
The Legendary Mechanic : JAKE QUEEN [Dropped]

A guy from earth gets a second chance in the game world of THE LEGENDARY MECHANIC. Updates: one chapter per day....

luminous1_vanqu10 · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Chapter 23

Chapter 23

As Jake groggily opened his eyes, he found himself on the ship's roof, the cool night air swirling around him.

"Wake up... Wake up....''

"Go away..." Jake said sleeping.

Aurora's persistent attempts to rouse him finally succeeded, prompting a groan from Jake as he rubbed his eyes.

"Rise and shine, sleeping beauty!" Aurora teased, a playful grin on her face.

"Look who got out of her wheelchair...".

Jake stretched and yawned dramatically, his senses slowly coming back to him. "What's the rush, Aurora? I was just catching up on my beauty sleep," he quipped, his voice still tinged with sleepiness.

With a chuckle, Aurora informed him of their proximity to land, emphasizing the urgency of the situation.

"Come on uncle Jake, we are almost near land.

You said we are gonna meet up with uncle Zero". Aurora said while pushing him.

"First of all its uncle Han Xiao and second the ship won't reach the shore because of the rocks.

And we are docked here...." Jake replied.

After quickly freshening up.

They got in a boat and reached land.

Jake rummaged through his inventory and pulled out an off-road truck.

"Where did that come from?" Aurora asked.

Both Hela and Aurora were alarmed to see a truck just appear out of nowhere.

"Don't ask too many questions and get in, we need to reach the sanctuary and I call shot gun."

Saying that Jake jumped in the front passenger seat.

Hela and Aurora got in the cargo area of the truck and sat there and Jake's clone drew the truck.

"Time to hit the road, folks! Next stop: Han Xiao's sanctuary," he announced.

As Jake's truck skidded to a stop in front of the imposing gate of BLACK PHANTOM'S SANCTUARY, he couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of the name emblazoned on the structure. "Well, well, well," he quipped to his team, "looks like our good ol' friend Han Xiao got a bit creative with the naming, huh? Couldn't resist throwing a bit of drama into the mix!"

His clone exchanged knowing glances, accustomed to Jake's irreverent sense of humor. "Yeah, seems like he really took time to come up with this name.. ," the clone replied with a smirk.

But their banter was interrupted by the approach of a group of soldiers, their expressions serious as they eyed Jake's team with suspicion. "Identifications, now," one of them demanded, his tone brooking no nonsense.

"When did players get so serious with their jobs?" Jake whispered to his clone.

Jake, flashed a grin and produced a fake ID with a flourish. "Ah, you caught us! We're actually the world-renowned troupe of circus performers, here to entertain Black Phantom with our death-defying stunts!" he joked, waving the card in front of the soldier's face.

The soldier's glare only deepened at Jake's antics, clearly unamused. "Cut the crap. Who are you really, and what's your business here?" he demanded, his hand inching towards his weapon.

"Can I visit him and his team later Boss-man?" The clone asked.

"Ohh yes you should and if he is in any guild or party give them a visit too." Jake said while whispering.

Jake's grin faltered slightly, but he quickly regained his composure. "Alright, alright, no need to get all serious on us. We're just here to pay our respects to the big boss himself. Tell Black Phantom that his old pal Jake has dropped by for a visit."

The soldiers exchanged skeptical glances, clearly unsure whether to believe Jake's story. "Wait here," one of them grunted before disappearing into the sanctuary to verify Jake's claim.

While the guards were gone to verify their claims, Jake's clone approached him.

"Boss-man when are we leaving this planet what's the plan?" He asked.

"I will be conducting a council meeting there and we will decide..." Jake answered.

"You do know that we are all the same person right?" Jake's clone reminded him.

"Goddd, what the hell man! I'm having a good thing going on here and you are trying to ruin it."

Jake complaints.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the gates creaked open, revealing a passage into the sanctuary beyond. "Looks like our charm worked, boys and girls!" Jake exclaimed triumphantly, revving up the truck as they prepared to enter the domain of Black Phantom.

