
The legendary family.

A family that was put up to the task of protecting everything in existence and everything that will exist. Most of them right now are not even close to being ready for this task though. So let's just see how they manage such a tuff task. (between me and you, I have 0 faith in them.) Buuut they are the only hope so let's just ride along with them to the end.

zootmando · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
59 Chs

Love is nice...

As Elizabeth went back to her house she started thinking about how close she got to Carver and her face turned red in shame and embarrassment and her heart started to beat fast.

When she got home she tried to relax. She didn't see her husband anywhere. She headed to her bedroom about to lay down. Then that's when she saw it.

"What...The hell is going on here!?" Elizabeth saw her husband in their bed with another woman. Nice way to start the chapter right?

"Wait Elizabeth it's not what it looks like!" He was quick to try to defend himself but was guilty without a doubt.

"Then what is this!?" Liz looked pissed and tears started to come to her eyes.

"I-It's um..." He couldn't think of anything.

"Shut the hell up I don't want to hear it! I'm gonna tell you what this is not! This is not a game! Get your small dick and your fucking skank gold digger out my damn house!" Elizabeth went over and snatched both of them out of the bed and dragged them by the hair and tossed them out the house down the stairs while they were both naked. Then she slammed the door.

Then she slid down the shut door as tears came down her face. And she sat there for a while.

The next day...

Carver woke up from the spot that they were reading manga in. He stood up and walked out of the cabin and stretched.

"Another nice day...I want some damn spaghetti. Guess I'll go see if I can find the ingredients to make it myself. But I want it to be perfect!" And with that The adventure for the perfect spaghetti began.

As he walked to go shopping he wanted to go see what Liz was doing so he headed to her house or castle whatever the hell you want to call it.

He knocked on the door then opened it when nobody answered. Liz's body fell out because she was still sleep leaned against the door.

Carver crouched down and gently shook her.

"Hey...wake up..." As Carver shook her she slowly opened her eyes.

"...Morning time already?" Liz sat up and looked around.

"Why are you sleeping at the door?"

"...I was just tired I guess and I fell asleep right there."

"You're bad at lying Liz. Why are you sleep at the door?" Carver said, a little more serious.

"I'm not bad at lying...you're just too good at noticing things. Last night I caught my husband cheating." Liz wiped her eyes.

"LET'S FUCKING GOOO!" Carver yelled in his head.

"Damn that sucks...was she cute. The girl he was cheating with I mean." Carver said, chuckling.

"You ass! Don't you see that I'm really upset about this!?"

"Don't get so mad Liz. You must have forgot that your house can be seen by everybody and you're starting to draw eyes." Carver just smiled and helped her up.

"Just leave me alone. I don't want to see anybody right now." Liz walked back into the house and tried to shut the door but Carver caught it.

"Look I know you must be sad. It's never fun to be sad and alone. I'll be chilling here with you so don't get all depressed on me." Carver walked in and Liz didn't try to stop him.

"Fine, do what you want." Liz mopped to her throne and sat down.

"Damn she looks depressed already. What should I do? Something random!" Carver thought to himself. Then he went over to Liz and sat on her lap.

"W-what the hell are you doing!? You're heavy!"

"Don't worry about what I'm doing. Worry about how the logic behind my logic is somebody else's in a certain way because I was taught somebody else. Or how water Ichigo beats Naruto." He was just thinking of stuff off the top of his head.

"What the hell are you even talking about!?" Liz tried to push him off.

"I know what you're thinking! And I don't need a reason! Don't tell me cause it hurts!" That song doesn't even exist in this damn Timeline!

"What the hell are you singing! Stop being weird! And get off me!" Liz struggled some more to push him away.

"The fitness gram pacer test is a multi-"

"STOP SAYING RANDOM STUFF!!" Liz pushed with all her might and Carver grabbed her hand and picked her up.

"Hey, Liz have you ever tried dancing before?"

"Yes I have but why are you asking that now you weirdo!?"

"I have no clue. I don't even know what I'm going to say next. At this point, I'm just doing everything without thinking. Anyway, try to feel better. Seeing you depressed sucks. If it makes you feel any better I wouldn't cheat on you for nobody." Caver smiled and set her down.

"I guess that does make me feel better."

"How about this. We sit here and say screw the rest of today and chill to the max! I'll go buy some food and make something. Hopefully, my cooking skills will seduce you." Carver smiled even more.

"Wow, you really aren't thinking right now are you? Fine, we can do what you said. Get some manga while you're out." Liz sat back down in her chair and rested her head on her hand.

Carver waved goodbye and ran out the door.

An hour later...

"I'm back!" Carver said walking through the door.

"Took you long enough," Liz said, sitting up her chair. She changed into a nightgown.

"Damn you sexy! Anyway where I'm gonna get to cooking. Here, let some manga keep you busy in the meantime." Carver set down a bag of manga and went into the kitchen.

Carver put on an apron with a cool design on it and got to cooking. He put one knife in his mouth and had 2 knives in his hand. All he needed was green hair and he'd be set.

