
The Legendary Journey of an Outcast

A young man running away from his enemies was suddenly teleported into an unknown world by a mysterious old man-Mythical World. He never imagined that their will be a world full of magics, beasts and other races that only existed in fantasy books. Unexpectedly, he planned to learn magic so he could reunite with his uncle and cousin but never has he imagined that his identity would be his greatest hindrance in achieving this dream-an outcast. Find out how this young man would face this new world with his abilities and Earth knowledge. Reminder: The names of the characters, places and events are all the result of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual person(living or deceased), places or similarity with any events are purely coincidental. The cover photo isn't mine, I just took it from the internet and did some editing. If you don't want it then please do tell me.

GeezyGeez · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Accumulated Poison

Yan Yan carried Lander followed by Grey who was pulling their stuffs. They were venturing the same path as they arrived at their last stop over before they went to the Thundering Town.

Yan Yan laid him down inside the tent they last made. Then with her little bit of knowledge, she boiled her water then cleaned his body except the one she didn't dare to touch.

That was her first time seeing the body of Lander and that made her blush. She never expected the six pack abs paired with his simple appearance.

Although Lander was not that good-looking, he was still a person with great figure. A perfected outline of a body paired with a strongly built arms and a well-formed chest.

After cleaning Lander, Yan Yan stood up ang looked at Grey, "Please take care of inuy-a, I will go and try to look for food."

Then she left and ventured into a mountain not far from them. Although she was alone and it was already dark. She summoned her courage and traveled the mountain.

She has no idea about this place but she would't like seeing Lander suffering. She was taken care by him, trained and learned a lot of things just by being with him.

Lander didn't just trained her, he also taught her about cooking. Although Yan Yan was not into cooking, Lander would always tell her, "It is the responsibility of a woman to support a man and vice versa. Cooking is the most essential part of supporting each other as it would be the greatest rule of survival."

Soon, Yan Yan was able to learn cooking by the encouragement of Lander's words.

While she was travelling, she heard a roar of a beast and people shouting, "Seize it!"

Yan Yan hesitated if she would go and check the area or just leave.

Meanwhile, while Yan Yan was hesitating, the group of people near a lake headed by an enchanting woman were subduing a panther which was a Rank C beast. This panther was eight feet tall and if Lander was here, he would be shocked witless.

These group of people are the elites of the Wyvern Academy. There were archers, mages and swordsmen. The swordsmen are the vanguard fighting the beast in a close combat while being supported by the archers and mages at the rear bombarding the beast with bunch of arrows and magic spells.

"We can't hold on much longer," the leader of the swordsmen shouted.

Hearing that, the captivating sighed and clenched her fists as she made a decision, "Retreat!"

She would rather lose the beast than lose her people.

Seeing that the group of people were retreating, the beast counter-attacked by leaping on the closest human it sees and biting the head creating a terrifying scenario.

Seeing this, the enchanting woman became nervous as she never expected the beast they were ganging up were attacking them while they were retreating.

Despair looming over the woman as she has no idea what to do next. She was scared witless.

Suddenly, when the beast was about to bite the head of an archer, the beast was punched. It wasn't strong but it made the beast stopped and glared at the figure. That was Yan Yan.

The people around were stunned. The beast was angry. These people never imagined a person to do such thing to a beast. Moreover that figure was a young girl, "What?"

"How could this be? How could she be here?" One of the people surrounding the enchanting woman exclaimed. This was the Village Chief's daughter near the Sunny Village.

"You knew her?" The enchanting woman asked.

"Yes milady, she's also an outcast like me," the young woman said while bowing.

Hearing that, all the people around were stunned, "An oucast?"

"Why would an outcast do such thing?" One of them exclaimed.

"Sigh! An ignorant girl she is!" Another said shaking her head.

"Quick! Milady, let's leave this place while the beast's attention was to her," The leader of the swordsmen urged.