The Black Phantom Sanctuary, nestled within the desolate expanse of the Barron Desert, was a testament to secrecy and ingenuity. Spread across the arid landscape, the sanctuary comprised a network of buildings, each serving a specific purpose in the clandestine operations orchestrated by its enigmatic leader, Han Xiao. At its heart stood a tall building, a fortress of steel and glass that served as both the headquarters and living quarters for Han Xiao and his inner circle.

Exiting their truck, the group made their way into the heart of the sanctuary, guided by Han Xiao's trusted staff. Stepping into the conference room, a hushed aura enveloped them, as if the very walls held secrets waiting to be revealed.

Hela and Aurora had concealed their faces and in the case of Jake's clone he had another mask to conceal his identity.

As they waited in the dimly lit room, tension hung thick in the air, each passing moment laden with anticipation.

Then, with a summons from one of Han Xiao's aides, Jake was escorted outside the confines of the building, leaving his companions behind.

"Looks like Han Xiao wants a one on one chat with me" Jake commented.

Stepping into the hot embrace of the desert, Jake's senses were suddenly assaulted by a blur of motion, the air crackling with energy as he found himself the target of a surprise attack.

The force of the blow sent Jake stumbling backward, his mind racing to make sense of the sudden assault. As he regained his footing, his gaze locked onto the figure before him, clad in futuristic armor that gleamed ominously in the dappled sunlight. It was Han Xiao himself, the mastermind behind the sanctuary's operations, his expression unreadable behind the visor of his helmet.

"Welcome back Jake, it's good to see you" Han Xiao said in a mechanical voice.

As Han Xiao lunged forward in his futuristic armor, Jake's grin widened beneath the sleek, red visor of his nano suit. With a flourish, he drew his twin blades, the metal humming with latent energy. "Well, well, well, looks like we've got a shiny tin can looking for trouble," Jake quipped, his voice muffled slightly by the suit's helmet.

Han Xiao's armored form bristled with weaponry, but Jake remained unfazed, his confidence buoyed by his own arsenal of wit and skill. With a quick flick of his wrist, he parried Han Xiao's initial strike, the clash of metal echoing through the air.

"Han Xiao, buddy, I hope you didn't come here expecting a walk in the park, I have trained in karate..." Jake taunted, his blades dancing in intricate patterns as he moved with agility and precision.

Han Xiao responded with a barrage of gunfire, bullets ricocheting off Jake's nano suit as he deftly dodged and weaved through the onslaught. "Come on, Han, is that the best you've got? I've seen tougher challenges in my morning coffee!" Jake laughed, his voice filled with amusement.

Undeterred, Han Xiao unleashed a volley of grenades and smoke bombs, the explosions lighting up the battlefield in a chaotic symphony of light and sound. But Jake was ready, his nano suit absorbing the impact as he darted through the smoke, blades flashing in the darkness.

"Not cool man" Jake shouted while dodging Han Xiao's attacks.

"Nice try, Han, but I've got a few tricks up my sleeve too," Jake called out, his tone laced with mockery as he launched a counterattack, striking with precision and power.

The two opponents clashed with ferocity, each blow a testament to their skill and determination. Han Xiao's futuristic armor gleamed in the dim light, while Jake's nano suit crackled with energy as he fought with relentless fervor.

As the fight raged on, the players inside the sanctuary watched in awe, the intensity of the battle palpable even from a distance. Whispers of admiration and excitement filled the air as they bore witness to the clash of titans.

"Look guys it's the same guy who killed the leader of the Germinal Organization" Frenzied Sword said to his team.

But amidst the chaos and the clash of steel, Jake's irreverent humor never wavered. "Hey Han, remind me to thank you for the cardio workout later," he quipped, his grin never faltering even as sweat dripped down his brow.

And as the final blows were exchanged, and Han Xiao lay defeated at his feet, Jake couldn't help but let out a victorious laugh. "Looks like the joke's on you, buddy," he said, his voice filled with triumph as he sheathed his blades and turned to face the cheering crowd.

I hope everybody enjoyed the chapter.....