
Fighting For Rooms...

Lai Ming was just standing there eating melon seeds while looking at Ling Xiao and Yu Xiao Mo fighting for the room. Yu Xiao Mo looked at Lai Ming with the ugly mask on eating melon seeds and ignoring everyone else. Yu Xiao Mo being a skint and a tight wad did not want to waste any more money but the young master was bidding up the price of the room. In the original story, Yu Xiao Mo used Ling Xiao to bid up the room to an incredible price. But this time with Lai Ming here, Yu Xiao Mo has another idea.

"You are up Lai Ming. Bid for the room.", Yu Xiao Mo said as he pushed Lai Ming in front and took off Lai Ming's ugly mask.

(Lai Ming's POV)

What the f*ck ?! Why did you push me in front ?! Why did you take off my mask ?! Oh ! I get it now. I forgot how much of a skint and a cheapskate Yu Xiao Mo is. Sigh...

What appeared in front of the bidders was a young boy of about 14 to 15 years old with white translucent hairless beautiful skin, big blue sapphire eyes that pull you in, rose red pouting lips, black ebony silky shining hair and a face that is beautiful to perfection. Lai Ming's cheeks was flushed red as he was embarrassed and it was the second time Yu Xiao Mo had used him in a difficult situation.

"Sirs... please let me have the room.", Lai Ming said coquettishly.

There was murmurs of "Big beauty", all around Lai Ming but when Lai Ming made the next bid no one put up an opposing bid. Even the auctioneer closed the bid immediately without taking a counter auction. So Lai Ming got the room for a cheaper price than Yu Xiao Mo would have. Lai Ming got the room for 110,001 gold coin, exactly one gold coin more than the previous bid. No one complained and no one said anything. In fact the young master competing with Yu Xiao Mo for the room was looking at Lai Ming while his nose bled and his mouth drooled.

When the bidding was over only did the young master stop staring at Lai Ming and started bidding for the last remaining four rooms. In the end, the young master managed to get three rooms for himself and his entourage. The young master chose to stay in the room next to Lai Ming.

As Yu Xiao Mo was practising his refining of pills, Lai Ming was sitting leisurely enjoying his spiritual fruit, chewing it slowly and savouring its taste. Unfortunately for Lai Ming, the young master staying next to him had come up to his room and peeped through the window at him while bleeding from the nose and drooling from the mouth. Lai Ming seeing this almost choked and spitted out his spiritual fruit in shock.

Then soon came a knock on the door. Lai Ming went to open it knowing that it was the young master living next to him. That pervert, Lai Ming thought to himself.

"Hello... can I borrow a cup of sugar...", the young master said sweetly while staring at Lai Ming lustfully.

"I think you can get it from the staff of the gigantic firebird. If there is nothing else then, good bye.", Lai Ming said promptly.

"Wait !", the young master said as he used his foot to block Lai Ming from closing the door.

Ling Xiao soon came behind Lai Ming and pulled Lai Ming away. Before the young master could say anything, he slammed the door on the young master's foot. Once the young master held his own foot while screaming in pain, Ling Xiao closed the door.

Ling Xiao looked at Lai Ming and said, "Next time don't open the door for strangers.".

After a month, they soon arrived at Yan City.

It was one of the biggest city that Lai Ming and Yu Xiao Mo has ever seen. Lai Ming was still wearing his ugly mask to cover up his beauty. While Yu Xiao Mo was admiring the sights around him, he noticed that the distance from the arrival point to the Yan City gates were too far. But Yu Xiao Mo looked at Lai Ming who seemed to be very energetic and preparing to walk all the way to the Yan City gates. Ling Xiao looked at Lai Ming and Yu Xiao Mo, he knew that the mage's constitution was weaker than the warriors. Ling Xiao also smiled smugly because he knew sooner or later he would get to carry not only Yu Xiao Mo but also Lai Ming. A mage constitution was too weak to walk all the way to the Yan City gates.

Yu Xiao Mo walked as much as he could but soon he gave up and was carried by Ling Xiao. Ling Xiao noticed the little wild cat Lai Ming was still struggling to walk and refusing to ask Ling Xiao to carry him. Ling Xiao just smirked at Lai Ming. But soon Lai Ming fell down but was saved by Ling Xiao who grabbed Lai Ming's soft shoulder to prevent him from falling down. Unfortunately for Lai Ming his mask strings broke and the mask fell to the ground revealing Lai Ming's beautiful face.

Lai Ming's face and ears were flushed red making him look even more beautiful. There were many men and women who were staring at Lai Ming. While murmurs of so beautiful could be heard every where around Lai Ming.

(La Ming's Point of View when walking to Yan City gate)

I refuse to give up ! Carry me ! Hah ! You butt ravisher think you can touch me ! Tough luck ! Shit ! It's really quite far ! I am exhausted ! Butt ravisher, carry me please ! You can touch me wherever you want... I am too tired, I give up...

Lai Ming looked at Ling Xiao with a weak cute defeated look and finally said, "Senior please carry me.". When Lai Ming said that Ling Xiao immediately lifted him up and carried him on the other shoulder. Ling Xiao's hands soon touched Lai Ming's soft smooth butt. Lai Ming was too exhausted to protest and he let Ling Xiao's pig hand molest his buttocks.

To be continued...

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