"Don't underestimate her," the young woman said while looking at Yan Yan with awe.

"Blasphemy!" The leader of the swordsmen shouted glaring at the young woman.

"How could an outcast deal with a Rank C beast?" Another one shouted who was obviously scared and just wanted to get out of the area.

"Quick! Leave this place!" While they were arguing, they heard Yan Yan's shout.

"Good little girl! It seems you're sacrificing yourself for us," the leader of the swordsmen praised with ridicule.

Yan Yan who just shouted was now running away from the area. This made the leader of the swordsmen be angry, "Audacious!"

The beast who was punched by a little girl was provoked. It never imagined that it would be attacked by young girl who was actually an outcast. It became annoyed and started running towards Yan Yan.

Seeing that, all the people were dumbfounded, they never imagined that a beast would be so low to attack an outcast than the ones subduing it.

Even the enchanting woman was appalled by the scene. She was also amazed by how fast a young girl could run. She was stunned and awed by Yan Yan. But when she saw that the beast was about to punce at Yan Yan she sighed, "You're bravery little girl would always be remembered by me."

But the next thing that happened was unprecedented, a loud roar came which was more intimidating than the panther's roar. It was a dragon soaring up high with an elder standing from it.

The beast stopped and quivered. All the people were shocked. The enchanting woman squinted her eyes looking at the elder up above. Yan Yan also stopped and looked up above, "Great Baron, greetings!"

Apparently, the elder riding the dragon was Great Baron Bobby. All the people were so shocked when they realized that he was indeed the Great Baron Bobby.

Only the enchanting woman smiled as she knew the real identity of Great Baron Bobby.

Great Baron Bobby leaped down from the dragon with a great momentum creating a terrifying pressure to all the peopl and the beast around, "BANG!"

The Great Baron Bobby looked around and his gaze stopped at the enchanting woman and smiled then he moved towards Yan Yan.

The panther was scared witless that it didn't dare make a sound afraid that it will provoke the Great Baron.

Great Baron Bobby stopped in front of Yan Yan, "Where's Lander? How come your'e alone?"

Yan Yan sniffed, "Great Baron, please help inuy-a for he was poisoned."

"Poisoned what do you mean?" Great Baron was astonished but before Yan Yan could answer, the enchanting woman interrupted, "Greetings Senior Bobby, would you please help me subdue this beast because it would help me during the Centennial Ceremony."

Great Baron Bobby smiled at her and gazed at the panther, "Milady, just go and let it drink your'e blood."

Yes, the panther was scared by the gaze of Great Baron Bobby. It knew that whether it fought, it could be subdue in less than a minute and worst, it might cuase it's death. So it didn't try to escape either and just stayed there unmoving.

The enchanting woman then moved towards the panther, pricked her finger and a drop of blood was instantly licked by the beast. After a while, the panther and the enchanting woman now had a connection.

Great Baron Bobby smiled satsified then he looked at Yan Yan, "Lead the way young girl."

"Yes," Yan Yan answered bowing before she started walking towards the location of Lander.

"Wait! Let me come with you," The enchanting woman decided as she was satisfied when the panther became her mount.

Yan Yan didn't mind as she was still worried about Lander. Great Baron Bobby just nodded. The other people also followed with great interest to the person whom the Great Baron Bobby was looking.

While they were on their way, Great Baron Bobby asked how Lander was poisoned. Yan Yan expalined everything from the last time they saw him until to the present.

Upon learning that Lander used his money to buy the Village Chief's daughter, the enchanting woman looked at the young woman beside her, "Did he have you?"

The young woman bowed her head while clenching her fists.

"Lowly ant," the enchanting woman expressed. Although outcasts are the lowest in the human ranking, they are still humans who also deserved respect. She planned to make trouble for that Young Master Brokko.

Great Baron Bobby was also agitated. Just because they are powerless that they could just ravage the innocents? But when he saw the enchanting woman's expression. He regained his calmness as he knew that the Young Master Brokko would be facing lots of troubles.

