
The legendary family.

A family that was put up to the task of protecting everything in existence and everything that will exist. Most of them right now are not even close to being ready for this task though. So let's just see how they manage such a tuff task. (between me and you, I have 0 faith in them.) Buuut they are the only hope so let's just ride along with them to the end.

zootmando · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
59 Chs

The kings story...

After almost being brutally tortured by A crazy queen, the king's group is officially on the run. Anyway, the group is just arriving in a forest and they are now close to the Lost forest. The group put the luggage they had in the infinite backpack so it wouldn't get in the way and they decided to leave the horses while going into the forest. Now to them walking through the forest.

"So would you rather fight a giant octopus or a giant seahorse?" Musabi was asked.

"Well, I would have to go with an octopus," The king responded.

"Yeah, an octopus does seem like it would be easier to damage," Luke nodded.

"I don't want the octopus because it's easier. But because it would sell for more."

"I wonder how a giant octopus would taste," Ashly drooled.

"You always did like eating the most random stuff. You even tried to eat a fly before." Luke teased a little.

"Hey, I'm not weird if that's what you are trying to imply!" Ashly raised her voice a little.

"But you are a weirdo just like us," Stagnum said grinning.

"You got that right. Who the hell want's to be like everybody else anyway?" The king beamed.

"Yeah, I guess that would be pretty boring," Ashly nodded.

After walking and talking for a while as they walked they came upon an out-normally big tree.

"Ok right here. We got to walk through this tree. It's a portal." The king said.

"Oh, I want to go first!" Stagnum tried to run inside the tree and smacked it and fell backward.

"Did it work?" Stagnum said sitting up.

"No the portal wasn't open." The king said.


"Just follow behind me, you guys." The king opens the portal and walked in. The group follows him. They appeared in another forest that had a bit of mist.

"We are now officially in the lost forest boys and girls." The king said grinning.

"Hell yeah! another step of our adventure." The group high-fived each other.

"There is a village up ahead." The king said as he started walking.

As they arrived in the village they saw basically really cool tree houses and some shops. The air was nice. No mist was in the village and it was a clear blue sky.

"Woooah." The group was amazed.

"Yeah, that was my reaction when I first saw this." The king grinned.

They instantly attracted attention. Because all the people there were dressed in caveman and woman-type clothing. No pants, long shirt type thing. And one more thing...

"Why is everybody staring at us?" Luke whispers to the king.

"I got a few ideas. But as of right now it doesn't matter because guards are about to surround us." The king said putting his hands up.


Then all of a sudden 20 guards surrounded the group.

"Look at their ears!" One of the guards said.

"What's wrong with our ears?!" Stagnum said feeling his ears.

"Why the hell do we always end up in these situations?" Musabi wearily sighed.

"I thought this is normal for you guys at this point," Ishiga said putting her hands up.

The thing that sorted them out from everybody was the fact that the forest was filled with elves. So everybody had elf ears but them.

"Take them to the king and queen!" One of the guards yelled. He looked to be the commander of the army.

The guard's tide Iracuj rope around them and started leading them to a giant tree that had a weird shape like an apple at the end of the road. They walked them in there and push them to their knees in front of a guy and girl that sat on a throne. They looked to be no older than 18.

"You demon race has found a way to our village? How you damn demons!?" The man said from his throne. The man had black hair and midnight blue eyes.

"Um...we're not demons." The king said casually.

"Your demon lies can't fool me! Demons can take the shape of a human. But they cannot copy elf ears. And no human alive knows about this place!" The man denounced.

"That's not true though. Because we are human." The king said.

"You dare lie to my face!"

"Man how did this kingdom go being ruled by somebody as great as Jahol to this dumbass." The king sighed.

"Don't you dare speak of the great King Jahol!" The man said standing up.

"I can speak of him if I want to. However, you got no right speaking of my brother in arms." The king's face turned serious.

"What is this nonsense you spout?" The lady said. She had dark blue hair and black eyes.

"Have you heard the story of Jahol?" The king asked.

"Yes, Jahol is my ancestor. He died fighting for this village and to make peace between demons and elves. So I don't get why you demons are breaking the boundaries that have kept the peace for so many years." The queen said calmly.

"Oh! So you're Jahol However many greats, granddaughter. Makes more sense cause that dumbass over there. Definitely not fits to be the leader of this village." The king looked at the man.

