them? What secrets will be unveiled within the constraint time...?

Nimra_Khan_2444 · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter no. 1: “Beginning of True Resolve (Part 1)”

Almeria, one of the continents among the realms of Elmore flowed with liveliness and activity. Altogether, resolute individuals possessed an "amulet" that served as their wellspring of vast abilities. These amulets had various forms—jewels, pendants, rings, and more—each granted by the Emperor himself. Therefore, these noble individuals were resolute to protect their realm, even if it meant risking their very lives.

This realm was governed by the Imperial Emperor and Empress who had two sons and one daughter. The people were exceedingly satisfied with their reign and admired their leadership.

The land was filled with glory, where people lived freely and legitimately. Prominent as the realm of enchantment beyond compare, its prestige remained unmatched.

'At the Knight's training base:'

"All Cavaliers! Take your positions and prepare yourselves for training." Announced an approaching, middle aged man clad in a cider colored armour. His voice carried a rugged tone. Neatly combed, his bronze hair formed a crew cut, while under the sun, his dark maroon eyes glinted.

"Yes! Sir." Each of the cavaliers responded, marching in unison and positioning themselves alongside their respective battalions. General Void gracefully moved around, departing from the knight's gathering base.

The lively countryside seemed to sway with vitality, its streets basked in the gentle embrace of sunlight. The trees shared their whispered tales with the breeze while the air itself played host to a symphony of chirping birds and bustling insects. As it weaved a melody that infused every corner of the land with the very essence of life.

Crowds clustered around beautiful shops and stalls alongside chattering women purchasing fresh fruits and vegetables. The bustling activity of wagons and cabs facilitated the constant transport of people all around.

This was the sight within the countryside of Almeria.

A figure gazed out of a wagon awed. Grasping the sight of the fruit stalls, she called, "Sir, sir stop." The wagon driver instructed his horse to halt. Rolling up her sleeves, the girl stepped down the wagon, "I will be back." she told. The driver nodded.

She walked forward, her gaze brazen and steps brisk. She halted at the stall checking the apples.

While doing so, she could hear a man bicker, "Hey. All these fruits are rotten. You are selling spoiled stuff? Haha. Nobody is gonna buy it from you." the other fruits seller on the next stall provoked the stall retailer in disgust.

"How much would you sell these for?" he continued. "10 copper coins, per kilogram." the retailer told slightly hurt. The other seller laughed, "These aren't even worth it. Look at mine they look worth a 20." he ridiculed showing off. "That none of my concern." the retailer retorted troubled.

The girl eyed the man, her brows drew nearer, "One second. One second. You have such a great earning. Why do you compare yourself from the weak?" she asked. The seller facing her rolled his eyes, "And who are you to relate me to him by interfering?" he taunted. The girl displeased responded, "I am merely saying that he is a poor and innocent man. What he earns is what he would use for his family. Have some conscience. And I have bought fruits from him many times. He never shows dishonesty. Why do you bother him?" The retailer eyeing her smiled.

"Keep your nose in your own business. Who are you to preach me, madam?" the seller questioned vexed. "Me?" The girl smirked, "I am the future grand cheif commander of the Imperial Knights Headquarters. What I can't stand is injustice!" she spoke. Her eyes flaring with confidence, pointing a long sheathed sword towards the seller.

The girl displayed courage. Judging from the look, she was wise. While her behavior hinted at her past residency in the rural village of Almeria. Her dream led her to move to the countryside where she served as a squire for one and a half year... hardy hence, she was well groomed in her feminine self regardless of showing masculine mannerism. But little does she knew, the hassles of the country town since she was not fond of the it all that much.

Imperial Palace:

"Enya Verne, a 16-year-old female squire who has fully embraced her role, is now eligible to attain the esteemed status of a chevalier." Read a middle aged man from a document. His neatly combed light brown hairs framed his visage with a golden crown resting upon his head. "She is such a young girl? Not bad…" he thought scratching his beard. He possessed an imposing demeanor, his presence commanding attention as he stood tall and regal amid the gorgeous and resplendent hall.

He was dressed in a lengthy robe crafted from the finest golden silk, a glinting fabric that caught every flicker of light. The robe was embellished with a variety of golden chains and rings fashioned from precious gemstones and pure gold that adorned his entire attire.

"Didn't took her long right, dear?" Questioned astonishingly beautiful woman, her dark black hair cascading down to her ankles. A gorgeous crescent crown graced her hairs, while a pair of enchanting crimson eyes contrasted against her snow-white complexion. She donned a flowing silver robe, enhanced by golden gemstones. Her presence undeniably resembled a scene from a painting.

They were none other than the Emperor and Empress of Almeria.

"Yes and furthermore it says that her sword fighting skills have sky-rocketed." Responded the Emperor. "Oh my." She praised. "It's quite erratic for females to become a knight here so…this is the first one ever accepted. I don't think it is a wrong decision." stated the Emperor. "Right. I do as well have a feeling that she's a blessing in disguise...We shall officialy test her for the qualification and settle this matter without delay." Affirmed the Empress.

"As you say, I agree. I observed that she is quite unique and her skills are notable too. Although, there are areas needed for improvement, she is trustworthy." specified the Emperor. "Reminds me of him…" he added imersed in a thought. "Like father like daughter." the Empress smiled.

Knights training Base:

"Thanks goodness, I have arrived." sighed a voice. Hopping down the wagon, a slender figure with a short stature, stepped on the ground knealing. Her hairs, a dark shade of violet, were parted from the mid and meticulously woven into a braid twice platted and half tied loose fluttering.