They were also ridiculing the elite who used a poisoned sword without carrying an antidote. Also they were surprised how Lander could deal with three elites that he even wounded the elite who has poisoned Lander. Apparently they didn't believed Yan Yan's words. Only Great Baron Bobby knew that Lander could defeat those elites because thay are the weakest of the elites.

Just then, they heard a man growling in pain. "AAAARGH!"

Yan Yan hurriedly ran inside the tent followed by Great Baron Bobby and the others.

Knowing that the tent wouldn't accomodate them all, Great Baron Bobby used his magic art to levitate the tent exposing Lander and Grey.

"This..." The people wore shocked expression when seeing Lander rolling around while shouting in pain. They could never expect the scene they're watching.

A green fume was coming out in every pores of Lander and it could be seen by the naked eye.

"Boa Poison!" All the people gulped when they saw the fumes coming out from Lander. They knew too well how potent a Boa Poison that could lead to fatality.

"Not just Boa Poison but Green Thunder Poisom Leaf and Yellow Sunny Poison Plant," one of the people exclaimed. She was a potion maker and she has variety of knowledge when it comes to poisons.

"Look at those greenish spots on his head and his color is becoming yellowish." The potion maker explained.

"What? How did he has those poisons as well?" Yan Yan exclaimed.

"Do you have a way to help this young man?" Great Baron Bobby asked filled with hope.

Then the potion maker waved her hand as a book suddenly popped out levitating in front of her. "This is the Green Thunder Poison Leaf and the Yellow Sunny Poison Plant."

She was pointing the content of the book with a picture in it, "The Green Thunder Poison leaf is also a tonic poison that would lead to complete paralysis. As for this Yellow Sunny Poison Plant, although it is not as tonic as the other two, it could also affect the respiratory sytem that could weaken the person if he is not fit."

Yan Yan who was listening from the side moved towards the potion maker and was shocked when she saw the pictures, then she pointed at the book slumping down, "Those..."

"Young girl what's wrong?" The enchanting woman asked.

"Tho..Tho..Those plaa... plaants were eaten by inuy-a," Yan Yan statered.

"What?!" All the people were shocked with their jaws hitting the ground.

"Why would he ate those? These kinds of poison plants are rare and only grew in special areas." The potion maker who was the first to regained her composure asked.

"I don't know either." Yan Yan said. She also mentioned this weird things Lander was doing while they were on their way to Lander.

"Anyway, don't you have a solution?" Great Baron Bobby asked.

"I do! According to this book, Yellow Sunny Poison plant can be cured if the body of the poisoned one is strong enough and well-fit," The potion maker explained.

"Well don't worry about that. This young man is as strong as a Level Two elite and also very fit so how about the others?" The Great Baron Bobby casuly said as he asked another question.

"Great Senior, do you have to exaggerate saying he's as strong as a level two elite?" The enchanting woman asked. Apparently she don't believe that Lander was as strong as what Great Baron Bobby claimed.

"Right! I also believe that he's not as strong as me," The leader of the swordsmen stated proudly. He was a level two swordsman so he hated being compared to an outcast. What's more, he was even on par with him? Ridiculous!

"Do I have to exaggerate for you to believe me?" The Great Baron Bobby said snorting.

Then there was silence. It was only broken when the potion maker said something, "As for the Green Poison Thunder and Boa Poison, I believe he can't make it even if we have the solution. Moreover, the Boa Poison requires the Tonic Fate Mushroom which is also a poison. Kill poison with poison."

"Tonic Fate Mushroom is a very unique and rarest poison because only a few with great fate can acquire it," the potion maker stated as she pointed at the picture of the mushroom.

Yan Yan peaked at the picture and was agasped again, "That one..."

"What is it this time," the leader of the swordsmen asked getting pissed at Yan Yan who was an outcast.

Yan Yan pointing at the picture, "He... He.. also ate that."