Anyway, he got to cooking and looked like some food war shit, to be honest. Anyway, It took about 40 mins then the food was done.

He scooped some food out and put it in 2 bowls.

"It's not perfect but it's good. Maybe next time." Carver smiled and put 2 forks in the bowls and carried them out to Liz.

"Finally finished," Carver said, handing the bowl to Liz.

"It smells so good in her. I hope the food tasted as good as it smells." Liz said setting down her book. Then she took a bite.

When she did her eyes widened, And a huge feeling of happy feelings and good memories gently came over her. A tear went down her face.

"Damn I knew it. My spaghetti still needs work." Carver said, taking a bite.

Liz looked at Carver confused.

"What are you saying!? This is the best thing I've ever tasted!" Liz said, taking another bite.

"It's not good enough yet. I'll be making food often until it's perfect. You wanna be my taster?" Carver asked Liz.


Carver smiled and sat down on the throne next to her's.

"So how ya feeling?" Carver asked.

"I'm still a little sad but this helped." Liz grinned a little.

"Glad to hear because I can't have you depressed all the time. A relationship like that would suck."

"Who said I was your woman!?"

"Are you saying you're not?" Carver just looked at her and waited for her answer.

"...I don't want to answer!" Liz turned her head away.

"You know you want me," Carver said chuckling.

"Shut up!"

"Alright then...I'll be taking my spaghetti and manga and leave then." Carver stood up and was about to walk past her.

"Wait hold on." Liz grabbed the back of his shirt.

"I just went through a breakup. Could you just give me some time? I know I like you but I don't want to get hurt again."

"Hey don't get sad again. I understand that." Carver turned around and got close to her face and smiled gently.

"I already decided that you're the girl I'm trying to be with so no need to rush-" Suddenly Carver was cut off by Liz kissing him.

On the outside, Carver was calm on the inside though..."Fuck yeah! She likes anime and fighting. She is definitely wife! I'm about to smash as well! Today is a good day!" Carver pulled her closer and they- Well never mind, I'm not narrating that. Mind ya damn business... They end up having sex multiple times on the floor right there. That's all you're getting out of me. Anyway the next day...

*Knock knock knock.

They both woke up to somebody knocking. Carver had no clothes on but he got up anyway to answer the door.

Carver opens the door and the person standing there was Liz's ex-husband.

"Who are you?" Caver asked casually.

"I should be asking you that!" Ex yelled.

"Emil...That's your name right?" Carver asked.

"Yes it is and this is my-"

"I'm just gonna stop you right there my boy. Liz doesn't want to talk to you and she can't get up anyway. I wore her out last night. Had to put a barrier up because she kept screaming my name. I even got her to call me big meat senpai. Shit was funny as hell! Anyway, anything you want because she doesn't want to talk to you."

Emil looked destroyed. Ay, this his fault he cheated first.

"Hello? You good homie? Imma just shut the door now." Carver shut the door slowly and went and laid down next to Liz on the floor.

"Was that Emil?" Liz asked.

"Yeah, it was."

"The look on his face when he saw you must have been priceless." Liz turned to see Carver face to face.

"Oh, it definitely was." Carver chuckled.

"...Wanna go another round?" Liz asked.

"Say less."

Welp...They legit went for 2 days straight. Good for them. So I guess 3 days later...

Carver and Liz headed down to the train grounds to relax and watch people train. They were sitting by the wall so they didn't get in the way.

"Does it snow here?" Carver asked.

"Yeah it does but that season only comes once every 2 years. Why do you ask?"

"Just wondering because right now it should be snowing back home."

"Looks like you 2 are having fun!" Emil was standing there in front of them.

"...Can you go away?" Carver asked nicely.

"No, I can not just go away! Not after the shame, you made me feel!" Emil looked pissed.

"Alright then can you fuck off? I'm just trying to relax with my girl." Carver pulled Liz close and smiled.

"Don't touch her!" Emil yelled at Carver. People started to look.

"It's a little late for that my G."

"Emil why can't you just leave me alone? You cheated on me." Liz asked.

"Because it was the biggest mistake of my life! And I still love you!" This dude Emil on some bullshit.

"I don't care! I'm not being hurt by you again. I'm moving on to something better than you." Liz pulled Carver closer.

Emil looked even madder. "What does he got that I don't!?"

"Liz don't answer that. Let's just let him realized how dumb that question was." Carver had his father's cocky smile.

"Fight me! Right now!"

"I don't think that's something you want..." Liz tried to warn Emil.

"Fine. I'll give you the hands real quick." Carver stood up and they walked to the middle of the cave and got a person to tell them when to fight.

People gathered around to watch.

"The match between The newcomer Carver and The queen's husband- what's that...Ex-husband? And The queen's Ex-husband will start on my mark!" Emil got ready as the ref talked. Carver just stood there with a smile on his face. It irritated Emil!

"Both people Ready!? Ready set fight!"
