
The Legendary F Rank

Haru was the best mage in the Japanese army. Building up a amazing reputation before deciding to give up his life in the military and settle down. His plans were cut short as he found himself in the body of a baby. He taught himself magic again from scratch before finding himself in a dire situation whilst on his first school trip causing him to give up on magic and take on the art of Chinese cultivation. His master was a soul fragment of an ancient cultivator who placed his soul inside of a golden ring in the shape of a dragons body. What kind of mysteries did this ring hold? And who was this cultivator who saved Haru from the brink of death?

Zero_Things · Fantasy
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382 Chs

Luo Yang.

Chapter 112: Luo Yang.

"If it is none of Jasper's business then it must be mine right? So why do you keep following me? I made it clear that I don't want anything to do with you." Haru stated as he turned to look at Maya, The short blond elven girl. 

"I- Uh… I'm sorry." She whispered underneath her breath.

"You're sorry? What difference does that make? Do you even know what you should be sorry for? Or are you just saying you are sorry in hopes that you can manipulate me into trusting you?" Haru asked. He had seen how she thought that she was above him earlier in the day so he was less trusting as to what her intentions were.

"Fine. I am sorry for being a spoiled brat. I am sorry for shouting at you and I am sorry for speaking to you like you were a servant." Maya shouted. It seemed like it took a lot out of her to admit to her mistake but she seemed a lot more genuine than she did earlier.