

Ao meng was in a dreadful mood this evening, the rain poured down around him as he walked down the dirty street. For the past 2 years he had worked as an apprentice blacksmith doing menial tasks in the hopes of learning the difficult trade and making something of his life.

As he continued down the street he pondered on his dreary life so far, he was a run of the mill poor kid, no background, no family to speak of. He grew up under the care of the streets and the kindness of the community.

Though the residents of the slums could barely live themselves they still generously spared what they could so that he was able grow to the 12 year old boy he was now. Though he only had the poorest of upbringings, he could say that he was happy, the citizens of the slums were like his family.

Slowly he made his way back to the slums of grent city, where he had grown up, and was recognised as an apprentice to his now former teacher. Ao Meng now realised he was too naive back then. He had once thought being chosen as an apprentice to the master blacksmith was too good to be true, Reflecting back on that thought he only felt irony that he didnt know how correct he was in thinking that. For him to be the only disciple picked from the slums. the rest were picked from the wealthy upper class and even though he showed talent his master never really thought of passing on his techniques or nurturing him as an apprentice, instead he was treated as an errand boy given false promises. Even the only light in the cloudy sky that was his life. His salary, was mediocre. further drained by various scenarios designed by his fellow disciples to scam and degrade him, the disciple with the poorest background to satisfy their ego.

His earnings were further reduced as he couldnt help but spend the remainder of his salary improving the lives of the slum people that he felt were family, watching as they went through hardship while he had the means to help made his heart pang with pain, as he imagined all the things they did for him over the years.

He had ingrained in himself that he should always return kindness and pay enmity.

"Ao'er what are you doing walking in the rain, youre going to get sick" the feminine voice woke him from his revery.

"oh sister ling, its you"

he looked over to see a girl around 14, with chubby cheeks and a playful innocence rarely found in the slums from her nice, clean & cute appearance you could tell she was doted on by the elders in the neighbourhood and treated like their own child. she treated Ao meng like her little brother.

"Come in side you silly boy", Ling xue grabbed his arm and pulled him inside a small alcove that was the entrance to her families small abode.

"so i can see somethings got you down, come inside and tell me all about it".

Ao Meng sighed he wasnt really in the mood to talk about his problems. Ling Xue again dragged him inside the shabby looking building, down the hallway and into the lounge room where he was unceremoniously shoved onto an old worn couch that had seen better years. as he sunk into the familiar comfort of the couch all the tension drained out of him. Ling Xue walked around the corner to the tiny kitchen and started to make some tea.

"so are you going to tell me or am i going to have to beat it out of you"

Ao meng proceeded to tell Ling Xue about the events that transpired while he was an apprentice.

Recounting the many times the other disciples had bullied him, and how the master would send him to do menial tasks, he aslo recounted the small benefits he managed to attain such as sneakily watching the master forging various items and grasping the basics of what forging is. As he regailed his story to Ling Xue while they sipped their tea he realised he missed this sense of familiarity and having someone to talk to. Ao Meng and Ling Xue continued chat and catch up on the events of their lives that each other missed eventually Ling Xue's parents returned. Surprised by the appearance of Ao meng at their abode after 2 years being away, they gushed and fawned over him.

Before he was an apprentice he would frequently stay with them as part of their family he even had a makeshift bed in the living room to sleep.

After chatting with his adopted family, he helped them make an extravagant dinner for his return, well extravagant for the slums they added more meat than usual to the table, and a few more of his favourite dishes he liked growing up. Looking at the family around the table he resolved to forget the bad experiences from the apprenticeship and enjoy what was in front of him. once they had finished the dishes in front of them and finished telling stories and catching up. They cleaned up then called it in for the night and headed off to sleep.

As Ao meng settled into the his makeshift bed, he felt happy yet confused. He was content and satisfied with his family, but he felt confusion on what he should be doing now that he was kicked from being a disciple. As he thought about these things he slowly drifted off to sleep.

Hi Everyone this is my first novel, so dont hate too much i know its not perfect but ill come back and review it later when my writing skills are better. I hope you continue to read this novel thanks.

HeavenlyMeatBuncreators' thoughts