
The Legendary Guards of Extermenation

A deep ditch was created in a magical kingdom that separated the kingdom into half avoiding unknown enemies, four friends entered this world searching for the legendary guards, the humanity's only hope to restore the kingdom's magical lands and find the secret of those enemies. It's just the beginning of everything

Tsh3_1209 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Chapter 23: The Tragedy

Arc : The Tragedy 

It is that disgraceful day , the tenth of July in 2008 at 8:00 am , the day that then called  the ditch tragedy day , where magic users have lost millions of lives , families , homes and lands . 

Before the war against the Redeyes that are coming from the capital Zentral  begins , the soldiers were ordered to evacuate the areas of Lenyo and Russial to the Dimond City . 

At Lenyo city near the neighborhoods .

The soldier Edmund: "John , you have enough time to take your family to a safe place before the separation process . "

John: "If I could , I would've done that , the Colonel is watching , he won't let us do that until we finish evacuating the ministers and businessmen . "

Edmund:" Are we gonna leave our families here and fight aimlessly , I'm here to save my family and the biggest number of citizens ." 

The Colonel: "Stop right there , if you violate the commander's orders , you will be considered a traitor ."

Edmund:"Colonel sir, you don't understand our feelings , we cannot leave that many people here, they are humans too, they ordered us to evacuate the upper class only before the war , this isn't humanity . "

He did not complete his words , he got shot and died of treason .

The Colonel:"Do you want to follow him ?"

John:"The evacuation will end soon , Colonel."

 In Russial town , Zeke lived with his parents and his brothers on a large farm that they inherited over time .Zeke was five years old , he was helping his mother with the cows when his father entered .

Zeke's father: "Dear, take the kids and run away to Dimond city , please warn people on your way ."

Zeke's mother:"What about you?"

Zeke's father:"I'll help too, then I'll fight  by the dragon protector ."

He replies and his wife was filled with tears , then she ran to him and hugged him . 

Zeke's father as he whispered to her:"Protect our little future ."

Zeke runs towards them:"Make sure you come back to us , Dad."

Zeke's father with a smail:Of course."


At the army headquarters in Zentral,  where the soldiers are preparing for the war and suddenly the Major General yelled who is also the leader of the Legendary guards (Jason's father). 

Major General , madly because of the orders to evacuate the upper class only:"What did you just say?!"

Then he grabbed the Colonel from his clothes and his eyes turned to blue dragon eyes:"Don't you have a family  to protect ....what about these soldiers, they are sacrificing their lives for them and for people ...and you are coming now , filling the trains with supplies and money .

The Supreme Commander: "Calm down , I'm the one who ordered this."

Major General:"And why is that?"

Supreme Commander:"Think about it , even if we left the supplies , the train wouldn't take that number of people not even the Diamond City can . "

Major General :"My squad won't be participating in this shite, unless you achieve the process fairly"

Supreme Commander:"Colonel , evacuate the entire population , I cannot risk losing this squad."

Unfortunately , it was too late, the Redeyes began to approach towards Russial earlier,  eventhough the statistics indicated that they will arrive about two hours after the evacuation ends . What happened have exceeded the  expectations , they arrived within half an hour. Panic and fear was all over the place , the Redeyes attacked brutally turning the magic users to Redeyes with the screams of people and children . 

"Please , I don't wanna die ."

"Get away from me ."

"Why you're not dying....what kills you....what ends you ?"

Their  large numbers killed millions of soldiers and magic users , once you hurt them , they heal themselves , but that wasn't it all, when the war begins sooner , the separation process starts  sooner.

Nichole:"You've mentioned this before , what's the separation process means?"

Zeke: "It's the same as creating the ditch ."

Greed:" The Earth Clan  ordered to dig a deep ditch with the support from the royal dynasty to place a giant diamonds and create an isolated field which covrs the whole kingdom after a signal from the commander whatever the time ."

Zeke was running among the crowds with his brothers. 

Zeke: "Wait Zed, mom is still there."

Zed, holding Zeke's hand: "Don't be afraid Zeke, she will follow us later ( then said to himself) I hope so ."

Zack behind them , has got eaten by a Redeye :"Move on Zeke and don't look behind ."

The Redeyes were chasing people with panic as they are  escaping from them  , those magic users who were trying to attack back but then got eaten by them and turn to a Redeye to increase their numbers . The crowds intensified as they reached to the Diamond City borders . 

Zed got away from his little brother and shouted at him: "Zeke! ....follow people Zeke ."

Zeke screams in the middle of the crowd with his tiny size:"Zed...my brother Zed don't leave me alone."

Zed:"Don't worry , we will find you ."

Zeke set out among the crowds racing to the front hearing the bullets fired by the soldiers to calm the people down.

The Dean :"Listen everyone, children and woman in front ."

Soldier:"We have to stop them from crossing the dirll line."

The Dean:"Come on soldiers , stand in a line as a wall."

Another soldier:"Are you making fun of us ?....we will fall as soon as the process starts."

The Dean:"There is no other choice."

Some people were able to use their magic to reach the Dimond City and  some of them their magic couldn't help them so they were still stuck in the borders.

  "Run for your lives , they are coming."

"Let us pass."

"We're gonna die."

The Soldier:"It's the signal."

From the top of the army's watchtower , the supreme  commander launched his signal to start the separation process , hardly the Earth Clane smote their feet on the ground, which made the land split creating a deep ditch that separates the Diamond City to half . In order to complete the process , the royal family joined to send a huge toothed diamond in the bottom , then  manufacture a insulating field  to divide the sides and prevent the Redeyes who reached the ditch  from penetrating the field. 

  Zeke jumped at the last minute using his strings to cling to the other side and immediately as he arrived  , he looked behind with shock of people jumping and climbing as they try to reach his side of the ditch. Some who can and some who falls because of the ditch's distance and depth . Zeke sat on his knees where tears pouring down , beside him were people thinking how they managed to survive and people on the opposite side were screaming in fear. The soldiers couldn't do anything but close their eyes to avoid the scene . 


Zeke:" My story may seem sad , but there are lots of people who have lived through much more painful moments than I did . "

Tom :"Can they attack from behind the kingdom ?"

Zeke:"Follow me ."

The sun is already gone , they walked for a short distance heading to a hill , looking at  Leyol sea ,which is characterized by the presence of blue shining shells on its shore at nightfall. Those blue shells sparkle as the tide advances towards the shore, creating a breathtaking view.   

Ayami:"I lived in the kingdom my whole life , not seeing this beauty . " 

Zeke:"That's what you'll find on this side , The sea is separated from the beach by a net wall with hanging diamonds to connect the field with the ditch area and the ocean to cover the kingdom .In addition to the large number of big rifles placed in the mountains between the shore , also the fourth army headquarters on the left , no one I mean no one can pass this area. "

Greed:"Are you sure, cause Christine is heading right to the shore."

Zeke:"Wha...What is she doing ."

Ayami:"The army's  headlamp will notice us."

Nichole whispers:"Jason you fool , come back here ."

Jason , comes down from the hill:" We'll be in trouble if no one gets her back ."

Jason with himself:"That madness girl."

Christine, standing at the bottom of the hill:"What a waste of nature,  just seeing it from here makes you realize that the people here have been deprived of their freedom , they cannot even enjoy this soft sand and the relaxing scent of the sea. Stuck between two walls and hate blinds them. I think we should finish our training  ."

Christine, looked at him with a smile:"Let's bring to those people some hope , what do you think?" 

Jason, smiles back:"Yeah why not, we shall be stronger and rewrite the history of the legendary guards . "

To Be Continued.....