
The Legendary Moonlit Sculptor

The man forsaken by the world, the man a slave to money and the man known as the legendary God of War in the highly popular MMORPG Continent of Magic. With the coming of age, he decides to say goodbye, but the feeble attempt to earn a little something for his time and effort ripples into an effect none could ever have imagined. Through a series of coincidences, his legendary avatar is sold for 3 billion won, bringing great joy to him, only to plunge him into despair at losing almost all of it to vicious loan sharks. With revelation of money through gaming, he rises from the abyss with new found resolve and steps forward into the new age of games led by the first ever Virtual Reality MMORPG, Royal Road. This is the legend of Lee Hyun on his path to becoming Emperor with only his family’s loving heart, his boundless desire for money, his unexpected mind, his diligently forged body and the talent of hard work backing him. I don't own the book I just fell in love with it and wanted to spread the novel to all of you

Sora925 · Urban
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51 Chs

The Fated Profession

As was his routine, Rodriguez was taking an afternoon walk. He enjoyed checking on his neighbors and deepening their misery.

"How are you, Hans?"

"Fine, Counselor."

"What is the best fruit today?"

"This one. Please have some. Fresh strawberry, sire."

"Thank you."

Rodriguez's steps were light. For one thing, he wasn't pestering others who fell under his gaze that afternoon. He was elated by the recent publication of the latest book he had penned.

When he returned home, his manservant in care of the manor was waiting at the entrance to greet him. He spoke without reservation to the manservant whose dedication to his family lasted for decades.

"How was your walk, milord?"

"Excellent. Very excellent. These days are free of worries and trifles."

"I'm glad to hear that, milord. By the way, do you mind if I ask you a question?"

"What is it, William?"

"This is about the young man who carved statues on the other side of the street, milord."

"Oh, that kid!"

"Did he find what he was seeking?"

Rodriguez laughed evilly.

"It'd never be that easy."


"Not a chance! He won't even be able to find the place, and even if he does find it, against all odds… well… "


"Serves him right even if he gets the class!" Rodriguez burst into insane laughter.


The first thing that Weed did when he was alone was double-check his armor and inventory.

"Twenty-four gold and thirty silvers…"

Instead of receiving his share of the spoils that his men had collected from the slain kobolds and goblins, which were mostly crude weapons, equipment and pieces of metal, Weed had asked for hard money.

"The revenue's not too bad, and…"

For the last month, Weed had advanced his skills by far. His cooking mastery hit level six, the repair skill four. The repair skill is so useful that some users are encouraged to pick it up, but the cooking skill is almost extinct, except for professional cooks.

Weed's bandage skill, now level four, empowered him to tend a minor injury by rolling gauze twice. But the most progressive one among his stats was his level.

He felt like laughing.


To Weed's dismay, however, Arse whinnied unpleasantly. He had no choice but to take care of the colt thanks to the 'courtesy' of Sir Midvale. The colt was good for nothing for now, but Weed was obliged to return it safely to the Royal Stable.

'The Lair of Litvart. No other lair of the same name has been discovered so far. This is the place.'

The Counselor's trick.

Assured that there was something behind it, Weed did his best to analyze the quest's objective from different angles.

'It must be hidden somewhere in the lair, somewhere no one has found yet – a secret chamber.'

Weed began working through from the first floor up to the fifth one.

For the adventuring classes, such as rangers and explorers, which are endowed with a multitude of observation-related stats and skills, it is easier to discover a concealed entrance.

But Weed could only stick to elementary means such as relying on his naked eyes and touching every suspicious area with his hands in order to look for the 'secret chamber'.

There were at least twenty users on each floor in the Lair of Litvart. Hunting monsters, they commented about Weed, who was acting weird.

"What's that guy doing?"

"Seems he's looking for some entrance. Why else would he caress the stone wall so dearly?"

"Puhaha, what an idiot. The lair doesn't have any secret passage."

