
The Legendary Mechanic

Qi Peijia · Games
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538 Chs

Crunch Time

Translator: 549690339

All Han Xiao had in his arsenal was an upgraded 73-WASP handgun, an N9 Colt assault rifle, 15 magazines of ammunition, and the lightweight mecha arm whose durability had dropped to 130. When it came to equipment, he was at a clear disadvantage.


The sniper rifle fired again. The bullet went through the tree he was using as cover, almost hitting him. Han Xiao cursed silently. Although the enemy had night vision, he could only guess their position from the flash of their muzzle.

The sniper rifle was too powerful. Given his current state of health, it would probably only take three shots to take him down. Han Xiao decided to put his 18 unused attribute points to good use. He assigned 14 points to END to boost his health and 4 points to STR to enhance his strength advantage. A gunfight would be to his disadvantage, so despite the risks associated with close combat, he had to take the risk. There was virtually no chance of escape since the enemy possessed night vision. The only way out was to eliminate them all!

With the mechanical arm's +10 bonus on top of his 29 STR, Han Xiao had enough strength to guarantee that his blows would trigger 'overwhelming strikes.' With 36 points in END, his maximum HP was now 460. By investing in END, he immediately gained 140 HP, which was critical because Han Xiao was already low on health. His current HP had almost reached 400, which was a far more optimistic outlook than before.

The agents spread out to encircle him, and Han Xiao noticed that their coordination was lacking.

He estimated it would take them about 5 to 8 seconds to come to each other's aid.

That meant, Han Xiao had to ensure he could neutralize his target within this brief window of time.

After dispatching over 30 guards in the Valkyrie base, Han Xiao had accumulated 116,000 experience points.

He poured all of them into his combat skills.


[Grappling] has increased to Lv. 5

+7% Counter, +10% Damage (bare-handed)

[Basic Combat] has increased to Lv. 8

+8% Damage (bare-handed)

Upon reaching Lv. 8 in [Basic Combat] and Lv. 3 in [Submission], you can learn one of the following three advanced skills:

[Special Ops Combat]


[Iron Fist]


Special Ops Combat focuses on explosiveness, assassinations, and the use of tools. Jiu-jitsu emphasizes grappling and holds. Iron Fist enhances limb strength and damage tolerance. They represent three distinct combat styles. What Han Xiao needed at this moment was explosiveness, so he chose [Special Ops Combat].


You have learned the advanced skill [Special Ops Combat]

+6% Critical Hit Rate (melee), +4% Damage (bare-handed)


Han Xiao's melee damage had now increased by 15%, and his overall combat capabilities had been significantly improved. He felt much stronger than before and had the curious sensation of having mastered several fighting styles.

What a shame that I still lack any active energy-based combat abilities, Han Xiao thought. Mechanics at their early levels had very few active skills and hence could not use their energy to its fullest potential.

Han Xiao strapped on the lightweight mecha arm and crouched. He spent a few moments regulating his breathing and optimizing his oxygen intake before suddenly surging forward and charging at the agent closest to him on the flank. The moment Han Xiao made his move, the six agents unleashed a hail of bullets.

Using the mecha arm as a shield, Han Xiao zigzagged between the trees, avoiding the onslaught while returning fire with the submachine gun in his other hand. The smell of gunpowder was stifling.

In three seconds, Han Xiao was within striking distance. He hurled the SMG at the agent's weapon arm as a distraction and then swung the powerful mecha arm at his target. The agent reflexively raised his arms to block the strike, absorbing the pain to pull out his handgun. He aimed for Han Xiao's head and pulled the trigger. But Han Xiao's dexterity was not just for display. With seemingly superhuman reflexes, he snaked his arm over the agent's weapon hand and yanked it down, throwing him off balance and causing him to lurch forward. Then Han Xiao ruthlessly drove his knee into the agent's groin.


You have struck a deadly blow! Double critical hit! Your target is stunned for 2 seconds!Although the agent's face was obscured by his goggles, his agonized scream was a clear sign of the effective strike. Han Xiao seized the opportunity provided by the agent's momentary paralysis to repeatedly knee him.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

-78! -81! -84!

Sorry, buddy, I know it hurts, but it wasn't my decision to leave groin protection out of your armor!

The agent's health points rapidly decreased, and Han Xiao delivered the finishing blow by piercing his throat with the Mechanical Arm. No sooner had Han Xiao a moment to savor his first kill than he was hit by a sharp pain in his back. He dropped to the ground in haste, pulling the agent's body on top of him as a makeshift shield, and crawled towards a tree for cover.


You have been hit by an SWP Sniper Rifle! You've taken 68 damage!

You've been hit by a high-caliber round! You are now bleeding (moderate intensity)! You will lose 3 health points every second for 15 seconds.

The pain turned Han Xiao's face ashen. A single shot had inflicted significant damage on his health bar. But there was no time for him to attend to the wound.

"Damn it!" Incensed by the death of their comrade, the remaining five Night Owl agents intensified their assault, trying to pin Han Xiao down.

Han Xiao hastily searched the dead agent's body, donning his Kevlar Vest, which should provide some protection against the incoming fire. More crucially, he recovered three G-fragment grenades, tossing one without a moment's delay.


The ensuing explosion forced the agents to halt their gunfire and seek cover in panic.

"Shoot more, you jerks!" Han Xiao taunted as he launched a second grenade, disrupting the agents' attempts to take aim once more.

A third object, dark as night, sailed through the air after the second blast, prompting the agents to duck prematurely — but it was merely a rock. During their momentary confusion, Han Xiao charged the nearest agent, firing off his assault rifle until the magazine ran dry. Having eliminated the agent concealed in the tall grass, he had to contend with an empty weapon.

Discarding the rifle, Han Xiao threw his last grenade to create an opportunity and close the distance. He tackled the third agent, and, amidst the resulting tussle, a stray bullet from Silver Blade's rifle struck Han Xiao in the calf.

Despite the sharp pain from the wound that slowed him, Han Xiao managed to finish off the agent with brutal efficiency behind a tree. In close quarters, the agents stood little chance against him.

Three agents still remained, but even with his health points halved, Han Xiao was undeterred, quickly strategizing for his next move.

"The enemy will likely..."

Elsewhere, Silver Blade was reeling from the shock. He had sorely misjudged the capability of the test subject, resulting in significant losses.

"Bombard him" he commanded with severity.

Grenades were hurled his way.


"Did we get him?"

"Eyes open," cautioned Silver Blade, leading the remaining agents forward with caution.

Upon reaching the tree, a charred corpse met their eyes. Judging by the remnants of the uniform, it seemed to be Han Xiao.

"Finally," breathed the agents, their weapons lowering as tension eased.

But suddenly, Silver Blade exclaimed, "No!" His voice was urgent. "Get down!"