Wearing a pair of grey boots, she stepped forth raising up. Her attire consisted of a long leather belt coat over a pure white buttoned velvet shirt. She twirled a long, keen-edged sword, safely ensconced within its scabbard. Under the sun's gaze, her azure blue eyes glinted, and a knowing smirk graced her lips, "I hope I'm not late." she spoke stepping onwards.

"Hey, Hey. Hold on your horses, little lady. Won't you pay?" the man riding the wagon asked slight cross. The girl realizing blinked her eyes turning around, "Oh yeah, so how much do I owe you?" she asked shoving her hands in her pocket to find a wallet. "4 silver coins." the man responded. "4?" the girl asked with her mouth a gape.

"Why the shock, lady? This it the city not the village moreover you told me you'll pay twice more for the distance." the man explained. The girl sighed miffed, "I did say that..." she concurred searching inside her wallet.

A while later...

"Are you even sure you have money?" the man asked unamused. And surely he provoked her brain cells, "What did you say? Do I look broke to you? Such boldness~Just let me become the cheif of this place, I will make sure you are the first one behind bars! You are one to talk, hmph!" she retorted glancing at him irritated.

"Please give me the money. I need to go." the man requested with lack of interest. The girl furrowed her brows, "Some patience won't kill you, okay?" she moaned.

"Here's your 4 coins." the girl told giving him the money still cross. The man took it and soon left. Putting the wallet inside, she looked around.

A figure eyeing her reached forward, "Ah. Hello there newbie." he called. "Oh hello." the girl replied looking aside to find a young man with fiery red hair and hazel eyes standing before her. "Good for you. Today you must be a guest here." he spoke crossing his arms with a smile. The girl looked at him favourably, "And you must be the host." she guessed.

"Huh?" the young man asked blinking his eyes.

"I mean you'll be my guide, right? General Void did tell me that a good man guide me." she explained.

"Huh? Well..."

"Let's go."


"Inside. Where else?"

"Me? No I'm afraid I am not permitted to go inside right now."

"What? So...you are not the second squad leader?"


"And General Void did not tell you to guide me?"

"No. Not at all."

The girl furrowed her brows, befuddled and concerned at the same time, "W-wait a sec? Who are you? What is your name?" The young man replied, "My name is Rowan. I am the leader of the 5th battalion."

The girl eyed him confused with her jaw dropped, "What? Oh. Is that so...? So where is General Void and the second squad leader then?" Rowan answered, "They are inside the hall as training has begun but first of all...I must say you are late."

"What?" the girl asked frozen, "No way. He'll scold me real bad..." she reacted taken aback. Rowan chuckled amused observing her reactions, "But don't fret. General Void is your guardian and you are new to the training base so I don't think it's that big of a problem." he suggested as she squinted her eyes with her hands on her waist, looking around, "What to do now?" she whispered.

"You are Enya Verne, correct?" Rowan asked. The girl looking at him nodded, "Yes. But how do you?" she asked suprised. Rowan smiled, "You are a really trending topic here. Anyways I am short of time so for now allow me to leave." he requested.

Enya with a straight face answered, "Who even stopped you?" Rowan slightly hurt smiled, "Now...that hurts a bit." he whispered soon leaving.

"Trending topic?" Enya recalled tilting her head to the side with her gaze clouding in confusion.

Soon, Enya arrived at the hallway and encountered General Void. General Void grasping her sight heaved a sigh, "Not quite punctual indeed." he spoke up in his usual heavy tone. Enya halting before him bowed panting, "Huff Huff. Don't ask, general Void. It's a very long story. First that fruits seller, then that wagon driver and then the 5th squad leader. My head is spinning." Enya recalled rolling her eyes.

General Void coughed, ignoring her words, "Enya! I have conversed about your progress qualification with the Emperor and he would percieve your skills too so it is all up to him now. You may meet him by dusk." Told General Void serious.

Enya's lips curved into a beam as she showed her thumbs up, "Thank you. Thank you so much." General Void calmly replied, "No need, since that is my responsibility, anyhow, move to the training base. I will meet you there." Enya nodded curving around to leave. "And!" General Void called further. Enya halted looking back. "Make sure not to be late again otherwise I would not show such leniency." he told. Enya nodded with a beam, "Yes sir." she saluted.

Enya headed outside. Cavaliers alligned around, gossiped with one another. "Look. Is it the female squire?" said one of them eyeing Enya. "Yeah it is. I don't get the meaning of a knightess. What good could she be?" said another.

Rowan looked at them alongside his squad tense. Enya approaching him smiled. Rowan smiled back, "Back for training?" he asked. Enya nodded.

Rowan silent for a while spoke up, "Well. You know about the other knights. Don't mind what they say, alright? And don't worry no one would dare to revolt when it's General Void at your side."

Enya chuckled amused, "Pfft! Haha. That's it? You know. I wish to be the grand cheif commander here. This is a small issue." she told raising a brow. Rowan heard her suprised, "She's braver than I had expected..." he thought.

General Void strode into the training base, immediately directing all of the squad leaders. Without delay, the training commenced.

Greetings to all viewers! This is my first novel and i was quite nervous in publishing it but if you give me any suggestions, it would be a great pleasure since, motivation is needed for further creation so please comment and write reviews. Also please don't mind any grammar or punctuation errors. Thankyou. *(^v^)*

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