"This is the first lair found when Rosenheim was discovered months ago. Thousands of adventurers stormed here. He's taking a gamble."

"Just your typical creep."

They openly laughed at Weed, because they had been jealous of him who was surfing on an easy wave in the lair with thirty NPC troops, it was no surprise that he was the center of jealousy and envy.

"Just in case…"

"Watch out. Don't let him notice we're behind him."

Several users followed Weed quietly, envisioning that he might have overheard valuable information from the NPC soldiers during the mission. Or better, he might be carrying out a special quest. In that case, they even considered forcing Weed to share the quest.

In their eyes, this one lone freak was a low-level archer, lacking in melee combat skills; who had worked on household chores for the troops and sponged off them like a parasite.

After a week had passed without event, the troublemakers were exasperated by tracking Weed in vain; he was obsessed with exploring the lair inch by through inch, so they finally gave up and left.


"BAH! I'm freaking mad. I've just wasted these last few days!"

Even after they left him alone, Weed continued. 'There's gotta be something.'

Many explorers had already finished mapping out the entire lair, and had already concluded that there was nothing left to find. This was exactly what Weed was told aswell. In fact, he had done occasional research while hunting down the kobolds and goblins, but failed to make any meaningful discovery. Still, Weed was convinced that he would stumble onto something someday.

'Famous adventurers from all over the continent have already searched this place. So what? You're wrong; and I'm right?'

The Lair of Litvart was a vast place. Wandering casually in the forlorn hope of uncovering a hidden place was a hope was as far as the distance between the Earth and Andromeda.

Even though the many of adventurers were better with their own observation skills, attitude and persistence could make difference.

Weed patiently touched the lair walls, looking for a clue.


Arse watched Weed with contempt.

He had brought the horse into the lair because there was no one else who could, or would, look after it, but due to this, he was becoming very stressed out by the disobedient beast.

'I need to teach him a lesson first.' Weed thought evilly.

Weed led Arse to a shelter of goblins on purpose—a goblin warrior and three goblin raiders. As soon as they saw Weed, they charged at him.

He stepped forward as if to protect the colt in front, and fought against the goblins, screaming:

"My god! I don't want to die!"

The goblin warrior's spear sailed toward Weed but only grazed him, drawing little blood from the flesh.

"If… if I am killed now, what will ever happen to my dearest Arse…"

The goblins kept on pounding on Weed.

"No! I shall stand here to protect Arse! Bring it on, you abominable monsters! You must pass over my dead body before you lay any of your filthy fingers on him!"

Weed played a brave knight protecting his weak companion at risk of his own death.

When he glanced back, however, he saw that the colt was yawning and playing with a pebble on the ground. Also, Weed noticed that this beast was ready to bolt in the direction of the Lair's exit the moment the master fell dead.

"Damn you!" he swore at the colt.

Weed was embarrassed by this turn of events. Why make a fool of himself to win over a mere colt?!


Weed slew the pestering goblins with a single swing of his sword.

He was tempted to behead the beast altogether, but losing Sir Midvale's trust was too big a risk.


Arse gave Weed a contemptuous look as if to ask 'why he had bled needlessly when he could finish them so easily?'

'Damnit! I feel like a fool to after liking that. Ahhh… patience, patience.' Weed thought to himself

Weed went back to the exploration of the lair.

Three days later, on the tenth day of his private exploration to be precise, he found a cavity in a dark corner on the fourth floor where goblin raiders were regenerated. It was located ten yards deeper than the regenerating point. Even the most cautious ranger would have overlooked it. Below a large rock projecting outward, the cavity was shadowed, away from human eyes.

"Is there anyone there~?" Weed asked cautiously.

Looking around, Weed made sure that there was nobody else sneaking up on him. Those who had trailed him for a week were long gone, but excessive caution never hurt.

If this cavity turned out to be what Weed had been looking for, he would be the first man to discover it, and he didn't want to share the credit with anyone else.

