
The Legendary Scarlet Knight

Do you like playing games? Quick load and quick saves are your thing? Like picking races? What happens if you can choose all races and you broke the system?

Ledolati · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

Luck: 99

As soon as the inspector left the room,

3 guards immediately entered the room to drag me out, as soon as we got out, I can see lots of wagon, with all the rebels, probably to bring us all to the execution grounds.

I was thrown inside on 1 of the wagons, together with the leader Lucas, and 2 other rebels, theres 4 of us in the wagon.

I tried to ask Lucas, why he got arrested, he said because he wanted to take over the kingdom, but one of them betrayed his group and got ambush at some point, that's why they are here, he then said that, If he can get out of this situation he will make sure to make a kingdom of his own, that is not corrupted like the Deneb kingdom.

while having a chat about how their life was, what a fun conversation I would say.

We came to a stop, we are already at the end I presume.

1 of the guards, opened up the curtain to let us out 1 by 1 to make sure that they have all the rebels in one place, without missing a soul.

I remembered that I already have a save slot/checkpoint, so I'm not afraid of dying I can just probably reload again. But I'm quite unsure about that so I went ahead and used my QL 1 skill to see if it works, my mind and vision just went black. all I can see in front of me is a gigantic text saying Now Loading....

after a minute ...

I'm back at the interrogation room, same thing happened got dragged back to the execution grounds, same conversation. same bumps on the road, same exact words. till we arrive at the execution grounds.

We're inside the fortress it's pretty big. lots of solider training their swords, some are doing archery while some are practicing their magic.

Once again I saw General Talius, but this time, he is not wearing his flashy armor just dressed like a noble, combination of red silver and gold robe, with a big star logo on his cape.

They made us line up, I'm third in the line, first one is a solider who's wrapped up in a bandage I think his bleeding hasn't stopped yet and he looked so pale. They made him enter a room, after a while....

You could hear someone screaming for a minute, and then it stopped, the door suddenly opened up to ask for the next person, same thing happened again.

I'm getting pretty nervous because I'm the next one, I'm not sure if Quick Load is going to work if I die. So once I got inside the room, there's a lot of blood splattered all over the room, and some mushy things I think it's a human flesh or guts. there are 2 guys, wearing a robe with a hoody, face is covered with a piece of cloth, all you can see is their hands, everything is covered.

they sat me up on the chair, took their book, and was reading something probably a spell.

while in the middle of Chanting. Suddenly, something exploded, not me. But outside of the room.

You can hear someone shouting outside the room, ENEMY ATTACK!!!!! GET INTO YOUR POSITION!!!

after a moment a loud sound is what I could hear again, after a few seconds the whole room got destroyed and I got hurt pretty badly. I'm lying down, I'm outside already probably the room got totally obliterated, I'm bleeding pretty bad, I opened my eyes I can see people killing each other, I think it's one of the rescue team for Lucas, since he's a boss, he wouldn't get caught that easily, is what I was thinking, I gathered all my strength to stand up. I got up and entered one of the building to take shelter.

the room is pretty small just a table 3 sets of chairs and a food, probably a guards room. I see another door, I'm getting pretty dizzy because I'm losing a lot of blood, due to the impact, my head hit the floor during the explosion and now I'm bleeding a lot.

I think I'm about to die, I desperately walked to that door hoping something could save me.

after entering the room It's like a hallway pretty dark inside, I started walking forward, I put my hand on the right side of the wall, because it's hard to just stand, I can see nothing but total darkness, after a moment there are no more walls on my right hand, so meaning to say I can make a right turn, I turned right, put my right hand to the right wall, Left hand for the left wall, after a moment of walking, there are no more walls touching both of my hands so, I immediately knew that this is a maze, there's no time to think I just randomly chose one, and did the same thing all over and over, until I hit a dead end, seems like a door, but it's locked.

I was getting desperate, so I played safe and used my Quick load, but this time it didn't work, it seems like once you load up, your existing save slot is going to be deleted, I tried to use quick save again but I was able to save to quick save slot 1, it seems like I can just saved right after I load cause If I don't my save slot is going to be deleted, so from now on, If I can live through this, everytime I quick load, I'll make sure to quick save, I'll make it a habit.

System Message: Quick Save Slot 1: Successful.

System Message:


Low HP

HP: 11/100

MP: 100/100

Physical Status:

Internal Brain Hemorrhage

after a moment, suddenly another loud explosion, so strong it shook the whole building, because of that suddenly the door opened up, I was surprised, since the door is supporting my back I fell down to the ground.

after the door opened up.

there's just a bunch of candles attached to the wall, not very well lit, but it seems like I'm in a library, I could see a lot of books, and a table in the middle, in the middle of the table is a candle as well, I did what I could I touched one of the books.

System Message:

7 Learnable skills from these available books


Fast Healing

Concentrated MP



item create

Mistral Sword

Remote Exploding Rune

Just by touching one of the books. I could see all the available spells inside the room.

What luck!, No time to waste I quickly learned all of them.

First thing I did was to learn the Fast healing spell and quickly used it,

It remove my status ailment and restored my HP to the max

I have no more Brain hemorrhage.



not to mention it uses little amount of MP,

I learned Concentrated MP,

Concentrated MP: Improve MP regen by 1000% if out of battle.


Isn't this a cheat

I got a pretty good start, I went ahead and learned the other one

Cloaking: makes you invisible, MP Consumption: 2mp/sec

Muffle: all your movements will not make a sound for 120sec, MP Consumption: 20

item create: Allow you to randomly create items with any materials (rarity will be based on your luck), MP Consumption : 50/material used

... This is probably the most interesting spell that I have, I wonder what kind of miracles I could create with this.

Mistral Sword: Allows you to summon a sword and use it, MP Consumption: 5mp/sec

Remote Exploding Rune: Allows you to place a rune on a designated location (Air, Wall, Floor,)

and make it explode remotely, MP Consumption: 50/rune, Max rune that can be placed: 7

I was in total Joy, these skills are all bullshit time to put these into a good use.



Name: Theotime Octave

Lvl: N/A

Race: N/A

Job: Merchant, etc.

Job lvl: N/A

HP: 100/100

MP: 100/100



Language Comprehension:Max

QS 1: lvl 1

QL 1: lvl 1

Haggling: Max

Speech: Max

Analyze: Max

Calm Mind: Max

Fast Healing: lvl 1

Concentrated MP: lvl 1

Cloaking : lvl 1

Muffle : lvl 1

item create : lvl 1

Mistral Sword : lvl 1

Remote Exploding Rune : lvl 1


Str: 1 Dex:1

Agi: 1 Int:1

Vit: 1 Luk:99

Use SKill QS 1

End of Ch. 3