"You litt-"

"You speak of my ancestor as if you knew him. What's your name?" The queen said cutting off the man.

"...Well I guess I was going to tell you guys eventually anyway." The king said looking at his group.

"?????" The group looked at him confused.

"Well, my real name is...Toyomo."

"Toyomo!?" everybody in the room said at the same time.

"Toyomo! The one that Jahol looked at as brother! But that's impossible!" The Queen said.

"But it's not. When I was younger me and my friends had a spell put on us that made us age slower. And it runs in the family bloodline. So even you age slower but It depends on how much KIN you have for the power to activate. Looking at you I'm gonna say by the time your reach 26 you'll start aging slower." The king said grinning.

"...Untie this Mr.Toyomo and his group at once!" The queen demanded the guard.

"Who are you really?" Luke wonders to himself about Toyomo.

"Aright all guards can leave now. Don't worry I trust these people." The queen demanded. The guards bowed then left.

"Mr.Toyomo it is an honor to meet you." The queen stood up and took a bow.

"No need to be so formal. You can just call me Tom." The king said.

"Oh ok then. My name is Elizabeth Santroole. And this is my husband Emil. Tom, you didn't just come here for no reason surely? What do you need and I will try everything in my power to get it."

"I came here to make weapons and some for my group and some for me."

"If you just need some weapons our blacksmith will help you."

"Thanks for your help. I already got the materials in my bag. But all I need is the blacksmith station and I'll make the weapons myself. But I can't do it without Jahol's tools. That's why I came here."

"Oh, I see. Well, Great Jahols tools are in a small shack in town but he put a barrier around it so nobody is able to get in."

"That shouldn't be a problem for me." The king said grinning.

"Alright, you guys we are going to be living here for a while. So you will need to train here so you can use the weapons I'm about to make. The weapon-making process will take a while so I won't be there to supervise you guys." The king said turning to his group.

"Ok. But after you are done we have many questions for you." Luke said.

"Fair enough. Elizabeth I'm just going to call you Liz. And also can you get somebody to train them while I'm doing stuff?"

"It shall be done."

"Thank you. Alright, I'm heading to the shack to start, see ya." The king said as he walked out.

The King quickly headed to the shack and walked in with no problems.

"Man this place brings back memories." Because of the barrier, it was left the same as it was all those years ago.

"Alright, I should get to work."

Meanwhile at Liz's Castle if you can even call it that.

"Tom himself told me to make sure you all are trained enough to use his weapons by the time he comes out that shack so we should get to work," Liz said stepping off her throne.

"right!" The group said.

Years ago...

A baby was born and left in a field to die because the mother could not take care of him. Even though the baby was alone he did not cry. He stared into the blue sky above and waited silently. Then as the sun was going down a man stubble upon him no older than 35.

"You are adorable. I wonder why somebody would want to get rid of a baby as cute as you. Don't worry now I'll take home and get you some food."

The man took the baby home and started raising him as his own along with 2 other kids. The baby also got a mother that day as well. The father's name was Peter. And the mother's name was Sue. The brother's name was Tom. And his sister's name was Pam. And the baby's name was Toyomo.

7 years later.

"Mom, can we go outside and play?" Toyomo asked with his brother and sister behind him.

"Yes, honey. Just make sure you all are back by nightfall." Sue had a gentle smile.

"Ok! Bye mom!" The kids said as they ran out the door.

They lived in a cabin not too far away from the nearest kingdom.

"Hey what do you guys feel like doing today?" Toyomo asked.

"How about a race. The person in last place has to help mom with washing clothes." Pam said knowing that she was going to win the race. She was 2 years older than Toyomo.

"Alright, I'm in," Toyomo said.

"I won't lose this time Toyomo!" Tom said clutching his fist.

"Heh, I doubt it," Toyomo said shrugging him off.

Toyomo and Tom's race record was 10 to 6.

They started at a tree.


They all started running a full sprint. Pam was in first. Tom and Toyomo were neck and neck. As expected Sue came in first. And Tom and Toyomo both...tied. They took the time to catch their breaths.

"Dang it. I think we tied." Tom said.

"Yeah we did so I guess we both just have to help mom." Toyomo smiled.

"That's fine with me. But next time I'll beat you for sure!"