For the first explorer who discovers an unknown area, the rewards are immense. He earns fame, plus double EXPs and a higher rate of item provision for a whole week after the discovery. Weed crept into the cavity carefully. The gap was narrow enough to be mistaken for a crevasse between rocks, and the interior widened little by little on each step. He soon reached a passage where he could move comfortably. A humid, foul smell pricked his nose.

Tense, he got ready for a battle. He didn't have any clue as to what was coming next, so he held the iron sword in the right hand with a death grip, and herb and bandages in the left one.

'Bring it on!'

Weed walked slowly deeper into the cave.

Along the cave were several forks. He picked the left one and entered it, only to find a gigantic worm at a dead end.

"What the heck… what kind of monster is this!? I've never seen this sort of worm—!!!"

Before Weed could finish his words, the surroundings underwent a sudden change.

What he thought to be the blackish ground was, in truth, a floor of little bugs the size of pinkies.


Like Moses breaking apart the Red Sea, the bugs scattered and then came back to attack Weed, crawling menacingly.

"What the!?— How dare you!" Weed swung the iron sword like a windmill.

Covered in disturbingly crunchy shells, the good news was that the little bugs were almost harmless with their low attack power, however, the queen-like worm bore offspring faster than he could exterminate them. Right now, he really missed his men in the punitive force.

"I'd ended this mess way earlier if I only had them here!" Weed muttered under his breath.

Suddenly, the queen bug spewed light green smoke fumes. Like a drop of black ink dispersed in transparent water, the fumes slowly spread in the cramped and enclosed space, eventually reaching where Weed was standing.

The moment he inhaled it—



You have been poisoned!

Your life is decreasing continuously.


Startled, Weed checked his life gauge.


His life was decreasing by one point per second.

"Damn… I don't have any antidote! If it keeps going…"

In desperation, Weed ignored the annoying little bugs, ran to the queen and struck it with the iron sword. On the first strike the queen worm's hard carapace shell cracked, and yellow fluid slowly oozed out.

"If I'm going to die, I'm taking you with me!"

Weed neglected the bugs that were crawling up and biting him. Regardless whether they bit him or seconds passed by, he was dying anyway!

Torn between two choices, it was better to kill the queen and get the heck out of there. As if they sensed that their mother was dying, the little bugs crowded Weed aggressively, but his iron sword was persistent. The shell of the queen worm was so hard that, though the outer shell was partly cracked, she was alive and well. Meanwhile, Weed's head was swimming dizzily.

'I'm gonna die here. If only I had a combat skill… skill? Why didn't I think of that!'

The skill that Weed had never been given a chance to use! He had a combat skill that sucked so much mana from him that he could not sustain it longer than a second. Whether it worked or not, the situation was hopeless enough.

"Sculpting Blade technique!" Weed's iron sword blazed white. It temporarily overpowered the enemy's defense.


Finally, the gigantic worm's hard shell shattered into pieces.



You have leveled up!


Weed skipped the message window and yelled,

"Open Quest Information Window"


Quest: Search and Destroy Operation in the Lair of Litvart [II]:

There are a hundred monsters inhabiting the Lair of Litvart. Kill each and every one of them at least once, and prove yourself worthy of acquiring a honorable class. The completion of this quest will open a right path for your destiny.

Difficulty: Unknown

Quest requirement:

Defeat all of the monsters in the hidden section within the Litvart Lair.

Number of monsters left: 99


Though he was poisoned and dying, Weed smirked.

"I did it!"

Weed had finally found the answer for the class change. It was these damn worms in the cave. He had to kill the queens, not those little bugs.

"First thing first though, I need to cure myself of the poison…"

Chased by the little bugs, Weed left the cave in a hurry. When he saw they could not cross over the boundary of the cave, he began to walk slowly toward the ground level with the colt.

When a user is poisoned, their face darkens.

Weed avoided contact with other users to conceal that he was poisoned, and recharged his life a little by rubbing herbs on his body and stuffing himself with pre-cooked meals.

If he tried, he would surely find a party that had a priest. But he would rather die than ask for help. Was Weed too proud to bargain for his life?


There were no poisoning monsters in the Lair of Litvart. Neither kobolds nor goblins had any knowledge of poisonous substances, let alone used them.

His so called 'savior' would probably want to know where Weed had been poisoned, and by whom or what— and would ask with deeply suspicious eyes. He would rather die than share with others the whereabouts of the secret chamber that he had found after a long time of painstaking searching and tribulation. Once he arrived at the exit above the ground, he jumped up onto the colt...

"Go to the nearest village Arse, quickly, or I'll pass out and then die!"


The stupid beast didn't even budge an inch. It was acting as if it was taking some small amount of sadistic joy from the misfortune of it's current master, or simply me to be more specifically. As such, Arse pretended to be deaf while he lazily scuffed his hooves in the soil while he continued to leisurely chew on some grass.

"If you're going to be like that, then…"

The last dregs of Weed's patience had finally ran out.

"You've left me without any other options."

Weed took out the sculpting blade.

Arse looked terrified at the sight of that sharp object, but soon calmed down as if it knew Weed was only bluffing.

Instead of slashing at Arse, Weed cut his own forearm with the knife. Did he lose his sanity enough to become self-destructive when his life was already in jeopardy because of the poison gas?


Weed grinned treacherously, and although his vision was already blurring around the edges of his sight as a result of anemia, he set his devilish plan into motion. As quick as a viper, he clutched the colt's jaws and forced them to open and then forced the colt to drink some of his blood.

"Look! Now that you've sipped some of my blood, you're poisoned as well now. You need to take me to a village, or we're both dead. Fortunately for me, I will be able to resurrect soon, you on the other hand, will never get a second chance at life, got it?"

With this bit of mutual motivation, the colt finally galloped to the village, and although its speed wasn't any faster than before, they still arrived in time. Luckily, while he was teetering on the brink of death, upon arriving at the nearest village, Weed was quickly able to find a priest to cast a cure spell on him. After getting cured, he purchased herbs and antidotes worth twenty gold. Though his pockets were now empty of money, he had no remorse.

Weed quickly returned to the Lair of Litvart, and only after he was certain that nobody was watching him from the perimeter, did he entered the hidden section of the cave where the worms dwelled.

He even brought Arse in there. He was afraid that other users might steal it, well try to, and while the idea to get rid of it by someone else's hands was more than tempting, he didn't want to know what would happen if he failed to return the colt to the Royal Stable as was requested, so this took priority.

"Always stay behind me."

Arse swayed its tail resignedly.

Weed began to slay only queen worms. The tiny little bugs gave as much EXPs appreciable to their size, and the way that they crawled out at him from everywhere made it costly to attack each of them. So with this in mind he only attacked the queens.

As no sword master could catch raindrops falling from the sky, Weed ignored the tiny bugs that covered the entire floor like a murky colored carpet.

"Sculpting Blade technique!"

The mysterious sword technique from Zahab.

It crushed the enemy's shell with powers that directly disintegrated the nature of an object, regardless of resistance and defense. Sometimes, Weed encountered bigger queen worms and needed two or three strikes, between which he rested to refill mana.

He was poisoned and repeatedly attacked by the little bugs. With life decreasing rapidly, Weed always barely escaped; death had never been so close nor so often for him.

The more he slew queens in the cave, the more blankly dismayed he felt. Who would believe this was a quest for class change? Most users choose their primary class long before they hit level ten.

On the other hand, Weed was level sixty-two, and this cave was still a life-and-death challenge to him. He only wondered what kind of class required so much hassle.

"Open Quest Information Window"


Quest: Search and Destroy Operation in the Lair of Litvart [II]:

There are a hundred monsters inhabiting the Lair of Litvart. Kill each and every one of them at least once, and prove yourself worthy of acquiring a honorable class. The completion of this quest will open a right path for your destiny.