"I won't let that happen." Spark a lightning shot between them.

"Welp at least I know I'm faster than you two," Pam said cockily.

"One-day I'm going to make you eat my dust!" Tom responded.

"Yeah, you not that much faster than us we'll catch up soon." They all looked super competitive.

"Let's race again!" Tom said.

"You know what I was just thinking the same thing!" Toyomo stud up.

"I'll show you guys you can't catch me!" Pam said.

They end up racing again and again until the sun was going down. Tom 9. Toyomo 12. Pam has beaten them every time so she has 21 wins.

"She beat us every time." Tom hung his head in shame.

"I guess we got to try harder next time."

"Yep!" Pam sat there with a cocky smile.

They fell on their butts and took some breaths.

"...Hey guys what do you guys want to be when you grow up?" Pam asked.

"I want to be powerful and one day run my own kingdom," Tom said as the stars were just about to come into the night sky.

"Hmm. I guess I'll become strong and become a powerful protector of your kingdom." Toyomo beamed.

"Heh. So I guess we all want to become stronger. Well In your kingdom you'll need a strong teacher for schools. So I want to study more. So I can be that teacher." Pam smiled.

"Then it's settled we will build a kingdom together!" Tom was happy.

"Oh shoot, It's getting dark lets head in," Pam said.

"Yeah, it's about time," Peter said to Sue.

Sue nodded. They both had serious looks.

The kids walked in and they change their faces.

"We're back," Tom said.

"You guys were really cutting it close with that time limit I gave you!" Sue said pulling their ears.

"Ouch!" Nobody got away from the ear pull.

"Go easy on them. They did make it back on time." Peter said.

"Do you want your ears pulled too!" Sue responded.

"No ma'am!" Peter quickly mined his own business.

"Now go get change. You don't look cute with those dirty clothes on." Sue said.

"Yes, ma'am." They all said running.

They got into their nightclothes and sat down for dinner.

They ate soup and laugh and talked at the table. Their dad telling 18+ jokes and Sue getting mad at him for doing so. But they always had fun when they ate together.

"Alright everybody off to bed," Sue said after dinner.

"Alright goodnight." The kids said as they went into their room and fell asleep on the one bed in their room.

The next day...

"Hey, wake everybody we have a special guest coming today!" Sue said pulling the covers off them.

"Who's coming today?" Tom said wiping his eyes.

"That's a secret." Sue seemed a bit overly excited.

They all looked at each other in confusion. Then they got out of bed and got dressed.

"Goodmorning dad." the kids said sitting at the table still a little tired.


"Um, so who's coming today?" Toyomo asked.

"It's a surprise. Just like your mom said."

"Dang it."

They sat there for a good while their mom was already cleaning and looked like she was in a good grove so they didn't want to disrupt it.

"She is really going to town with the cleaning," Pam whisper to Tom and Toyomo.

"I know right."

After waiting a little while longer the dad went outside then yelled "He's here!" The kids went outside to see who was coming.

They saw guards on horses pulling a carriage. With about seven more guards on the sides of it.

"I-is that a Royalty!?" Pam gasped.

The mother came out and stud next to them.

The horses stopped in front of them. And a Beer belly chubby cheeks guy stepped out of the carriage. And he looked cocky for no reason at all.

"How do you all do." The guy said.

"We are doing fine," Sue said bowing a little bit.

His eyes darted to the kids.

"So these are your kids?"

"Yes, your majesty. Say hi you guys." Sue said as she fixed her hair.

"Hello." They all said taking a bow.

"Oh, how cute."

"Yeah I try but they always get so dirty from playing outside." While they talked Toyomo notices something down the trail but he couldn't make out what it was.

"Any way we can go inside and talk. Kids, you go play." Peter said.


The kids walked away as they went inside.

"Hey, guys follow me," Toyomo said running into the wood.

"What is it?" Tom said.

"There is something down the trail, but I don't want to walk past those guards," Toyomo whisper.

"So you were planning on walking past them through the woods?" Pam asked.

Toyomo nodded.

"Alright then sounds like a plan."

They started their walk going deep into the woods so the guards wouldn't notice them.

"Right here. we can start coming out of the woods." Toyomo whisper as they came out of the woods slowly. As they creep out of the woods they saw something horrible. Only something without feelings of guilt could do...

See you next time Space cowboy.