Difficulty: Unknown

Quest requirement:


Number of Monsters Left: 1


At the end of seven days of vicious and almost continuous battle, Weed had only one more to kill. The Queen of Queens! She was easily five times bigger than the other Queen Worms!

When Weed entered her throne room without any precaution, he was accorded a cordial reception of thick green fumes of poisonous gas that the Queen of Queens had retained just for him.

He would have let it hit him under other circumstances, but he jumped back under a vague hunch.


The little bugs that were touched by the fumes rotted in seconds and melted into tiny puddles on the cave floor.

"What awful poison!" Weed's heart had skipped two beats.

The only way to stay away from the poisonous gas was using the bow from a distance. But his arrows could not penetrate the thick hardy shell of the Queen Worm. So his only option was to approach within reach of her poisonous gas.

The Queen Worm knew well of Weed's current dilemma, and with a mouthful filled of poisonous gas, waited for him to get close so she could shower it all over him.

Like a rattlesnake waiting coiled for a chance to strike, the Queen Worm and Weed faced each other, motionless.

'She can shoot thick fumes only once. If I can dodge the first one, the second one will be much lighter. So the initial shot will be decisive.'

Weed's eyes glittered when he saw a treasure has stashed behind the queen worm.

'I will never, ever give up here. If only I had someone who I could sacrifice to the poison gas… Ah… right, I think I've found the answer,' Weed thought, as his eyes narrowed to slits and a wolfish smile spread on his lips.

At the end of his gaze lay dumb-eyed Arse.


Weed kicked the colt's ass right away. Arse plunged forward instinctively, and the queen worm reflexively puffed out the poison gas toward it.

'I'm sorry, Arse, but destiny's got you. Life isn't fair, and I'm afraid that this is the end of our relationship.'

Weed could not afford the luxury of watching the fate of the poor beast.

As soon as he made sure that the poisonous gas that had been stored in the Queen Worm's mouth was fully launched, he rushed toward her.

"Sculpting Blade technique! Double dance!"

Weed swung the sword wildly until his mana ran out.

With the iron sword in the right hand, and the sculpting blade in the left, he tore the shell off the Queen Worm.

Left without any worthwhile combat skills, this was the best option for Weed. The queen worm struggled, but her gigantic size got in the way as he was too close to her.


She finally closed her beady eyes shut. Then, a key dropped from her body.

"This is it!"

Weed picked up the key, inserted it in the keyhole of the treasure box and turned it clockwise. What he found in the box a few volumes of books and a parchment scroll.



Item: The Successor to the Legendary Emperor [I]:

I am Geihar Von Arpen, the first emperor of the Continent, the one who put an end to timeless divisions.

My final years of life have been far from fulfilling.

No one has recognized my distress, my superiority!

Why does no one understand my profession? Why does everyone look down upon my profession with disrespect?

Enslaved to their prejudices, the talented have refused to understand my goodwill and succeed me in my trade. Even with my children, this form of prejudice is true!

Those imbecilic and senseless bunch!

They do not deserve to be my successor!

So, I entrust my secret trade to you.


The Emperor Geihar was the first and only man to have ruled over a unified empire in the history of the Versailles Continent.

Unfortunately, after his death, the empire was divided once again, thus shaping the present map, but his achievements were recorded as legendary.

Weed was thrilled.

'So, there were idiots even back then too! They should have known better. It's an excellent opportunity… Who was the Emperor Geihar? He's none other than the first man to conquer the entire continent with his own powers, and this is his class! It must be damn good, but they judged it superficially.'



Hidden Class!

If you accept it, you can use exclusive skills related to the nature of the class.

Do you want to convert now?

Y | N


Weed yelled without hesitation, "Of course!", and in that moment, his avatar was enveloped in light.


Character Name:





Legendary Moonlight Sculptor













235 (+20)


200 (+20)


89 (+20)


16 (+20)


24 (+20)

Fighting Spirit:

97 (+20)


129 (+20)


29 (+100)


68 (+20)


5 (+20)






Magic Resistance:



+20 points add to all stats (+20 ALL STATS)

+80 points added Art (+80 ART)

+30% increase to Stats on Moonlit Nights

Gained ability to equip and use class specific items

Gained ability to learn all craft skills to the stage of a Master

Crafting skills are optional and advanced skills are available

Grants extra options to items that are produced or refined

Increases Attack Power for the Sculpting Blade skill

Decreases Mana Consumption for the Sculpting Blade skill

Enables you to learn secret skills based on your level in Sculpture Mastery

Increases Fame rapidly by creating statues of extraordinary beauty or artistic value


Weed finally got the class that he had been fighting for, but when he saw the name of his new class, he almost collapsed in mortification.

"WHAT!? Damn it! Not a 'Moonlight Sculptor!" he raged.


After all his blood and sweat, it all went back to Moonlight Sculptor.

It was actually 'Legendary' Moonlight Sculptor with a flattering prefix, but Weed didn't give a damn about it. The cursed, poverty inducing profession, Moonlight Sculptor!

"Why... why me?" he moaned bitterly as clear tears gushed out of Weed's eyes.

He smelt what was left of the poisonous gas that the queen worm had breathed out in her last struggle at the moment of death, but it wasn't what prompted the floodgates in his eyes to break down.

He had no choice but to accept this God-forsaken class of 'Moonlight Sculptor'.

"I should've chosen a common warrior class."

Weed, who had just moments before laughed at the fools who had refused to comprehend the Emperor Geihar's profession, now blamed the Emperor for duping him into converting to Moonlight Sculptor. He wasn't at all convinced.

'Why is life so hard on me?'

Weed was weeping in self-pity.

He had spent an entire week sitting down in the middle of the street to stimulate Rodriguez's curiosity, and more than seven weeks in the Lair of Litvart to find this cavity and crush the disgusting Queen Worms living within. All that effort was wasted on converting to Moonlight Sculptor!

Weed wanted to cry his heart out.

Yet he had improved his handicraft skills and sculpture mastery, and earned massive revenue during his sit-in in front of Rodriguez's manor; he had leveled up at a frightening pace in the lair – conveniently, all of this escaped him now.

Only the cold reality was left to him, now he was a Moonlight Sculptor, and it grieved him. He just wanted to scream and rage that it was so unfair.

After a long moment of crisis, though, Weed's eyes finally regained some light in realizing what he had missed amid his flood of misery.

"It's not as bad as it looks..."

He had thought that he hit the bottom, but as he calmed down, he was seeing the other side.

Warriors, rangers and priests are the top three classes, which means that they have been tried and proven better than the other classes.

For the warrior and ranger class, they are given a 50% bonus attack power when they're armed with their weapon of choice according to their subclasses. The priest class can learn and cast holy spells that no other class but the paladin class can tap into.

This was why Weed's overall damage with a sword was less than his counterpart the warriors class, and the ruled applied to his attack power with arrows that could not rival that of a full-time ranger.

Therefore, a hidden class, whose secrets no has yet figured out on their own through trial and error, heavily relies on the way they're brought up. If they're properly developed with a focus on the class's merits and characteristics, it should come off well. If not, it will probably turn out to be mediocre, and no better than a common class if not worse.

Weed hastily turned his attention back to the scroll. There were still a few more paragraphs that he had yet to read:



Item: The Successor to the Legendary Emperor [II]:

I love beautiful statues. The statues that are carved with the magnificent spirit of Kvasir have never forsaken me. As long as I love and trust them, they are loyal to me.

Who would believe this? That this lowly 'Sculptor' class became the cornerstone of my power, from a humble farmer in a country town to the man who united the Continent.

Listen well, my successor who walks in the path of a sculptor.

A very difficult path awaits you. The path that a hundred out of a hundred men shall give up and a nation of men will not fare any better.

However, my successor, I encourage you to stay the course in the face of the toughest challenges. Hardship brings a value of its own, and toughness produces a result of its own too.

Become the Grand Master of Sculpting!

You must learn the secrets of Sculpture Mastery which I failed to learn. It shall remain the wish of every man who has learned the sculptural art.

therefore, I hereby entrust to you these small gifts.


Emperor Geihar, the conqueror of the earth, sea and the sky, had done so through the use of Sculpture Mastery.

After Weed had finished re-reading the scroll, he then checked on the other items within—three tablets and a book.

The effects of the tablets were not recorded anywhere but he knew what skill to use in this situation.



You failed to identify the item!

You failed to identify the item!

You failed to identify the item!

Item: A Medicine Tablet of the Emperor:

This tablet is made from a variety of very rare herbs by an ancient emperor, to clear the mind when it is taken.


Permanently increases Mana (+200 Mana)


After a series of failed attempts, Weed was finally able to identify one of the treasure items.

It was rare— no, more valuable than simply rare— this item increased the amount of mana permanently by two hundred points!

The tablet smelt of an indescribably comforting fragrance. Weed estimated the price for a single tablet to be no less than ten thousand gold.

Since the tablet permanently increased the maximum amount of mana, instead of simply recovering mana temporarily like mana potions did from the market, they were worth such an eye-popping price.

"Thank you so much. I admire your generosity, your Imperial Majesty."

Weed put down the tablet and picked up the book next.

"Does it contain great skills? It should! I don't think more bad fortune will strike me again after I suffered these setbacks. No, I cannot be that unlucky!"

This time again, Weed succeeded in figuring out the content of the book just when he was about to give up trying after scores of failure message windows.



Item: The Book of Secret Sword Techniques from the Imperial Family of Arpens:

Emperor Geihar Von Arpen recorded the Flawless Sword Techniques on behalf of the Imperial Family's perpetuity and prosperity.

This book is composed of five movements and one footstep.

All members of the Imperial Family were, by origin, knights. So the skills are generally restricted to the Knight class, but the Emperor Geihar Von Arpen considered his successor in Sculpture Mastery, so he refined the skill for a Sculptor to learn a weakened version of the skill.


Surprised, Weed almost dropped the book.

"This, this color is—"

The Book of Secret Sword Techniques was flashing in gold when it was identified.

It meant that the book was a rare skill book! Moreover, it was an A-grade sword technique book.

"You're so generous, Your Imperial Majesty. Thank you for giving me an A-grade sword technique book!" Weed said.

Though, It was still a little disappointing that the skill book wasn't a unique or S-grade one.

Still, it was questionable that Weed, now a sculptor, could learn such a high level of sword techniques even if he had found one.

S-grade sword techniques in general have a requirement for certain classes, mostly sword warriors or knights.

As Weed didn't have many decent combat skills, this book was like raindrops in a drought.

The days of basic sword skill and archery! They would be gone now, and soon only a distant memory.

Weed put a hand on the book and shouted, "Learn!"



New Skill: Imperial Formless Sword Technique


The sword technique book, now done with, glowed white and burned to ashes.

"Skill Check: Formless Sword Technique"


Skill: Imperial Formless Sword Technique:

This skill is tailored for Sculptors by Emperor Geihar Von Arpen. As the level in Sculpture Mastery rises, the Attack Power of the skill increases by 1%.

It is composed of five movements, one breathing technique and one footstep technique.


"Fufufu" Weed chuckled.

The corners of Weed's mouth rose.

'This is great!'

The Arpenian Empire used to rule over the entire Continent. It then collapsed only to be remembered in name only, but the sword technique that had once been exclusive within the Imperial Family was undoubtedly worth money.

But Weed was once again cast into despair when he read the descriptions of each movement in the skill info window.

"What in the world!" He let cried out.

The first movement, which consumed the least amount of mana of the five, required three hundred mana points.

Because his maximum mana was far too low for now, the secret sword technique was far beyond his reach, even after he swallowed the medicine Tablet of the Emperor.